Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Light Gate: UFOs, Black Projects, Reverse-Engineering, Current Events in Ufology

The Light Gate:
UFOs, Black Projects, Reverse-Engineering,
Current Events in Ufology

Preston Dennett & Dolly Safran:

“The Light Gate,” welcomes back two guests Michael Schratt & James Goodall for a unique roundtable discussion.

Michael Schratt is private pilot, military aerospace historian, longtime UFO researcher, lecturer, draftsman, an expert on classified ‘black projects,” UFO crash/retrievals, the government UFO coverup and more. He is the author of “DARK FILES: A Pictorial History of Lost, Forgotten and Obscure UFO Encounters.” He is a frequent guest on radio shows and podcasts. He has appeared on Coast to Coast and many other major podcasts, and regularly speaks at UFO conferences including, Contact in the Desert. His book, DARK FILES, presents 61 fully illustrated UFO encounters from around the world.

These cases were obtained from real world "boots on the ground" research by gaining access to university archives, multiple UFO research centers, and private collections. All cases presented contain references so that the reader can verify them on their own. Every effort was taken to portray these cases accurately from eyewitness accounts and reports, thereby preserving an important part of our global history. This publication contains never before seen illustrations which make these historically significant UFO cases "come alive.”

James C. Goodall is a published author with 27 books in print. He is a former Docent at Kitt Peak National Observatory, former Associate Curator at Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, former Restoration Manager on the MoFs deHavilland Comet Mk 4C at The Museum of Flight, and a former Master sergeant at United States Air Force. He studied Business marketing at University of Minnesota.

He is a recognized authority both on low-observable aircraft, such as the F-117, B-2A, the Lockheed ‘twins’ (F-22 and F-35) and the Lockheed Skunk Works family of Blackbirds, and the US Navy’s fleet of modern-day fast attack and ballistic missile submarines. He has been photographing and writing about ‘spooky’ military aircraft, naval ships and submarines for the past 35 years, and his last book, 75 years of the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, was published by Osprey in 2021.

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