Saturday, August 31, 2024



Kat istheSea3   @KatistheSea3

😻 Ty URBAN for emphasizing
that true TESLA MED BEDS
will be FREE for EVERYONE,
including Animals 🐾💓
Imagine a world without doctors, hospitals,
surgeries, drugs, illness.......... 🎊💝🌎🌷💞

In a now deleted video with Gene Decode
🪖🇺🇸 Sarge @ ICONS2021 Telegram said:
These evil ‘things’ have kept this from humanity
& the kicker is this
I am told because
That [they] cannot obtain
Because of their ‘low’ frequency level:
Murder, desire, ego, crimes against the world, etc.
That’s why they must use the other way,
Human diet, pineal gland, adrenochrome, etc.

That’s why I post the Schumann charts.
To demonstrate that our LIGHT FREQUENCIES
& deep state demons are parasites
living off our DIVINE LIGHT 🔆

Kat istheSea3

New UFO footage! Researchers film numerous UAP off the coast of Long Island!

New UFO footage!
Researchers film numerous
UAP off the coast of Long Island!

Last year, a team of very well equipped researchers spent months on the Long Island shoreline looking for UFOs. What they found is nothing short of astonishing!

YouTube link:

5 World-Changing Inventions That Were Secretly Erased from History

5 World-Changing Inventions
That Were Secretly Erased from History

Among Nikola Tesla's most ambitious yet ultimately doomed endeavors was the Wardenclyffe Tower, an invention that Tesla believed could tap into the planet's natural electrical charges and, combined with the energy from the ionosphere, provide an almost unlimited supply of free energy.

In the late 19th century, Tesla was grappling with financial instability. To regain his lost prestige, he envisioned a tower capable of sending and receiving wireless transmissions and broadcasting electricity.

Tesla's grandiose plans, however, faced stiff competition. His rival, Guglielmo Marconi, was making strides with his radio-based telegraph system. To outdo Marconi, Tesla designed Wardenclyffe to be the world's first wireless power transmitter.

Construction began in 1901 near Shoreham, Long Island. The tower, which was 187 feet tall and had an extensive network of underground metal roots reaching 300 feet into the Earth, was crafted from conductive materials. The tower's design featured a massive dome weighing 55 tons.

Tesla's vision was not merely confined to wireless communication. He believed that by using the Earth itself to conduct electrical signals, he could transmit energy across the globe. He theorized that if he injected electric current into the Earth at the right frequency, it would resonate and create standing waves that could be tapped anywhere on the planet.

Impressed yet cautious, financier J.P. Morgan initially backed Tesla with $150,000. However, as Tesla expanded his plans, seeking to build a more powerful transmitter capable of surpassing Marconi's, the financial demands escalated. Tesla's request for additional funds met with Morgan's refusal, leaving Tesla in a precarious position.

Despite the financial strain, Tesla pressed on. He purchased 200 acres of land in Shoreham and envisioned Wardenclyffe as a hub for a global wireless system, complete with a "radio city" that would produce his patented devices.

Tesla kept the public and press at bay as he continued his work in secrecy. By 1902, the tower had reached its full height, but progress stalled without the necessary funding. Tesla's letters to Morgan, pleading for more money, went unanswered. In 1903, newspapers reported bright flashes from the tower, but no explanation was given, and Wardenclyffe fell silent thereafter.

Financial woes compounded as investor confidence waned. By 1905, Tesla's alternating current patents expired, cutting off a significant source of income. Attempts to commercialize his other inventions failed, and by 1906, Wardenclyffe was abandoned.

By 1915, Tesla's mounting debts, including a $20,000 tab at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel where He had secluded himself, led to the foreclosure of the Wardenclyffe property. The dream officially ended in 1917 when the tower was demolished for scrap to satisfy Tesla's debts.

After the demolition of Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower in 1917, a swirl of conspiracies emerged, painting a picture of innovation thwarted by powerful interests. Prominent among these was the belief that Tesla's vision of wireless, free energy posed a dire threat to established energy industries and influential financiers like J.P. Morgan, who allegedly withdrew support to protect their investments in traditional power...

YouTube link:

Visitors To Earth: Ten Incredible Humanoid Encounters

Visitors To Earth:
Ten Incredible Humanoid Encounters

Preston Dennett:

Despite what skeptics may claim, or any denials from our own govts, the thousands of firsthand cases of close encounters with humanoids speak for themselves: we are being visited by extraterrestrials. These visitors to Earth have been coming for a very long time. This video presents ten incredible humanoid encounters from many locations including France, Italy, Poland, Spain, Indonesia, Australia, Canada, Argentina, and the United States. Evidence such as landing traces, medical effects, animal reactions, electromagnetic disturbances and radar returns prove that these visitors to Earth are very real indeed.

THE ALIEN IN THE BEAM OF LIGHT. At 6:35 am on April 3, 1948, driver Giuseppe Lanciano waited for the arrival of a train at San Martino, Italy. Suddenly his attention was drawn to a disc-shaped object, glowing orange, which zoomed silently overhead. He was joined by another witness and both watched as a beam came out of the bottom, carrying a short robotic-looking humanoid.

WENDY AND THE ALIENS. Early one morning in June of 1949, Wanda M’s father came running into their home in Dunino, Poland shouting that a strange craft had landed in their yard. He, their neighbors, and Wanda ran outside to see two humanoids in jumpsuits standing next to a large silver-brown, cone-shaped object. The beings spoke a strange language, gestured, and then returned to their craft. It took off, leaving behind landing traces.

ALMOST ABDUCTED. On the night of February 5, 1967, Timothy J. (age 15) was drawn outside his home in Hilliard, Ohio by a weird sound, and the barking of his dog. He was shocked to see a 75-foot-long craft fly by and land in a field. He watched as several figures came out and placed small spheres on the ground. Then Timothy stepped on a twig and the men heard him, came running and tried to pull him onto the craft.

A UFO IN THE BACKYARD. At 8:15 pm on July 20, 1967, Elizabeth Douglas stepped outside her home in Titusville, Florida and saw a 60-foot wide, bell-shaped craft floating silently overhead. Looking through one of the windows, she saw the silhouette of a large-headed, skinny figure looking down at her. She called out her daughter who also saw it. Inside, her son Steven wondered why his TV suddenly malfunctioned.

I KNOW WHAT I SAW. One morning in the summer of 1972, “Patricia,” (age 13,) was sitting in the backseat of the family car as they drove south of Molong, Australia when she saw a saucer-shaped craft sitting alongside the highway. Three 7-foot-tall silver-suited humanoids stood next to it, collecting samples. One looked directly at her as their car drove by.

THE ALIEN AND THE SNOWMOBILER. On the evening of February 26, 1973, Helene R, her brothers and friends were finishing up a day of snowmobiling in the McWatters area of Quebec, Canada, when a brilliant object zoomed overhead. While the others raced off, Helene was left alone. The strange craft returned and apparently landed. Helene then had a very scary encounter with a short humanoid.

THE GIANT HUMANOID. On the night of July 1, 1979, four teenage boys went hunting in the mountains near their homes in Sangonera La Verde, Spain. Suddenly a UFO blocked their way. They watched it for an hour when suddenly a 7-8 foot-tall humanoid wearing shiny tight-fitting clothes began to approach. The boys zoomed away in fear. They returned to town as they and others watched the UFO dart away.

“I AM CERTAIN THAT I SAW AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL CRAFT.” On the night of January 4, 1994, the Noel family of Evreux, France reported their encounter with a black, triangular object. A few hours later, Didier Maury of Bacqueville had a scary encounter with a glowing cone-shaped object and an apparent humanoid. Hours after that, the Lopez family watched a UFO land next to their home and humanoids come out of it. These are only a few of an amazing series of events that occurred on that night and afterward.

THE ET IN THE PALM PLANTATION. One evening in April 2008, a man saw a UFO drop from the sky and into the Palm tree plantation near his home in Bankinang, Indonesia. Hopping on his motorbike to investigate, he was shocked to come upon a 6-foot-tall humanoid with a bald head, pointed ears, a skinny body and long arms dressed only in underwear and standing a short distance away. It quickly vanished.

THE MAGNETIC MAN. On the night of May 21, 2008, Walter Lopez and Omar Ferlatti were in a field near San Carlos, Salta, Argentina when they saw a tiny two-foot-tall humanoid figure wearing strange clothes standing nearby. They tried to get closer but were repelled by some kind of magnetic field. It turned out another person also saw the humanoid, and numerous people in the area were reporting UFOs.

Ten humanoid encounters, each adding to the catalog of thousands of similar cases, each providing more evidence that our planet is being visited by a wide variety of extraterrestrial humanoids.

Preston Dennett Website:

YouTube link:

What do RFK, Donald Trump, UFOs & the God particle all have in common?

What do RFK, Donald Trump, UFOs &
the God particle all have in common?

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – August 31, 2024


  • Luis Elizondo and Ross Coulthart Interview on new book, Imminent
  • RFK and Donald Trump alliance likely to lead to released of suppressed      healing technologies such as medbeds
  • Christopher Sharp gives summary of key issues concerning UFOs and      nuclear weapons, and an overview of Robert Hastings’ book, UFOs and      Nukes.
  • Luis Elizondo gets saturation media coverage for his new book, Imminent
  • Galactic Slave Trade Exposed – Alex Collier Uncensored
  • Dr Jon T. Kosloski is the new Director of the AARO office. He’s a former      NSA scientist which for decades been involved in tracking UFO/NHI      activity.
  • The God Particle, Space Arks, Earth Changes and Ascension: An      Interview with Miriam Delicado
  • What are the aerospace companies involved in legacy programs of reverse      engineering crashed UFOs.
  • Luis Elizondo’s book Imminent is now a NYT #1 best seller. Is this a      good way to introduce the UFO topic to the general public?
  • State legislatures are passing bills to regulate Artificial Intelligence, and      Elon Musk is on board.
  • Very sad to announce the passing of Dr. Robert Wood on Aug 26, 2024.
  • Just over three weeks to go for the next Galactic Spiritual Informers      Connection from Sept 27-29.
  • Part 1 of a two part interview series with Gene Decode on the history and      locations of Deep Underground Military Bases released as an early access      video on Patreon.
  • Lt Gen David Miller says that the US Space Force is preparing to deal      with a future space war with major powers such as Russia and China
  • On Sept 7, I will hold my first monthly live briefing to discuss breaking      exopolitics stories, give a exopolitical perspective on hot geopolitical news      such as Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Palestine conflicts, and do an extended      1 hour Q&A.


  • Friday, August 30, 2024

    Elizondo's Shocking UFO Releases: Classified Videos & Pilot Reactions.

    Elizondo's Shocking UFO Releases:
    Classified Videos & Pilot Reactions

    In this video, retired F-16 pilot Chris Lehto dives into the groundbreaking revelations from Lue Elizondo's book, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs. Discover jaw-dropping details about classified UFO encounters, including a shocking near-miss with a naval aviator and a mysterious 23-minute standoff with a Predator drone. Get insights into the technology and maneuvers of these unidentified crafts and why these videos remain under wraps. Don't miss out on this fascinating exploration into the world of UAPs!

    YouTube link:

    Jules Verne: The Man Who Predicted The Future

    Jules Verne:
    The Man Who Predicted The Future

    From "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" to "Journey to the Center of the Earth," explore the world of Jules Verne, the father of science fiction

    YouTube link:

    Thursday, August 29, 2024

    Forbidden Knowledge: Reptilians, Templars and Monoliths

    Forbidden Knowledge:
    Reptilians, Templars and Monoliths

    Throughout millennia, the ruling elite have obtained and hidden from the masses the vast ancient knowledge and technology that has aided their dominion over the world. These elite have forced the populace to obey and believe a repressive doctrine, while they themselves pursue an agenda of power and control over the masses.

    YouTube link:

    Michael Schratt - Historic UAP Encounters

    Michael Schratt - Historic UAP Encounters

    Streamed live earlier.

    In this installment, Michael Schratt reveals the events surrounding a UFO Crash/Retrieval photograph seen by Harvard graduate and UFO Disclosure advocate Danny Sheehan at the Library of Congress in 1977. Also to be revealed is a drawing of an ET encounter that Colonel Philip Corso had at Alamogordo NM in 1957. Finally, the alleged 1954 meeting that President Eisenhower had with two groups of ETs is explored with all of its devastating implications to the Republic of the United States.

    Full-Color Illustration Contest: Submit entries to Michael (auroracad5 at The top 20 entries will be displayed on Tuesday, September 3rd live on YouTube. The winner receives $100 cash. All entries must be received by midnight on September 1st. Use any medium to create a compelling UFO/UAP!

    YouTube link:

    The God Particle, Space Arks, Earth Changes and Ascension: An Interview with Miriam Delicado

    The God Particle, Space Arks,
    Earth Changes and Ascension:
    An Interview with Miriam Delicado

    Miriam Delicado had a profound extraterrestrial contact experience in 1988 when a group of Tall Blondes revealed their role in creating humanity and rescuing portions of earlier human civilizations in massive ships, aka space arks. They have revealed some of the profound changes coming to humanity in the years ahead and are here again to render assistance.

    In her second Exopolitics Today interview, Delicado reveals more details about the massive ships or arks used by the Tall Blondes in the past. She also discusses the role of underground civilizations (aka Ant People) in assisting humanity during planetary changes. Delicado discusses the God Particle and how this is something that individuals can connect with at the micro and macro levels through their consciousness. Finally, she explains that Ascension is not what many believe in terms of raising consciousness to escape 3rd density life, but is instead an embrace of the omniverse at all levels of existence.


    Wednesday, August 28, 2024

    Alien Revelations: Extraterrestrials Among Us

    Alien Revelations:
    Extraterrestrials Among Us

    Explore the enigmatic realm of extraterrestrial life in this exciting documentary where ufologists and researchers delve deep into aliens' existence and cultural impact.

    This documentary, directed by Jeremy Norrie and produced by J. Horton, stars Earl Grey Anderson and Roderick Martin, offering a profound insight into UFOs and alien encounters. From firsthand sightings to expert analyses, join us as we uncover the truth behind the UFO phenomena.

    YouTube link:

    Forbidden Technologies, Their Inventors Suppressed

    Forbidden Technologies,
    Their Inventors Suppressed

    Nikola Tesla Secret Inventions That Were Lost or Censored and other inventions that were suppressed.

    YouTube link:

    Crop Circles: Crossovers Beyond Reality | The Truth Exposed | Award Winning Documentary

    Crop Circles:
    Crossovers Beyond Reality |
    The Truth Exposed | Award Winning Documentary

    Crop Circles: Crossovers From Another Dimension
    Discover the hidden secrets of a timeless mystery in this award winning film about the greatest Crop Circle formations ever created. The creators of these paranormal formations still remain a mystery. After years of painstaking research, scientific evidence still points to alien influences that are responsible for this phenomena.

    YouTube link:

    US Air Force Radar Technicians Alien Abduction... Full Story

    US Air Force Radar Technicians Alien Abduction...
    Full Story

    In the mid 1960s, the USAF had a radar site on top of Red Rock Mountain in central Pennsylvania. Two USAF radar technicians encountered a UFO. They were abducted. This episode tells their story.

    YouTube link:

    Tuesday, August 27, 2024

    Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs: Elizondo Speaks Out!

    Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs:
    Elizondo Speaks Out!

    Chris Lehto:

    In this episode, I dive into Christopher Mellon's foreword for Luis Elizondo's book "Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs." I analyze Mellon's powerful account of how the UAP issue transformed from a stigmatized topic to a legitimate national security concern. I highlight key points from Mellon's perspective, including the compelling evidence presented by Elizondo, the bureaucratic challenges they faced, and their efforts to bring the UAP issue to Congress and the public.

    I also discuss Mellon's reflections on past intelligence failures and how they relate to the current UAP situation. Throughout the episode, I offer my own insights as a former F-16 pilot and share my thoughts on the significance of this foreword for our understanding of the UAP phenomenon and the ongoing efforts to investigate it.

    YouTube link:

    The Most Convincing UFO Footage Ever Caught On Camera

    The Most Convincing UFO Footage
    Ever Caught On Camera

    Look up! The skies are alive with mystery!!!
    From city rooftops to desert dunes, strange lights, weird UFOs and impossible objects dance above us. Are they visitors from beyond, secret tests, or something we can't even imagine? Keep your eyes on the horizon – the next incredible sighting could be yours!!

    YouTube link:

    Police film Cylindrical UFO that resembles objects spotted by NASA over Mars and Saturn!

    Police film Cylindrical UFO that resembles objects
    spotted by NASA over Mars and Saturn!

    Eight years ago, off-duty British police officers filmed a huge cylindrical UFO. But no one noticed that this object was extremely similar to a UFO that NASA spotted in the Martian skies in 2014. It was also similar to objects photographed by the USSR in Mars orbit and objects near Saturn. And no one is talking about it either.

    YouTube link:

    Close Encounter with Extraterrestrials in Peru… Pleiadian Messages

    Close Encounter with Extraterrestrials in Peru…
    Pleiadian Messages

    Jerry Wills shares a vivid account of his time in Peru, including encounters with E.T.s, alien crafts, and messages received.

    YouTube link:

    Victory of the White Hats: Humanity's Liberation is Near!

    Victory of the White Hats:
    Humanity's Liberation is Near!

    Ismael Perez:

    The White Hats and the Alliance have emerged victorious in the war against the Cabal, setting the stage for humanity's long-awaited liberation. As global power shifts, the unity between forces of light brings hope and triumph to the world. This video delves into the final steps of this monumental victory and what it means for the future of mankind.

    YouTube link:

    Monday, August 26, 2024

    The 1803 Japan UFO

    The 1803 Japan UFO

    In 1803, a strange vessel, unlike anything seen before, was found drifting off the coast of Japan. Inside the boat was an enigmatic woman, her features foreign, her language incomprehensible, and her origins unknown.

    At the time, Japan was an isolated nation, its shores rarely breached by outsiders. Wars raged within, shoguns and daimyos rose and fell, and dynasties flourished, all while the wider world was largely oblivious. After banning nearly all foreign interactions in the early 1600s, Japan remained largely isolated from the outside world until the 1850s. Japan's isolation was so strict that any Japanese citizen who left the country and tried to return could face death.

    Yet, this curious event, occurring decades before Japan's doors were opened to the world, continues to puzzle scholars today. Was the vessel a product of some distant culture? Could it have been something more extraordinary, perhaps even otherworldly—a UFO?

    YouTube link:

    Galactic Slave Trade Exposed - Alex Collier Uncensored

    Galactic Slave Trade Exposed -
    Alex Collier Uncensored

    Alex Collier was the first to reveal the existence of a US military secret space program in the early 1990s that had established colonies in other solar systems. His information came from extraterrestrials belonging to the Andromeda Council, an organization of benevolent human-looking beings dedicated to science, consciousness, and time travel wanting to prevent the emergence of a galactic tyranny in the future that was traced back to Earth.

    Collier exposed the slave trade existing on Earth and how it provided regressive extraterrestrials a source of food and human genetics for their own nefarious purposes.

    Collier shares important details about how the Deep State uses children to sexually compromise leading politicians so they can be compelled to support many regressive national policies, including secrecy about extraterrestrial visitors and underground civilizations.

    Despite Deep State efforts to perpetuate division and confusion, humanity is awakening globally, and this will force the truth to emerge on many fronts, leading to an incredible future of global unity and becoming a full-fledged member of the galactic community.

    Rumble link:

    Sunday, August 25, 2024

    The UFO Cover Up Is REAL...But They're NOT What You Think They Are

    The UFO Cover Up Is REAL...
    But They're NOT What You Think They Are

    People around the world are reporting sightings of strange crafts. These puzzling objects vary in shape and size, from tiny spheres to massive discs. However, this is not a new phenomenon; people have been witnessing these things for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. The question remains: What are they, where do they come from, and who is piloting them?

    YouTube link:

    Confessions of a UFO Hunter: Ross Coulthart interviews Lue Elizondo

    Confessions of a UFO Hunter:
    Ross Coulthart interviews Lue Elizondo

    Former Pentagon insider, veteran and investigator Luis "Lue" Elizondo is quite possibly the most important voice in the modern UFO movement, and he sat down with NewsNation's Ross Coulthart to share the story of what he claims the American government really knows about UFOs.

    YouTube link:

    This Man Just Released Clear Images Of A Jellyfish UFO Above Area 51

    This Man Just Released Clear Images
    Of A Jellyfish UFO Above Area 51

    A man, who has chosen to remain anonymous, has released a series of photographs capturing what appears to be a jellyfish-like UFO hovering above the gates of the infamous Area 51.

    The images, which quickly went viral, depict a glowing, translucent object with tendrils extending from its body, eerily floating above one of the most secretive military installations in the world.

    YouTube link:

    David Wilcock Live: Cycles of Disaster and Ascension

    David Wilcock Live:
    Cycles of Disaster and Ascension

    David reveals how mass extinctions occur on Earth in Galactic, cyclical patterns. These same disaster cycles also trigger Ascension -- in the form of spontaneous species transformation.

    We will explore the hidden science of Geoblemes -- explosions of material from within the earth, caused as the energetic density of plasma in the earth's core has a sudden, quantized increase.

    You will see how identical species appear at both poles of the Earth, despite the impossibility of any travel from north to south -- revealing how life itself is part of a hidden, intelligent template that periodically evolves in sudden bursts.

    We are heading into another event like this in our near future. Thankfully, this will not involve catastrophic activity until everyone on Earth has Ascended -- and is therefore ready to enter into "fourth density" peacefully and painlessly.

    YouTube link:

    The Beast of Bolam Lake ~ The British Bigfoot?

    The Beast of Bolam Lake ~
    The British Bigfoot?

    In the early 2000s, a group of fishermen at Bolam Lake caught sight of a tall hairy creature lurking in the trees. Over the following year, sightings of this 'Bigfoot' increased sparking a big investigation into what this thing actually was. This is the story of the Beast of Bolam Lake.

    YouTube link:

    Ismael Perez: Unlocking the Secrets of the Cosmos | Inner Earth Races

    Ismael Perez:
    Unlocking the Secrets of the Cosmos |
    Inner Earth Races

    Streamed live earlier.

    Join Ismael Perez on a journey through the vastness of the cosmos, where we explore profound spiritual insights and cosmic knowledge. Delve into the mysteries of the universe and uncover the truths that connect us all.

    Inner Earth:
    Type of races that exist inside inner earth (there are so many of them) and the type of technology that they use, Type of atmospheric conditions that exists and What is going to be happening when we make contact with inner earth?.

    YouTube link:

    Saturday, August 24, 2024

    The Bizarre Alien Encounter That Shocked Norway

    The Bizarre Alien Encounter
    That Shocked Norway

    Stories Lost tells the story of the norwegian sisters that were out picking blueberries in 1954 and encountered something that would be internationally scrutinized. Get ready to be spooked by the bizarre alien encounter that shocked Norway! Watch as locals recount their eerie experience with a mysterious entity from outer space. UFO enthusiasts, this one's for you!

    01:28 An ordinary trip
    02:50 The encounter
    04:40 Trying to communicate
    07:40 The news is spreading
    09:01 A plethora of opinions
    14:45 The editorial
    17:30 American helicopter pilot?
    18:55 40 years later

    YouTube link:

    Alien Enigma: Expert Insights & First-Hand UFO Experiences

    Alien Enigma:
    Expert Insights & First-Hand UFO Experiences

    In this compilation episode of The Lehto Files, I bring together highlights from several fascinating interviews I've conducted on the UFO phenomenon. I speak with renowned journalist Ross Coulthart about whistleblower immunity and the significance of congressional staffers in UFO investigations. Religious studies professor Diana Pasulka shares her journey into UFO research and the resistance she faced in academia.

    Aviation expert Michael Schratt details intriguing UFO crash retrieval cases from the 1940s. I also feature compelling UFO encounters from various experiencers and pilots, including Mario Woods' experience at a nuclear missile site, Captain Christopher Van Voorhis' sighting over the Pacific, Gary Heseltine's insights on the Rendlesham Forest incident, Erik Delgado's close encounter during a commercial flight, and Christiaan Van Heijst's prolonged observation of an unidentified object over Spain.

    These diverse perspectives offer a comprehensive look at the UFO phenomenon from military, civilian, and expert viewpoints.

    00:42 Ross Coulthart Interview.
    06:22 Diana Pasulka Interview.
    13:10 Michael Schratt Interview.
    17:56 Mario Woods Interview.
    25:49 Chris Van Voorhis Interview.
    34:08 Gary Heseltine Interview.
    37:56 Erik Delgado Interview.
    47:30 Christiaan Van Heijst Interview.

    YouTube link:

    UFOS in Your Hometown - Episode Three

    UFOS in Your Hometown -
    Episode Three

    Preston Dennett:

    Has every location on our planet been visited by UFOs? The answer appears to be a resounding: yes! I put out a challenge to anyone interested in this subject: name a town or city anywhere on this planet, and I will find a UFO case there. Hundreds of people have responded, and so far, every place I have investigated has a history of UFOs and extraterrestrials. In Part Three of this series, “UFOs in Your Hometown,” we continue the search for UFOs across planet Earth, covering nine different locations, including Ealing, London (UK,); Frankfort, IN; Warrenton, MO; Santa Clarita, CA; Milwaukee, WI; Roseville, CA; Show Low, AZ; Littleton, MA and Bastrop, TX. These cases include the full range of UFO activity: sighting, landings, humanoids, onboard encounters, even a possible UFO crash.

    EALING, LONDON, UK. Way back in 1845, numerous people reported seeing a humanoid wearing skintight overalls and a transparent helmet leaping over walls far faster than a human. There’s also the 1978 sighting of a classic flying saucer that the witness felt was meant for him to see. Or the gentleman who saw a boomerang-shaped craft during a lunar eclipse in 2015. And more!

    FRANKFORT, INDIANA. Starting in 1953, Frankfort has been the location of constant UFO activity. Sightings continued throughout the 1950s, culminating in a fantastic encounter in 1958 when four UFOs played hide-and-seek with a diesel train for over an hour. In 1977, four people reported a scary encounter where they were followed by a UFO. In 1981, numerous people throughout Frankfort, including police showed that UFOs are very interested in Frankfort.

    WARRENTON, MISSOURI. An incredible 1969 encounter by a technical illustrator in Warrenton, MO is only one of several amazing cases. In 1966, a couple had a very close encounter with a craft that hovered right above a highway overpass. In 2019, a couple were shocked to see a UFO cloaked inside a cloud come right over their home. They may have also seen humanoids!

    SANTA CLARITA, CALIFORNIA. This town outside of Los Angeles, CA has some very dramatic cases. On July 13, 1979, Ed and Gloria Towers were shocked to see a metallic saucer target their home, hovering only 50 feet overhead. A very similar case happened to another Santa Clarita family in 2015 when a giant boomerang-shaped craft went right over their house. And more!

    MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. Sightings in this city reach back to 1896 with the famous airship wave. Throughout 1952, numerous city officials reported very dramatic sightings of solid craft darting around in the sky in some cases for hours at a time. More dramatic sightings occurred throughout the 1960s and 1970s. In 1980, an attorney reports that he was taken onboard a craft and met human-looking ETs. Sightings continued up to the present day, including a case of a UFO photograph in 2022.

    ROSEVILLE, CALIFORNIA. Several amazing multiple-witness sightings of disc-shaped craft have occurred in this town. There’s also the case of a lady who was taken onboard a craft in 2004. In 2016, a highway patrol officer reported a dramatic encounter with a low-flying triangle. In 2022, a woman was puzzled by two objects hovering outside her home and managed to take two photos!

    SHOW LOW, ARIZONA. In the summer of 1988, a woman woke up in her hotel room to see two unusual-looking ETs come through the wall, stand at the foot of her bed, and communicate telepathically with her. Just north of Show Low in the small town of Concho, a woman and her friends saw a UFO drop from the sky. They drove to the location, and came upon what appeared to be the craft stuck in a ravine.

    LITTLETON, MASSACHUSETTS. Amazing sightings occurred here, including a 1954 low-level sighting of a Saturn-shaped object, a multi-witness sighting of a classic saucer in 1964, a sighting by two men of an object over a highway involving the strange “Oz Factor,” and a 2015 sighting directly over the local police station.

    BASTROP/BERGSTROM AFB, TEXAS. In 1947 two Air Force officers at Bergstrom saw a silver saucer flying at 1,400 mph, overtaking their plane. In 1965, two Bergtrom officer with Top Secret clearances saw a craft with portholes right over the base. They told nobody. In 1980, a newsman and his wife had a dramatic sighting right outside Bastrop. In 1988, a UFO came so close to a Bastrop man that he shot at it with his gun. More dramatic cases continued in 2013 and 2014.

    These are just some of the many amazing encounters that have occurred in these nine locations. Firsthand cases reaching back a hundred years up to the present day, multiple witnesses, a wide variety of evidence to support them: the truth can no longer be denied. The cases speak for themselves. We are not alone. Our planet is being visited; apparently every location on our planet! Including your own hometown!

    Preston Dennett Website:

    YouTube link:

    UFO Sightings, Crashes, and Alien - Human Exchange Program | Paul Hellyer

    UFO Sightings, Crashes, and
    Alien - Human Exchange Program |
    Paul Hellyer

    A must watch lecture/interview featuring Honourable Paul Hellyer (1923 – 2021) where he gives detailed presentation on E.T/Human exchange program. This video consists of two parts:

    UFOs Are as Real as The Airplanes Flying Overhead, E.T Human Exchange Program Serpo and Survival Plan for Human Species.

    YouTube link:

    Delving into Draconians, Earth Energy Grid, and the Shroud of Turin

    Delving into Draconians, Earth Energy Grid,
    and the Shroud of Turin

    Exopolitics Today Week in Review – Aug 24, 2024


  • Highlights from a New York Times review of Luis Elizondo’s book      Imminent
  • 11-page Reference Guide to UAPs (UFOs) published by the Major Cities      Chiefs Association which is “a professional organization of police      executives representing the largest cities in the United States and Canada.
  • Remembering Galactic and Earth History and Cleansing the Planetary      Energy Grid
  • Exopolitics Monthly Live Briefing start on Sept 7
  • Some alternative researchers appreciate the significance of JP’s      disclosures given that he is active US Army.
  • Another review of Luis Elizondo’s book, Imminent is officially released on      Aug 20.
  • Less than two weeks to the Fall Semester of exopolitics courses being      offered through the Exopolitics Institute
  • Defeating the Draconian Empire & Cooperating with the Galactic      Federation: Interview George Kavassilas
  • The Shroud of Turin has been confirmed as authentic, will the Deep State      roll out its fake Second Coming using a cloned version of Jesus?
  • Former head of AATIP, Luis Elizondo, says that he saw a high res video      of a USO bigger than an oil rig traveling faster than 450kts


  • Friday, August 23, 2024

    Scientists Terrifying New Discovery of UFO Evidence That Changes Everything

    Scientists Terrifying New Discovery of
    UFO Evidence That Changes Everything

    In a universe teeming with billions of galaxies and trillions of stars, the prospect of extraterrestrial life has long tantalized curious minds. But when irrefutable evidence emerges right from our own earthly bounds, it forces us to question our understanding of the cosmos. With groundbreaking discoveries that defy simple explanations, we're led into an enigmatic world of unknown phenomena. As we journey through ten of the most perplexing UFO findings, one photograph stands out, challenging every skeptic's rationale. Dive deep with us as we unveil tales that might just reshape the very fabric of our reality.

    YouTube link:

    Shocking UFO's: Russian Navy's Terrifying Close Call With Underwater Aliens

    Shocking UFO's:
    Russian Navy's Terrifying
    Close Call With Underwater Aliens

    Dive into the chilling encounter as the Russian Navy faces a terrifying close call with underwater UFOs. This shocking footage reveals the truth about underwater aliens lurking in the deep seas, leaving even seasoned naval officers stunned. Witness the undeniable evidence of these underwater UFO sightings and explore the mystery of what lies beneath. From unexplained lights to eerie underwater movements, this video delves into the unknown world of underwater aliens. Prepare to question everything you know about the ocean and its hidden secrets.

    1) Aliens Living Underwater
    2) Russian Military Encounters USOs
    3) Earthly Weapons vs Alien Technology

    YouTube link:

    Dr. Steven Greer - We Don't Need the Military to Have Contact with E.Ts!

    Dr. Steven Greer -
    We Don't Need the Military to Have Contact with E.Ts!

    Dr. Steven Greer, Disclosure, CE5 - A rare lecture by Dr. Steven Greer, 1991 - A MUST WATCH!!!

    YouTube link:

    Bob Lazar Story: Evidence Examined - Full Coverage & Expert Analysis

    Bob Lazar Story:
    Evidence Examined - Full Coverage & Expert Analysis

    Explore the thorough investigation into Bob Lazar's claims in this very rare 1998 video. Witness compelling evidence, expert researchers uniting for the first time, and riveting debates on Lazar's intriguing information. Witness this historic journey and make your own decision.

    YouTube link:

    Thursday, August 22, 2024

    Real Med Beds

    Real Med Beds

    Kat istheSea3   @KatistheSea3

    😻 When I found out, recently,
    that not only will REAL Tesla Med Beds
    restore everything to Divine Blueprint Perfection
    but that we can ASCEND from them
    I was speechless with BLISS 🔆🙀🔆

    So when children, women, soldiers, MWDogs
    animals — ALL who have been
    so horrifically trafficked by the monsters
    are HEALED in Med Beds
    — they can & do ASCEND.
    The hearts & souls of the children are RESTORED.

    What is more Divine than that
    until we can do it ourselves again without tech?


    UFO Sightings at Nevada's Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository

    UFO Sightings at Nevada's Yucca
    Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository

    Come seek with us at the now abandoned Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository located near Ashton, Nevada and Amargosa Valley, Nevada as our team, Tim & Tracey, head to Steve's Pass in Ashton to sky watch for UFO Sighting activity over Yucca Mountain. Multiple UFO Sightings have been documented by the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) in the area of Yucca Mountain.

    About Yucca Mountain - "The Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository, as designated by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act amendments of 1987, is a proposed deep geological repository storage facility within Yucca Mountain for spent nuclear fuel and other high-level radioactive waste in the United States. The site is on federal land adjacent to the Nevada Test Site in Nye County, Nevada. The project was approved in 2002 by the 107th United States Congress, but the 112th Congress ended federal funding for the site via amendment to the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act."

    YouTube link:

    The Mysteries of Bradshaw Ranch | Paranormal Alien Documentary

    The Mysteries of Bradshaw Ranch |
    Paranormal Alien Documentary

    Outside of Sedona lies a place shrouded in mystery - Bradshaw Ranch, a paranormal centerpiece that has captivated the world’s imagination.

    YouTube link:

    Going deep with Scott McKay and Ismael Perez

    Going deep with Scott McKay
    and Ismael Perez

    Welcome to my channel your ultimate source for uncovering the truth about government secrets, extraterrestrial encounters, and hidden agendas. Dive deep into the mysteries of secret government projects, alien technology, and the untold stories that have been kept from the public for decades. Whether you're a curious truth-seeker or a dedicated researcher, this channel explores the intersections of conspiracy, disclosure, and the cosmic unknown.

    YouTube link:

    Top Secret UFO Incidents That Remain Classified | Richard Doty

    Top Secret UFO Incidents That Remain Classified |
    Richard Doty

    Richard Doty presents a series of UFO incidents that are still classified to this day.

    YouTube link:

    The Galactic War and Cosmic Geography | with Timothy Alberino & Joel Maddumalle

    The Galactic War and Cosmic Geography |
    with Timothy Alberino & Joel Maddumalle

    Does the Bible allude to a galactic war that wrought chaos and destruction in our solar system long before the creation of mankind? Is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter the debris field of a planet called Rahab that was obliterated in the conflict? Is the kingdom of heaven located within the physical universe? Timothy Alberino and Joel Muddamalle discuss these topics, and more, in this video from the Costa Rica Conference in 2024.

    YouTube link:

    Defeating the Draconian Empire & Cooperating with the Galactic Federation

    Defeating the Draconian Empire &
    Cooperating with the Galactic Federation

    In 2006, George Kavassilas was taken to the Moon by a negative extraterrestrial faction and was able to break free of the many technologies used by them to control him and confront their leader, a powerful Draconian Reptilian. He was able to defeat the Draconian by connecting with his core soul essence and awakening him to his true history through many lives. Kavassilas explains how this incident sent shock waves through the Draconian Empire as it was realized that awakened humans have an innate spiritual power that transcends the control technologies used by them.

    In his latest Exopolitics Today interview, Kavassilas describes Jesus of Nazareth as a composite being and how religion creates false gods that siphon away the Christ consciousness energy of the millions of followers that worship them. He also explains how these false gods are returning through a staged second coming involving Jesus. Kavassilas also describes how King Charles III was taken over by a very dark entity at the end of July 2024 who will use him to stage the last stand of the global cabal through scripted events described in the Book of Revelations and the appearance of an Antichrist.

    George Kavassilas is an extraterrestrial contactee who also has been abducted by US and Australian government agencies wanting to learn about his experiences. He learned about the pyramid hierarchy controlling our planet and how different ET races perpetuate these hierarchies in both direct and indirect ways. He believes that by only following a heart-centric path of universal reconnection will we truly be free of the many control hierarchies asserting themselves over humanity.

    Kavassilas asserts that while there are both positive and negative extraterrestrial organizations, they all to varying degrees ultimately promote an imperial project. This has led to him focusing his energies on helping individuals integrate the fractal nature of their heart soul essence. Nevertheless, he believes that individuals can benefit from positive extraterrestrial organizations, as he did, and encourages individuals to be open to all possibilities as we enter tumultuous End Times.
