Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The 1974 Coyame Mexico UFO Crash

The 1974 Coyame Mexico
UFO Crash

A deep dive into a fascinating UFO crash retrieval case alleged to have occurred in Coyame, Chihuahua, Mexico in 1974 referred to by some researchers as "Mexico's Roswell".

UFO researchers such as Leanard Stringfield began hearing whispers of a collision between a civilian light aircraft and a disk-shaped craft in the late 1970s-1980s involving a covert US Recovery team and a Mexican Military Retrieval team who were tragically killed during recovery. It wasn't until 1992 a document titled "Research Findings on Chihuaha Disk Crash" would mysteriously appear on internet message boards and in the mailboxes of UFO researchers. This document meant for the "Deneb" team describes the Coyame event in shocking detail, giving disturbing insights into the interworkings of US UFO Recovery teams.

Although this case has been covered by Leanord Stringfield, Ryan S. Wood, Noe Torres, and Ruben Uriarte, the case is shockingly poorly known throughout UFOlogy.

0:00 Intro
01:50 1974 Coyame, Mexico UFO Crash
15:01 Exploring the Deneb Report
18:48 Plane Crash?
21:23 American Recovery Team
28:22 What Killed the Mexican Soldiers?
31:38 Wikipedia & Leaked Retrieval Team
37:52 Witnesses
30:29 Conclusion

YouTube link:

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