Wednesday, May 31, 2023

About Time Travel

About Time Travel

KatIstheSea3 @katisthesea3

Q The Storm Rider often posts about Time Travel.

🇺🇸 5-22 "WWG1WGA" is a MIL protocol
pertaining to Cheyenne MT
Looking glass only LOOKS into future past present
The Philadelphia Experiment → Tesla/JGTrump
in the creation of → time traveling program
WWG1WGA is a MIL protocol to ACTIVATE
the TESLA Time Machines under Cheyenne Mt…
The WWG1WGA protocol has now been initiated
The WWG1WGA protocol refers to HUMANS on Earth
traveling into the NEXT dimension 👉 as one 👈❤️

🇺🇸 QTSR has also posted: 2036++++++ Barron 💥

🦅 5-30-23, today, il Donaldo Trumpo posted
“BARRON 2040”

🇺🇸 Juan O Savin recently said, “lot of bends & twists in the road.”

It doesn’t get more bendy & twisty than Time Travel
& breaking into the NEXT as ONE 😹🕊💞


Monday, May 29, 2023

Where We Go One, We Go All: Galactic Federation of Worlds May Q&A with Val Nek

Where We Go One, We Go All:
Galactic Federation of Worlds
May Q&A with Val Nek

High Commander Val Nek and his supervisor answer questions. Topics include: Peace Corps and JFK, Crop Circles, China and US secret space programs, Starseed Envoy Program, High Council of the Federation and Training Federation Soldiers, ET Units of Measurement, Blue Origin Moon Lander.

To ask a question for the next Q&A, private coaching sessions, and LIVE Q&A's join Megan's Patreon channel:

Welcome to the Future Book:

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Sunday, May 28, 2023

Gene Decode Unveils inner Earth Cities The Galactic Talk

Gene Decode Unveils
Inner Earth Cities
The Galactic Talk

NOV 2022 - Gene Decode joins Taino to talk about UNDERGROUND cities & Inner Earth cities and continents. Gene Decode shares a thoughtful message from a being from the Inner Earth; that was shared with James Gilliland. A powerful video clip starring Gene Decode & Taino on The Galactic talk

Rumble link:

Sasquatch and The Military

Sasquatch and The Military

Discussing the variant Sasquatch & Military activity reported by several whistleblowers.

Link to MK Davis Patty facial close-up...

Link to MK Davis second video concerning Patty facial close-up...

YouTube link:

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Sightings, Landings, Humanoids: 20 True Cases

Sightings, Landings, Humanoids:
20 True Cases

There are many strange patterns to UFO activity, and one of them appears to be a connection to the food crop, alfalfa. There are dozens of cases in which UFOs are seen over alfalfa fields. These are not only low-level sightings, but landings and humanoid encounters. They have been occurring since the modern age of UFOs and continue today.

The question is why? What is it about alfalfa that is attracting so many UFOs? This video presents a chronology of cases from all over the world. Most of these cases involve physical evidence such as animal reactions, physiological effects, electromagnetic disturbances, and most often: landing traces. These cases not only provide outstanding evidence of UFO reality, they provide some startling insights into ET behavior.

Jan 1950: Rosamond CA. The Gettys family is startled when as UFO hovers at low level over their alfalfa farm, causing all kinds of unusual effects.

Dec 1953: Tome, NM. Farmer Julian Torres and his wife are drawn outside by their barking dogs, only to see a 14-foot wide-glowing object hovering only a few feet above their alfalfa fields.

Sep 1962: Orland, CA. Rancher A.T. Gray goes to investigate what he first thought were two cars parked in an alfalfa field, only to realize it was a UFO shining down beams onto the plants.

Dec 1965: Tucuman, Argentina. Farmer Antonio Lozano watches a glowing red object land in his field, leaving behind a 15-foot-wide burned circle in his alfalfa field.

Mar 1969: Marshall, MI. It was a sunny morning when Wayne Kidder and his family saw a dome-shaped object parked in their alfalfa field. It stayed for 20 minutes when it disappeared suddenly.

Aug 1970: Vallodolid, Spain. Mrs. C.R. is drawn outside by an eerie whistling noise to see a landed metallic craft. Standing next to it is a uniformed humanoid staring intently at their alfalfa fields.

Sep 1974: Sioux City, IA: George Hoffman steps outside his farmhouse and sees a glowing object darting low over his alfalfa fields. Inspecting the area, he finds a semi-circle of burned vegetation.

Aug 1975: Rochester, MN. When numerous residents see a UFO land at a local alfalfa farm, an inspection of the area reveals a strange landing trace shows exposure to a very high heat source.

Sep 1975: Starbuck, MN. Farmer Gordon Hovendick usually grew corn, but this year decided to grow alfalfa. When harvesting his crop, he discovers numerous strange rings of burned vegetation in his fields.

Aug 1977: Arthur, NB. When Janet Magnuson and her cousin have a close-up encounter with a UFO, an investigation reveals a burned circle in a nearby alfalfa field.

Oct 1980: Orbisonia, PA. An anonymous witness is picking alfalfa for her rabbits when a UFO hovers low overhead. She brings the alfalfa home, but her rabbits refuse to eat it.

Jan 1981: Trans-en-Provence, France. Retired stonemason Renato Nicolai encounters a landed UFO in the wild alfalfa next to his house, leading to one of the most well-verified UFO landing trace cases on record.

Oct 1984: Prato di Principato, Italy. Alfalfa farmer Giuseppe Cocozza is checking his fields when he comes upon a 3-foot-tall humanoid holding a strange instrument and poking it into the ground. When the figure notices Giuseppe, it flees towards an oddly-shaped craft landed nearby.

Aug 1988: Elmwood, WI: Farmers Charles and Evelyn Hutchins are shocked to find strange circular rings in their alfalfa fields, only to learn that their neighbor had seen UFOs in the area.

Oct 1990: Barada, NB: Charlie Kirkendall is cutting his alfalfa fields and discovers two mysterious circles burned into his field. Neighbors flock to his field to see, when word spreads that some of the neighbors in the area have been seeing strange lights at night.

Aug 1992: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Phyllis Collins finds a nine-foot-diameter circle of flattened alfalfa in her fields and calls in an agricultural scientist to investigate, who informs her that he has been studying numerous similar circles made recently in the surrounding areas.

Aug 2000: Kondoros, Hungary. An anonymous farmer is driving his tractor through his alfalfa fields when he is confronted by a short humanoid figure less than feet tall who fearlessly approaches him.

As these cases (and many others) show, ETs are attracted to alfalfa. Could it be that they recognize its value as a food source, rich in vitamins and useful for its many medicinal properties? It certainly looks that way! Whatever the reason, the connection between UFOs and alfalfa is undeniable. There are too many cases to ignore. ETs love alfalfa!

Preston Dennett Website:

YouTube link:

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Orbs, Space Arks, Motherships

Orbs, Space Arks, Motherships

Highlights from the Orbs, Space Arks & Motherships: Why the Deep State Fears Them webinar completed on May 13. Webinar presents and analyzes newly released information from a wide range of sources on Space Arks, ET Motherships and their connection to the many orbs that are increasingly being sighted around the world. Some of the orbs are extraterrestrial in origin, while others have been built by aerospace companies. Historical examples of both were presented to attendees to better understand what is happening today.

YouTube link:

Ismael Perez: My Presentation at the Ascension Portal!

Ismael Perez:
My Presentation at the Ascension Portal!

Ascension, aliens, cosmic and galactic history.

YouTube link:

James Gilliland: Contact Happening Now

James Gilliland:
Contact Happening Now

They’re here, they have always been here but they are now ready for contact. For those who have an open mind, loving heart and pure intent they are a thought away. There have been sightings around military bases increasing exponentially. It is part of a multidimensional plan to liberate Earth. There are forces seen and unseen involved beyond our ability to remove, that have been at war with humanity for thousands of years. They have been behind every war, every plague, every economic collapse, they thrive on the pain and suffering of humanity. They are involved in everything from drug, child, and sex trafficking to human sacrifice. They are now trying to bring us to WW3. It’s time to grow up. You no longer have the luxury of denial. Whistleblowers are coming forward in every agency including SSP Secret Space Fleet speaking about harvesting humans and abducting them as slaves. This is also replete within the upper echelons of many of your institutions. Most people cannot handle the depth of corruption and depravity. Satanic/Luciferian forces within the global elite have taken control of almost every institution. This is being rectified with help on high.

The reason everything is looking like theater is because it is. Many of these leaders have already been dealt with. What you are seeing are actors, masks and CGI for the most part in an attempt to wake up the socially engineered brain washed masses. Many of the socially engineered lack critical thinking, base logic and are research impaired. They suffer from cognitive dissonance while others are morally impaired to the point they are no longer redeemable. Some very hard lessons are coming for them.

Universal Law is coming, Gesara what was once Nesara is being enforced. It was always in play since the Clinton Era yet now it will be implemented. There will be some chaos during this process, prepare for it. The Sun governs the evolution of Earth, all Suns are connected. The consciousness and energy of God/Creator/Great Spirit flows through the Suns and is vibrationally lifting the entire galaxy including the Earth and all its inhabitants. It is part of the awakening and healing process some call the planetary liberation from darker forces that have made Earth their home since time began.

It is not just Satan/Lucifer, demons and wayward discarnate spirits it is also serpent beings, Reptilians, Tall Greys and a host of others. The Orion Grey Alliance is one group that consists of many negative ETs which are in the process of being removed. They are not to be confused with the Orion Council of Light. Just as there are dark alliances there are light alliances. The Beautiful Many Saints, Sages, Ascended Masters, Archangels and a host of Spiritually and Technologically Advanced civilizations are coming to the aid of humanity. The ground crew is known as the White Hats, leaders and generals around the world gathered together to end the tyranny once and for all. Watch who the mainstream media demonizes if you want to know who the good guys are. Nothing is as it seems.

The Sons of Arcturus, the sweet energies of the Pleiades as mentioned in your bible and other sacred texts are part of this endeavor. There is the Orion Council of Light, Andromedan Council, Sirian Council, Pleiadian Council, and a host of others joining those on Earth desiring to end the tyranny and planetary enslavement. This also includes those within the Inner Earth, the Alantians, Lemurians and a host of other races living on your interior. Many escaped the floods and catastrophes by going within. They did not have to start over as primitives as the suface dwellers on numerous occasions. The legends of Elves and Fairies are real. Some are 6th dimensional and they control the doors to the interior. Your Bermuda Triangle is one of the larger doors, there are many others.

The enslavement through dependency is coming to an end. Most of your plagues and diseases will also come to an end. Longevity will increase and the Earth will prosper. Tyranny and all of it’s networks are coming to an end. Universal Law will prevail. We are in the birthing process of a whole new world. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing will be hidden, the true nature and character of everyone will be made known. Action/Reaction will be accelerated along with what many refer to as Karma. Those aligned with self-service at the expense of humanity and the Earth will not fare well in the days to come. Those that serve the network of tyranny will also not fare well. It is time to rise up, take back your power, be of service to humanity and the Earth. Love, the ultimate power of the Universe is what is coming. Those who cannot rise to the occasion will not be frequency specific to the shift that is upon us. Our highest suggestion is surrender to the God within, see the Creator within all Creation, release the past and do not comply with anything that is not aligned with Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law.

I was told contact with the leaders and masses is happening now, the Pleiadians, founders of Atlantis and Lemuria due to their extensive Tera forming on Earth along with the fact they have more genetic stock than any other race are in charge of the planetary liberation. The Ancient Lyrans (Annunaki) after their fall also have a karmic duty to set things right. The benevolent ones are returning and you will see them in your skies globally. If you ask where Jesus fits into all of this. It is part two and he is not alone. His prayer was that the beloved Father let them become one as we are one. There is no exclusivity on God. There are many mansions, many dimensions. Masters were sent to every culture. Now their true message will be heard. Things will move very fast from here on out. Focus on creating Heaven on Earth and again do not participate in anything outside of Universal Law.

Be well,
James Gilliland

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Why Turkey Is Considered as One of The Top Five UFO Hotspots in the World

Why Turkey Is Considered as
One of The Top Five UFO
Hotspots in the World

A well-known Turkish ufologist and advocate of extraterrestrial intelligent life, Mr. Haktan Akdogan established the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center in 1998, to communicate with other UFO research centers in the world and share the latest updates about UFOs.

Haktan belives that the UFOs have been in touch with human beings for ages, and that he personally had held many closed-door meetings attended by high-ranking military officials who claimed to have been in touch with extraterrestrials. In this previously unpublished presentation brought to you by Contact in the Desert Haktan will show numerous slides and video clips of UFOs from his archives.

YouTube link:

Underground Bases, Classified Space Programs, and Soviet UFO Secrets

Underground Bases, Classified Space Programs,
and Soviet UFO Secrets

From Area 51 to Cosmonauts in Space before Yuri Gagarin - enjoy the very best of Zohar’s & Phenomena Magazine Archives in this 2-hour special compilation, covering the following topics:
Area 51s Deep Underground Operations The Australian Outback Secrets
‘The Council of Nine’, Projects StarGate, and Serpo Exchange Program
Siberia’s Frozen Secrets
Why Did Aliens Retaliate in Russia’s 1978 UFO Attack Cover-Up?
There Are Strange Plasmoids that Live in Our Reality
So, Yuri Gagarin wasn’t the first cosmonaut?
The Dalnegorsk UFO Crash Left Russian Scientists Speechless
Agency RS/33 - Mussolini’s Secret UFO Files Revealed at Last

Rumble link:

Monday, May 22, 2023

Investigating Daniel Salter’s USAF and NRO Career and UFO/ET Revelations

Investigating Daniel Salter’s
USAF and NRO Career and
UFO/ET Revelations

Daniel Morris Salter worked for over 20 years with the USAF as an electronics communications expert and, in 1968, retired from active duty as a Command Sergeant Major—the highest rank for a non-commissioned officer. Early in his Air Force career, Salter had a UFO sighting in 1949, which propelled him to being offered a senior position in the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit – a top secret intelligence unit that investigated the UFO phenomenon. After his USAF retirement, he was recruited by the National Reconnaissance Office to work on extraterrestrial-related issues concerning covert UFO crash retrieval operations. His duties included silencing witnesses to crashed UFOs or extraterrestrial contact as part of a multitiered official intimidation program that began with verbal warnings, harassment and ended with assassination.

After more than a decade of working with the NRO, he retired. In 1993 he began revealing details of his experiences with other UFO disclosure witnesses such as Phil Schneider, who worked on Deep Underground Military Bases such as Dulce, New Mexico, and William Cooper, whose duties in the US Navy were very similar to Salter’s work with the USAF. Salter was among the Disclosure Project witnesses who gave video testimonies to Dr. Steven Greer and attended the latter’s famous May 2001 National Press Club Conference.

In 2003, Salter wrote Life With a Cosmos Clearance, where he shared some of his direct knowledge of extraterrestrial contact and UFO history. In it, he discussed several leaked Majestic documents that he knew to be real, but could not directly confirm with his own direct experiences due to Non-Disclosure Agreements with the NRO and the threat of assassination. Significantly, Salter shared some of his experiences and insider knowledge with his two grandsons, Daniel and Derek, who both graduated as mechanical engineers and currently work in the engineering industry.

In this Exopolitics Today podcast, I interview Daniel and Derek about their grandfather and what they personally witnessed or have learned from documents they found in Salter’s personal archives. We also discuss several leaked Majestic documents Salter discussed in Life with a Cosmos Clearance and what these reveal about the history of reverse engineering of alien technology. Finally, Daniel and Derek discuss what they know of how secret societies operate within the US military intelligence community to monopolize extraterrestrial-related information, and how their grandfather’s Freemason background helped him gain access to the deepest official UFO/ET secrets during his USAF and NRO career.

Daniel and Derek have their own podcast where they discuss their grandfather's knowledge and other witness testimonies on UFOs/ET life.

YouTube link:

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Reptilian War Against The Greys - Valdamar Valerian

Reptilian War Against The Greys -
Valdamar Valerian

Valdamar Valerian is an obscure writer who produced a series of books beginning in the late 80s title the Matrix. His books were full of declassified government documents, testimonies from experiencers, and whistle-blowers on various conspiratorial subjects. In this video I cover the basic information he reveals about the nature of the Reptilians, their slaves the Greys, and the contention between them.

Rumble link:

Friday, May 19, 2023

UFO History and Origins | Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure | Day 1 Part 1 (2013)

UFO History and Origins
Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure
Day 1 Part 1 (2013)

Held at the National Press Club, Washington D.C. April 29th - May 3rd, 2013.

In this captivating video, we take you back to the historic Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure held at the prestigious National Press Club in Washington, D.C. from April 29th to May 3rd, 2013.

Witness the gathering of forty esteemed researchers, including influential military, agency, and political figures, as they presented compelling evidence pointing towards an extraterrestrial presence engaging with humanity. The goal of this unprecedented event was to achieve what the U.S. Congress had overlooked for an astonishing forty-five years.

The National Press Club's main ballroom was meticulously transformed into a Senate hearing room, complete with designated press areas, an engaged audience, witness tables, and committee tables. Every effort was made to adhere to the protocols of congressional hearings. Committee members attentively received written and oral statements from the witnesses, asking probing questions about this profound subject matter.

Over five days, spanning five morning and five afternoon sessions, witnesses testified passionately for a total of thirty hours. Each session featured two panels of witnesses, with each panel lasting approximately ninety minutes. The Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure left an indelible mark on history.

YouTube link:

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Tracking Past Life Memories to Find Space Ark Crews

Tracking Past Life Memories
to Find Space Ark Crews

After completing his mission to an underground spaceport in the Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee region, JP was taken back to a military base where he handed off the healing technology his team had been given to his superiors. He then underwent a decontamination process and was instructed to go to a particular room where he was connected to an unknown technology. JP next began having a vision of a beautiful partially submerged city on another planet. JP recognized himself and a woman dressed in white coming out of the city whom he immediately recognized.

In this Exopolitics Today interview, JP discusses how the technology that was used on him can stimulate and record past life memories. He claims that this is extraterrestrial technology and is being used by the US military/Earth Alliance to track the crews of space arks that are activating all over the Earth. According to JP, the goal is to find crew members that can help activate different parts of space arks as apparently, these areas remain dormant and inaccessible to those without the right DNA frequencies and consciousness.

YouTube link:

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Ancient Civilizations of 1912 in Antarctica – Vatican Photos and 2003 Underground Romania

Ancient Civilizations of 1912 in Antarctica –
Vatican Photos and 2003 Underground Romania

If This Doesn’t Make YOU a Believer I Doubt Anything Will!?
- (61 PHOTOS) 1912 Captain Robert Scott with evidence of an Ancient Civilizations
- Ancient Egypt Photos from the Vatican
- Romania 2003 Underground Ancient Alien Base Photos
- 2003 discovery underground in Romania with pyramids 200 meters (656 feet) high and they have a hologram that tells how almost everything was created. Professor Bruno Mlhailescu discusses these findings with Sacha Stone. There are devices to communicate with even trees or dogs and even with rocks themselves!?

Bitchute link:

Al Bielek about Phil Schneider - Aliens, DUMB's, Time Travel, UFO's, HAARP, Dulce, 300+ pictures

Al Bielek about Phil Schneider -
Aliens, DUMB's, Time Travel,
UFO's, HAARP, Dulce,
300+ pictures

They hide lies in truth, truth in lies. I cannot attest to any of this information nor can I deny it. Remember what was unbelievable or science fiction just a decade or two ago? Who is to say or not to say? Use your own discernment.

Interview with Al Bielek about Phil Schneider, his suspicious death, aliens, DUMB's, UFO's, Dulce, HAARP, Montauk, time travel, Philadelphia experiment, Grenada treaty, Illuminati, occult and more. Some material is in bad quality, but don't forget that many people paid with their lives, just to show this information to you.

Dulce Book, Dulce Report, Dulce Papers, UFO Highway - Colonel X (grey weapon is conceptual art of real photo provided by him), Paul Bennewitz (he was provided with some disinfo by NSA), Thomas Castello (same as Paul), Sherry Shriner, Branton, Prepareforchange, Blue Planet Project, Pulsar Project

Bitchute link:

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Origins Unknown: The Alien Presence on Earth

Origins Unknown:
The Alien Presence on Earth

Detailed graphics and effects mark this documentary that takes on the recent wave of extraterrestrial revelations and military disclosures.

YouTube link:

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Twelve Weird and Freaky UFO Cases

Twelve Weird and Freaky
UFO Cases

If there is one word that sums up the UFO experience, it’s “phantasmagorical.” Whether a sighting, a landing, a face-to-face encounter, an onboard experience, or even a UFO crash/retrieval -- all of them contain levels of weirdness and high strangeness that are a consistent feature of UFO cases. The variety of UFO experiences are truly astonishing. They can be funny, bizarre, scary, traumatizing, enlightening, healing and more.

This video presents twelve cases which show just how truly weird and freaky the UFO experience can be. These cases come from across the United States and the world. Most involve multiple witnesses and varying kinds of physical evidence such as landing traces, animal reactions, physiological effects, electromagnetic disturbances and more. Each provides another piece of the puzzle towards solving the UFO mystery.

CASE 1: ET LEADS MAN TO WATER. In 1970, Wyoming rancher Pat McGuire became the laughing-stock of his community when he purchased a 6500-acre ranch in arid desert land and said he was going to grow crops there, something nobody else had done. But Pat had a secret, he was in contact with ETs, and they told him exactly where to dig his well.

CASE 2: ALIEN FISHERMEN. On Nov 2, 1972, Monsieur Vuillien of Doucier, France was shocked when a UFO drops down and hovers a mere 20 feet over his fish ponds where he’s raising 50,000 trout. Then the object begins to move closer, so he retrieves his gun and gets ready for a confrontation.

CASE 3: THE UFO & THE WASHING-MACHINE. The year of 1978 was a busy one for Evelyn Whiteway of Parson Cross, England. After two sightings earlier in the year, Evelyn had a third one. But this time it hovers over her house and causes a bizarre effect on her washing machine. And after that, the UFOs return!

CASE 4: THE ALIEN CHOCOLATE BAR. On the morning of Feb 28, 1974, a factory worker from Origney-En-Thierache, France is driving his moped to work when a UFO lands next to him, and out step two figures dressed in spacesuits. They stop his moped and hand him what looks like a chocolate bar, motioning for him to eat it. He is unable to resist and puts it in his mouth.

CASE 5: PAPERBOY SEES A UFO CRASH. On Feb 17, 1979, while delivering papers near his home in Tucson, AZ, 10-year-old Warren Weisman sees a small glowing object crash to the ground in front of him, damaging a car and mailbox. As he’s inspecting the weird metallic-looking object, a man-in-black shows up and suggests that he leave the area.

CASE 6: A UFO MAKES A FAMILY DIZZY. On Mar 11, 1979, while driving along Ware Road in Hertford, England, Alice Ball and her family stop the car to observe a glowing UFO. As it moves over the car, they experience several very strange physical effects.

CASE 7: THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE FROM A UFO. While walking his dog on the evening of Nov 21, 1980, near his home in Burneside, England, Mario Luisi comes upon a landed UFO. Out step two of the most beautiful people he has ever seen. And they want to talk to him.

CASE 8: A BOY SHOOTS AN ALIEN. On Mar 11, 1981, Cathy Gilpin and her 19-year-old son Arlin of Casey County, KY are drawn outside by a strange noise. Seeing a glowing object, they go to investigate. Cathy drives towards it, and feels a strange force pulling her to the object. She flees the scene, but Arlin goes outside with a gun and comes face-to-face with a 7-foot creature.

CASE 9: A UFO ROADBLOCK. Late at night in Feb 1983, Ante Jonsson was returning to his home in Tyngsrud, Sweden and saw what looked like a child on the road. Looking up, he saw a huge UFO. It darted away. Ante went home to get his camera and returned to the scene. The UFO was gone, but then it landed in the road. ETs came out and surrounded his car.

CASE 10: UFOS SUCK WATER FROM POOLS. In Jan 1984, many residents of Olavarria, Argentina observe a UFO hover over their swimming pools and suck the water right out of them. And this isn’t the first time this has happened.

CASE 11: A UFO MADE HIM PSYCHIC. In 1988, Stuart (a teacher in Mutare, Africa) was walking through a field when a UFO hovered low overhead. Time seemed to move in slow-motion as he fled the scene. After the sighting: he started predicting the future.

CASE 12: PINEAPPLE PINCHING ALIENS. In the late 1980s, pineapple farmer Harry Roy heard a loud thumping noise coming from his pineapple fields in Caloundra, Australia. Going to investigate, he saw something that they couldn’t believe or understand. They had just planted 15,000 pineapple plants. Every single one of them were gone.

As these cases show, just when you think you’ve heard everything about UFOs, another case comes along and makes you realize that we still have much to learn about UFOs and the ETs visiting our planet. They show that not only are we NOT alone in this universe, but that extraterrestrials are intervening on many levels. There are too many cases to ignore. The truth is coming out!

Preston Dennett's Website:

YouTube link:

Friday, May 12, 2023

"Only Few People On Earth Know About This!" | NIKOLA TESLA

Nikola Tesla a Hero and a Genius!

"Only Few People On Earth Know About This!" |

They can't hide it anymore!.

YouTube link:

The Bigfoot of Bailey Colorado and its Portal

The Bigfoot of Bailey Colorado
and its Portal

A group of Bigfoot researchers created a Bigfoot hotspot and identified an alien portal located in a Native American sacred tree in Bailey, Colorado.

YouTube link:

Varginha UFO Crash: Alien Contact, Government Denial and Coverup

Varginha UFO Crash:
Alien Contact, Government Denial and Coverup

The North American Air Defense Command, known as NORAD, was established in 1958. It was to provide early warning and defense against Soviet bombers and missile launches.

But it wasn't long before NORAD would be monitoring skies around the entire planet.

Early in the morning, on January 13th, 1996, NORAD contacted Brazilian Air Defense to report an object entering the Earth's atmosphere about 200 miles Northeast of Sao Paolo.

When asked what type of object, NORAD said it was "unidentified". A few minutes later, it crashed somewhere near the town of Varginha.

The Brazilian Army and Air Force quickly scrambled to get to the crash site before any civilians did.

But they were too late. The craft was seen -- and the beings driving the craft: we're gone.

Over the next few days, a series of events would unfold that would change the lives of the people in Varginha forever.

Well, at least the lives of the people who survived.

YouTube link:

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Contact Ep. 24 ~Negumak vs Ciakahrr - Is a Galactic war Brewing?

Contact Ep. 24 ~Negumak vs Ciakahrr -
Is a Galactic war Brewing?

Elena Danaan:
The Negumak Gnomopo, nemesis of the Deep State, presented a request to the Galactic Federation of Worlds, on April 19 2023. With the High Command, I attended the most frightening and fascinating meeting in my whole life...

YouTube link:

Article linked to this video report:

Ancient Draco Reptilian vs Negumak Insectoid Conflict – Earth Joining the Galactic Federation

Ancient Draco Reptilian vs Negumak Insectoid Conflict –
Earth Joining the Galactic Federation

The Negumak are a powerful insectoid species that are the ancient enemies of the Draconian Reptilian Empire that have long interfered in human affairs. Reclusive and mysterious, the Negumak have long been courted by the Galactic Federation of Worlds to join their growing alliance against the Draconians and the latter’s Orion Gray (Nebu) allies in an ongoing galactic-wide conflict. In her 2021 book, A Gift from the Stars, Elena Danaan first described the Negumak and failed Galactic Federation efforts to recruit them.

In this Exopolitics Today interview, Danaan describes her recent updates about attending a diplomatic meeting on April 19 involving the Negumak and their response to a renewed Galactic Federation attempt to have them join their alliance against the Draconian Empire. She claims that recent Negumak skirmishes with the Draco have created the conditions for a union to be finally formed. Such an alliance will have significant implications for Earth as humanity is on course to join the Galactic Federation after the final defeat of the Deep State, which comprises the former minions of the Draco Empire.

In 1989, the Negumak first made contact with Earth’s governments. Soon after the Draco’s Deep State minions went into action by starting a psychological warfare campaign depicting the Negumak as evil aliens with genocidal plans for humanity. Movies such as Independence Day and the Alien vs. Predator series of movies are examples of this covert perception campaign emerging from Hollywood blockbuster movies. In the two Alien vs Predator movies, the Predators (resembling Draco Reptilians) are depicted as frenemies to humanity, whereas the Aliens (resembling Negumak) are portrayed as genocidal.

This covert psychological warfare program is best evidenced by comparing Danaan’s drawing of a Negumak after she received a mental image of one from Thor Han Eredyon that appeared in her 2021 book. The side-by-side comparison of a Negumak with the Alien Queen shown in Independence Day: Resurgence shows a striking resemblance. The uncanny resemblance suggests that Roland Emmerich, the Director/Producer of the Independence Day series, was given an image of a Negurak and told to make it the ultimate genocidal villain for the movie series.
In her interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Danaan further describes the significance of the Anunnaki siding with the Galactic Federation in a looming galactic confrontation with the Draco Empire and their allies. Her Galactic Federation sources say that a galactic war with the Draco Empire is looming and both sides are recruiting allies and preparing for the inevitable confrontation.

Danaan next discusses her upcoming book Area 51: Conversations with Insider Stephen Chua. Chua was a supersoldier from Singapore who had special abilities and was trained to fight against Draconians. Chua spent time at Area 51, where he was exposed to some of the advanced technologies used in secret space programs. Her book, which is scheduled to be released on June 1, presents the transcripts of many hours of interviews and communications she had with Chua before his death after his first public interview. The sequence of events culminating in Chua’s death suggests that he knew he was dying due to Deep State machinations and wished his testimony would be made public before it was too late.

Finally, Danaan and Dr. Salla discuss some of the implications of extraterrestrial disclosure for the three Abrahamic religions, particularly the identity of the alleged Creator God called Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah in relation to the principal Anunnaki revered as gods by the ancient Sumerians. They also discuss Yeshua/Jesus’ secret teachings that focused on establishing a connection with an Inner Light that is part of a Universal God rather than a single Creator God and how the Roman Catholic Church suppressed these teachings after becoming the Roman Empire's state religion.

YouTube link:

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure

Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure

Experience the historic Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure, where researchers, military personnel, and politicians testified before former members of Congress. Witness the compelling evidence of an extraterrestrial presence engaging humanity. This exclusive footage captures the truth about UFOs, now part of the public record.

YouTube link:

A.I. The Greatest Enemy of the Cosmos

A.I. The Greatest Enemy of the Cosmos

Ismael Perez and Wendy Mahoney:
Ascension talk, the future war with A.I, Genetic programs and much more

YouTube link:

Sunday, May 07, 2023

Kat Anonup Update(s): 5G Towers and Tesla Tech

Kat Anonup Update(s):
5G Towers and Tesla Tech

KatIstheSea3 @katisthesea3

06 May, 03:24

In response Kathy Jean to her Publication

5G WAS the weapon, as you know.
But President Trump
had the towers swapped out
to Tesla Tech — CoVFeFe

David Straight
“5G was designed & installed originally
to cause a great deal of harm.
Then it was recognized
& President Trump came out with CoVFeFe.
Co Cobalt
V Vanadium
Fe Iron
Fe Iron
He had Motorola & Raytheon & a few other of our best companies
build a box 18” x 22”
They’ve been installing em as fast as they could
on all the 5G Towers before they were turned on.
They had to make MILLIONS of these things.
What this box does:
If you have a 5G Tower — put the Box on
it creates a Magnetic Field that surrounds the tower
it turns the 60hz to 432 hz.
What is 432?
They created evil to → Righteousness

Dark > Light

06 May, 05:10

In response some one special to some to her Publication

A good friend lives next door to a 5G Tower.
He was worried.
I told him about CoVFeFe.
He observed the tower & next day
texted me excitedly:
“Birds are flying through the tower & sitting on it.
They wouldn’t do that if it was harmful.”

That was 2 years ago.
He & his pup are just fine. No illness

As I understand it,
the Border Wall is Tesla Tech!

@ qthestormrider777
12-22 USSF has destroyed & taken control of
70+% of 5G SATS in the past 2 years

This HIGHLY sensitive OP is connected to

the VIBRATIONS of life itself.
Tesla Attribute—Zero point energy

WITH hidden technology & energy
that is going to shock the world
in his second term+++

TRUMP ain’t lying….


Simon Parkes, David Mahoney and Nick Sylvester May 2023

Simon Parkes, David Mahoney
and Nick Sylvester May 2023

Very interesting news including - werewolves, dog men are real and doing battle with their enemy the reptilians. UFOs, undersea bases and plenty of other related information not to be missed!.

Bitchute link:

Saturday, May 06, 2023

"I Was Taken Onboard a UFO!" Ten Astonishing True Cases

"I Was Taken Onboard a UFO!"
Ten Astonishing True Cases

There is no experience quite like an onboard UFO encounter. A simple sighting is undeniably interesting, but often they can be misperceived and misinterpreted. Even UFO landings and face-to-face encounters tell us nothing about what it’s like inside a craft. Onboard UFO encounters are so close-up that it’s virtually impossible to misperceive the experience. Witnesses are not only touching the UFO, they are breathing the air inside it, smelling the odors, hearing the sounds, and communicating directly with the extraterrestrials. It is cases like these where we learn the most about ETs, who they are, where they come from, why they are here and their agenda on our planet.

Cases of people being taken onboard are far more numerous than most people realize. In fact, many researchers believe that millions of people are having these experiences. They’ve been taking place for many years and occur all over the world.

This video (and article) present ten cases of people who have had this astonishing type of encounter. Many of these are multiple witness cases involving physical evidence such as landing traces, EM disturbances and medical effects, both injuries and healings. They show remarkable commonalities, and also unique features. In some of the cases, the witnesses were able to hold long interactive conversations with the ETs and learned a great deal of information.

CASE 1: BARBARA SCHUTTE. After attending a UFO convention in 1981, Barbara Schutte of Wever, Iowa learned that she herself was having UFO experiences. After undergoing hypnosis, she learned she was a lifelong abductee and was given an important life mission by the ETs to help educate the world about UFOs.

CASE 2: CYNTHIA VODOVOZ. In Oct 1973, Cynthia Vodovoz (age 12) was driving with her mother to ballet class in Birmingham, AL when they had a missing time UFO encounter. Later, under hypnosis, Cynthia recalled being pulled onboard and examined. It was to be the first of many other encounters.

CASE 3: MARTHA THRONE. While driving with her husband, Ernest in Sonora, CA, on Oct 30, 1977, Martha Throne was floated out of her car and into a UFO. She was physically examined by human-looking ETs, and was amazed to see hundreds of ETs onboard. The experience was profoundly benevolent and was spiritually transforming.

CASE 4: PATRICK EUDY. It was Mar 9, 1979. Driving near his home in Monroe, NC, Patrick Eudy found himself and his car being sucked up into a craft. Inside, he was examined by ETs, and was later taken to the control room. Looking out a window, he saw the Earth far below him. He was returned to a location many miles away with almost no memory of the event. It wasn’t until 2 years later that he went under hypnosis and learned what had happened to him.

CASE 5: LULI OSWALD & FAUZE MEHLEN. On Oct 15, 1979, Luli Oswald and her student Fauze Mehlen were pulled onboard a craft and examined by short beings with a “rat-like” appearance. They told Luli they had contacted her because of her abilities with ESP. The ETs seemed most interested in Fauze and told Luli that she was of no use to them.

CASE 6: MEGAN & RENEE ELLIOTT. On Aug 21, 1980, Megan Elliott and her daughter (age 1 ½) were driving near Lake Fork Creek in TX, when they were pulled with their car into a craft. Megan was examined and her daughter was healed of two illnesses. The ETs brought them to another room and gave them strange pellets of food. They then answered many of Megan’s questions about who the ETs are and why they had taken her.

CASE 7: RUBEN MENESES. It was Oct 15, 1981 when truckdriver Ruben Meneses was pulled with his truck into a craft. Ruben was badly traumatized and after being released from the craft many miles away, he suffered a nervous breakdown. Since the encounter, he suffers from light sensitivity.

CASE 8: VIV HAYWARD, ROSEMARY HAWKINS & VALERIE WALTERS. After a night at the disco, three friends, Viv Hayward, Rosemary Hawkins and Valerie Watkins drove home and experienced 20 minutes of missing time. Under hypnosis, they recalled that they were taken together onboard a craft.

CASE 9: INDU SHAH. In 1985, while hiking near the Ganges River in Bihar, India, 17-year-old Indu Shah was missing for 3 days. She was found wandering dazed and disoriented with burns on her skin. Under hypnosis, she recalled a harrowing onboard experience with strange ETs.

CASE 10: ANGELO & GRACIA RICCI. While picnicking near Cadore in the Italian Alps on Aug 15, 1986, Angelo and Gracia Ricci watched a UFO land next to them. 7-foot-tall ETs came out and carried them onboard and gave them a strange exam.

Ten cases, from all across the planet, each providing profound insights into the nature of the UFO phenomenon, and each adding another piece of the puzzle to solving the UFO mystery. Cases like these are impossible to deny. They leave no doubt that we are being visited, that we are not alone in this amazing infinite universe.

Preston Dennett Website:

YouTube link:

Friday, May 05, 2023

Sacred Object or Ancient Weapon? Where is the Ark of the Covenant and what technology did it use?

Sacred Object or Ancient Weapon?
Where is the Ark of the Covenant
and what technology did it use?

Sacred Object or Ancient Weapon? Where is the Ark of the Covenant and what technology did it use?

Even though UFOs are seen everywhere: over the desert, over the ocean, over cities; there's no way to predict when and where they'll show up.

Well, no way except for one: build or detonate a nuclear weapon.

Since the dawn of the atomic age, UFOs have been seen -- and photographed -- during nuclear weapons tests and near nuclear weapons facilities.

The Ark of the Covenant is one of the most mysterious artifacts in human history. The Ark, a sacred chest made of wood and covered in gold, has been missing since 587 BC. Its last known location was Jerusalem, somewhere under the Temple Mount.

What does this have to do with UFOs?

In 2011, a UFO was hovering over the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It emitted a flash of light, then shot straight up and disappeared into the night sky.

This could be just a coincidence. But it could be that the craft was looking for the Ark.

The Ark of the Covenant is an object of extreme religious importance to over 2 billion people. But why would a UFO be looking for it? Because it's the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction ever created.

YouTube link: