As we all know, after leaving the first bunker, Neil Keenan was given a box that we saw opened which contained gold kilo bars, a gift for his incredible stamina in staying with and protecting the assets.
With little concern for his own health, Neil regularly put in 20-hour days with his utmost focus being the protection of those who were with him — his own security came second. True to his resilient nature and love for action, he remained on the front line, taking all the shots.
It took nearly a month to get everything cleared up with just the one box, and before it even got to that point, Neil had “flipped” it in return for a bigger box and the promise of an even bigger return. This would facilitate the Keenan Team’s arrival, and as seen in the previous video, the box is huge and allegedly contains much more than the box of gold that was already opened.
Neil’s honesty and straightforwardness has brought about a unique closeness with the Elders, and once again, they wanted to show their appreciation. Not only did the Elders promise a larger box, but they also promised an additional box that Neil could take from the bunker, along with their approval for the creation of video footage inside the bunker of any length he wished.
With the assets from the bunkers, Neil’s intent was to provide gifts of friendship to all of those who have worked so diligently in supporting his efforts. His Team would then be properly set up and base operations would soon take off from there. Neil had also counted on giving some of this gift funding to Nelu, Jo, those with Cosmic Voice, and many others who have assisted him along the way so that all would have a fantastic Christmas.
But no, this did not happen.
The Twisted Tale
It first needs to be understood that in order to get into the bunkers, the Guardians who protect the door must be paid. With this payment, they purchase provisions/staples for the people in their village who have assisted in guarding the bunkers.
It is not easy to get into the bunkers and it can be equally difficult to get out. There are physical spirits to avoid inside the bunkers, and outside the bunkers, there is an entire village of people to be dealt with. The Guardians must obtain the funds for the villagers and Neil must make payment to them in order to get the gate open and get the boxes.
To this end, Neil then most certainly did give $20,000 to the Guardian’s “runner” whose name is Yulianto. Here is how this twisted tale evolved:
Per their agreement with the Elders, Neil and the Team waited for approval to enter the bunker. Throughout this week they were repeatedly told by Yulianto that there were many “prizes” in it for Neil and that it would change the Keenan Team’s world. But Neil did not really believe in this man and seriously doubted much of what he said.
Early one evening Neil received a call from Satrio (Yulianto’s partner in crime). He stated that he was at the bunker area (but in fact he was not there) and requested that Neil immediately send him an additional $500 to an account number that he would provide. Satrio emphasized that they needed the money right away to pay the bill for the Elder who was allegedly in the hospital.
To cut to the chase, Neil advised Satrio that they would drive more than five hours to personally give that money to the Elder. However, in reality, Satrio was four hours away from the bunker area and had to beat the Keenan Team there or otherwise his scam with Yulianto’s theft would be exposed.
To circumvent a meeting with the Elder and to buy themselves time to get to the bunker, Yulianto and Satrio conjured up a story that the Elder had been admitted to the hospital due to bleeding from mouth and nose.
Upon arrival at the bunker site, Satrio told Neil that the Elder had been released from the hospital but now his feet had started to bleed, so it would not be possible for the Elder to meet with them.
Then lo and behold the Elder appeared before them and there was not a thing wrong with him. Questions started flying from Neil and Chris (Neil’s Irish associate) and they quickly learned from the Elder that he was in perfect health and had never been in the hospital. Yulianto and Satrio had created a scam!
The Elder then proceeded to show them a receipt for $20,000 that he had given to Yulianto and Satrio for the purchase of a box that these con men had no right whatsoever to possess. This was obtained with Neil’s money!
An honest man playing by the rules in working with Neil and the Team, the Elder told them that he was not aware that the funds had come from Neil and that the money had already been spent for supplies and provisions for the village. Now another $20,000 would be needed to get into the bunker, but the Elder stated that he would only accept that money directly from Neil because the “runner” Yulianto was no longer in place with the Elder in any capacity.
Yulianto was a liar and a cheat from beginning to end. The Elder is a most sincere man whose sole intent is to help his people and others to survive. He clearly understands that Neil has “signature rights” which makes things easier for all.
However, acquiring the $20,000 could not happen in such a short amount of time, particularly because Western Union would not accept such a large sum to be paid out. To add to this dilemma, they had no time to work this out because Neil, Chris, Jo and Nelu had holiday plans that could not be delayed.
An associate of Neil’s, Diane Hicks, came up with some ideas, but with only two days time to make something happen, nothing proved workable. Neil could not believe it — the doors were open for him but he could not get in!
These foul swindlers, Yulianto and Satrio, stole Neil’s money and used it for their own purposes, defrauded the Elders and, most serious to Neil, cheated all of the people to whom he intended to give Christmas gifts. But these were not the only destructive consequences of their thievery. With their larceny and ruinous greed, Yulianto and Satrio prevented not only the opening of this one bunker, but also the opening of another three to four additional bunkers.
It did not take long for Neil to go on the warpath and begin worrying about how his friends, Team, and associates would survive. He filed a criminal complaint with the police against Yulianto who has now become highly concerned about what he’s done, to say the very least. This retribution has just begun!
Now Yulianto makes daily promises to Nelu that the funds will be returned soon. Both Nelu and Neil doubt this. That money is gone but have no doubt about it — Neil is working to put things together so that he is back in the bunkers at the beginning of the year and will then be able to send out what he intended to the people he cares for so much.
Yulianto Cannot Hide
To be sure, Yulianto will meet severe reprisals for his crime. For those who are outraged enough to voice their dissent/condemnation of what he has done, here is his contact information:
Full Name: Yulianto Purwodiharyo
Passport #P660194
Home Address:
Jl Danau Towuti E11
No. 25, Peyompongan
Jakarta Selatar, Indonesia
Neil is immensely upset about what has happened and this is an understatement. He feels he did not deliver but then again, no one was expecting anything to begin with. But you can believe this: you can’t keep a good man down!
Since not many knew of his plans at the time, Neil decided to keep quiet about what happened because he did not want to ruin anyone’s holiday. He wanted you to enjoy this day in time, and realize that we are on the cusp of something truly great.
As Neil states in the video, in the next few months the Global Accounts will be opened. Then all will finally see the beginning of substantial action and the changes we have all envisioned.
In the aftermath of these events, the most up-to-date good news is that the bunkers are now available and open to Neil. With tremendous support in full force, he will now forge ahead unimpeded!
The Videos
One of the videos here features an informal interview of Neil by an Irish journalist and banker (one of the few good ones – yes, they do exist). Although it is clear how upset he is, the interview portion shows that Neil never ever loses his sense of humor. He brought everyone into the interview — Jo, Nelu and even the interviewer himself. In the end, the video returns right back to the foremost issues at hand: the heinous theft, and the people.
Neil and his Team remain resolute and dedicated to the people and the planet. We provide no false hopes and there is no backing down in the face of temporary setbacks. Now it’s full steam ahead! And this is what Neil is all about; nothing more, nothing less.
This new year WILL be full of changes, remarkably good and celebrated changes. We thank each and every one of you for your support and wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year!
One can tell by Neil’s look at Yulianto and Satrio that he does not trust them and is warning them to be careful, but apparently they did not take heed and now they must face Neil’s wrath. It is not going to be nice.
Video Part One
Video Part Two
Video Part Three
By Neil Keenan