The new You is to be a most magnificent Being that has regained vast powers and, in Love, is ready to aid Gaia and her diverse ecosystems...
Ummac Dan

We are at a crossroads as this Gregorian year of 2014 comes to an end. Those who make up our earthly allies finally seem ready to use their current advantage over the dark cabal. The beginning of the next Gregorian year promises to bring out the forces of Light to arrest, and to oust the dark from power. This process was long in coming. The dark and its minions have been in charge of this planet’s surface societies for nearly 13 millennia. You are to start to build a new global society based upon freedom and prosperity. This is to lead to worldwide disclosure, which we feel is long overdue. Our mentors can then land and begin to move you swiftly toward building a society that is finally ready to accept those responsibilities that truly honors Gaia and the ecosystems that you reside in. Such a society can be a welcome transition, from the dark realms that you were born in to those which are fully conscious. It also means that you are able to complete a full reconciliation between yourselves and the realm of Agartha.

These physical changes are mirrored by the transformation of your emotional and mental bodies. Your medical sciences are only beginning to discover how your physical, mental and emotional bodies are truly interconnected. They are also beginning to learn how these interconnections really operate. Life is, in reality, a very complex process. As you move toward full consciousness, the various layers of your three main bodies connect together on an even more profound basis than your medical science can even imagine! We are watching these connections come “on line” and begin to more openly “talk” to each another. This can be found in the dramatic increase of vivid dreams and the sudden sensing by many of you when we are observing you. This operation shows us that you are becoming more aware that you exist in many realities at once. This is part of your increasing levels of awareness. These phenomena are to increase as this awareness increases. You are to be readied shortly for our arrival and the coming interaction with our mentors.

We arrive with blessings, and graciously ask that you come together with us on this Christmas day to pray and envision the just world, which is taking shape within our hearts and within the physical realm that you now occupy. Be ever ready to lend your most powerful soul to this divine cause. You are a most powerful collective that is presently being shaped by Heaven for life in a new realm. Use this great revision to register your affirmations for what our associates are now doing. The first grand part of these changes is to register by Christmas. Lend your energy to what is becoming a powerful force for good. The Light is committed to transform the ways of the dark, and permit you to come together to grandly change this reality into a new one. Our friends and family, in Spirit and in space, have done much to aid our associates and prepare the way for freedom and prosperity.
The new You is to be a most magnificent Being that has regained vast powers and, in Love, is ready to aid Gaia and her diverse ecosystems. You are being readied to be able to use your abilities to transform Gaia, and especially to turn her surface into the pristine realm which you first encountered some 900,000 years ago. This world was quite different from the world that you see every day. You are to restore her forests, lakes and rivers. You are also to return her oceans and air to the pristine nature that you encountered long ago. We are most proud of what you are to become. We ourselves have seen the beauty that is Agartha. This grand energy is to be wondrously restored by you. We are to supervise and to aid you in these grand works. With these changes, Gaia is to return to the beauty which she once knew. Moreover, you are to spread out to the four water worlds and build a most glorious new star nation.

Today, we have continued our weekly report on what is happening on this world. Soon, the Galactic Federation and the Agarthans are to join you, and together forge a new star nation, with Heaven’s blessings. It is this grand creation by which you are to produce your grand destiny! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
PAO ~ Planetary Activation Organization
Each member of the Galactic Federation brings a specific skill to their role in the first contact process. In this Webinar, Sheldan presents the various GF first contact team members and describes how they will assist us in our shift to full consciousness.
Preview video: Galactic Federation Member Roles

We are evolving back to oneness!
Topics include...
• Who was King Atlas? Where did he go wrong?
• Are we repeating the last days of Atlantis?
• Decoding Current Events ~ political and economic realities
• Galactic Federation Members ~ their key roles and how they are helping us
• Agarthans are walking among us ~ what is their role?
• Returning to Unity Consciousness (Returning to Oneness)
To order your copy of "Major Players in Our Shifting Consciousness"
NOTE: By purchasing PAO's many webinar archives, dvds or books, you support us and keep our message spreading around the world. Happy Holidays!

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