Tuesday, January 02, 2024

James Gilliland: The Fall and Restoration of The UFO community

James Gilliland:
The Fall and Restoration of
The UFO community

We have to ask the question why is the infiltration and control of the UFO community such a priority and who is behind it. Why would fuel less energy, anti/counter gravity, healing technologies that create spontaneous healing and longevity, knowledge of God and the Multiverses far beyond religions be a threat. The obvious answer is in the questions. What if fuel was no longer necessary? What if we had the ability to lift off and travel 7000 miles an hour shielded using fuel less drives? What would happen to the drug industry if everything could be healed with natural suppressed remedies, a med bed or with frequencies. What if new organs or limbs could be regenerated? What if our images of God were limited to old men with beards taking notes, rewarding and punishing and the Omnipresent God in its most unlimited understanding is nameless and imageless? What if a better understanding of God is the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness throughout the multiverse, the supreme intelligence or unified field. A consciousness and energy that in its most unlimited understanding is pure unconditional love, joy, and bliss and the jealous wrathful gods were not really God. What if access to that God was internal not external as all the saints, sages and masters have told us. What if access to God and these advanced higher dimensional beings was within and go between are not, and never were necessary?

How would it look if the Military were to come out and say yes aliens and UFOs are real. We have been working with them for over 80 years, we have made trades, experimentation on humans for technology have used deadly force on citizens to cover up the existence of aliens and have absolutely no control over our airspace? They come and go at will.

What have we done to almost every prophet sage or master that tried to enlighten the masses? We shunned them, tortured them and in some cases killed them. Who would be threatened by all this knowledge and contact with benevolent beings that have transcended war, disease, poverty, live according to universal law in service to the Creator within all Creation. Beings that know more about God and the true history of Earth than the recycled ignorance being taught today? The oil, coal, electric companies, war and disease profiteers, their puppet politicians, religious industry, the entire corrupt enslaving oligarchy running the planet would be threatened and that is why the masses have not been contacted.

What would happen if an alien ship landed today? We would incarcerate them, experiment on them, steal their ship and back engineer its weapons then try to find out where they came from and conquer them. Not a lot has changed in over 80 years. There are no institutions for the benevolent spiritually and technologically off worlders to work through. There are plenty for the degenerate ones with self- serving agendas.

Now that we know why the UFO community is infiltrated, a controlled narrative, let’s talk about methods used to infiltrate, censor, and silence those in the UFO community that know the truth or have contact, those of impeccable integrity the far and few between. Let’s talk about how the controlled narrative is implemented.

As in all crimes follow the money. By now everyone should know there is a lot of dark money tied to Satanic/Luciferian international banksters. They control the News, Hollywood and the flow of information. They control who gets the press and who to suppress. Tucker Carlson is a classic example of this suppression along with many others. If you join the controllers and censors you will be a top leader in many fields including the religious, spiritual and UFO community but let’s just stick to the UFO community. The Rockefeller Initiative is a classic example along with those who name drop high level connections in politics and military. They are in most cases part of the controlled narrative. Many who shake their fists at the government have their other fist behind their back being paid. Many have alphabet or military connections of which they gain financially. Some are an extreme disservice to contact because they want to limit the information to nuts and bolts, back engineering, time travel, etc. and ignore the multidimensional, ultra-dimensional and spiritual side of the equation.

If you play ball and stick to the controlled narrative, you will rise to the top and become what is known as controlled opposition. This controls the channel of information and keeps the narrative under categories they want to promote. Keep it in the past, keep it far away in the distance, keep it dark and foreboding. By all means do not talk about anything benevolent that could help humanity take a quantum leap in evolution ending war, disease, poverty, empowering and enlightening the people. Anyone who steps out of the box of what is accepted within the religious, spiritual or UFO communities, government included herd mentality is shunned, attacked, character assassinated and if that does not work eliminated altogether.

One of the favorite tools used are cyber trolls, government shills loaded with false accusations coming from multiple IPs that post rumors and gossip over and over making it hard on the moderators to delete. They know if they say something over and over people will believe it without doing their own investigation. Then there are the gullible followers of the controlled narrative folks threatened by the truth which will jump in and add their assumptions and accusations to the pot. There are people posing as victims which were nothing more than people with agendas that were not met. There are also Manchurian candidates, honey pots set up to take down those who don’t tow the line. There are trolls which are jealous or just nasty people looking for attention most living in their mother’s basement. The lowest of the character assassinators reside in the UFO community itself, some in the highest positions. The posers of disclosure.

When doing an interview with the late Art Bell he asked the question what is it with the UFO community they eat their own. There is a lot of jealousy and competition, back stabbing and opportunists trying to rise on the backs of others not to mention the government shills doing their best to suppress real contact and the messages of advanced off world visitors. Conferences have become money making carnivals and now Ufology is a multi-billion-dollar business. I have often asked those putting on major conferences why they support and sponsor morally challenged speakers when they know of their track records. Everything from fraud to pedophilia. They say they are big names and you have to have big names to sell high dollar tickets.

The most threatening to the controlled narrative are the benevolent spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders which threaten the morally and spiritually challenged, the enslavers and tyrants. So now you know why they are censoring ongoing contacts, who is censoring ongoing contacts, and who are the posers pushing the controlled narrative. This includes Hollywood putting out one nasty ET movie after another. There were a few movies, ET, Contact, Close Encounters which had good story lines but the majority of them are fear based.

Not to worry disclosure will happen despite this. The real disclosure is coming from the skies. UFOs are showing up everywhere in some cases fleets of UFOs. Many are caught on the NASA live feed and recorded before they can shut it down. Whistle blowers of integrity are coming out done with the deception and cover-up. Beware of the spin and the intention in some cases this is just to acquire more funds for the war industry. People all over the world are filming the ships on their mobile phones. Security cams are recording the ships and the beings exiting the ships. They can’t stop this. It is our destiny to reunite with the Greater Family of Man/Woman. Our ancient ancestors returning and those that went inward, the Inner Earth to avoid the cataclysms. These beings continued to evolve spiritually and technologically. Imagine civilizations thousands, millions even billions of years ahead of us in evolution. Soon it won’t have to be imagined. It will be here. It is already here for those with the eyes to see, those spiritually advanced yet soon everyone will see we are not alone and never have been alone in the multiverse. The posers, shills and planned opposition will all take credit for it. Unfortunately the ships won’t be contacting them. You have to have an open mind, loving heart, pure intent, a high level of morality and integrity. Seems they missed the mark. Contacts with the children, the starseeds will be happening on a grand scale. Time to listen to them. It is said you must be like a child to enter into heaven. Maybe heaven is much grander than imagined or what we were taught? Maybe the innocence of a child without all the wounds, traumas and social engineering is what it takes to make contact. Food for thought. One more thing it is time to create new venues where the promoters have high integrity and hold their speakers to the same values. Holding a high frequency is imperative to contact. If you create it they will come.

Pass this far and wide.

Be well James Gilliland

ECETI Website: https://www.eceti.org/home.html

ECETI Stargate Official YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjzKBdJ9eE6C3d3HAHACylA

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