The time for success is upon us!
Ummac Dan

We are thoroughly indebted to each of you for your continued patience. We comprehend the level of frustration you go through each and every day. Hence, we are doing what we can to set this right and allow for the beginnings of a vast transfer of wealth, which permits each of you to do what you came here for. It is indeed quite difficult to maintain a degree of self-reinforcement of your positive dreams when it seems likely that these things are constantly being delayed by the dark and its nefarious henchmen. Our plan is to show the Light how those operating on Gaia’s surface can hasten the inevitable. The present key is to loosen up the process; to get the promised wealth safely to those who we so much cherish and dutifully trust. This process needs to work quickly, for the rise of new governance and the transformation of the global financial system. We have spelled out a number of ways that this can swiftly happen. Our liaisons, with the assistance of our Agarthan friends, are executing the means to achieve these lofty and most necessary goals.

We are therefore doing what is necessary to complete our various ways to bring down the dark cabal and its seemingly never-ending machinations. This requires a number of things to be done by our earthly associates. Our liaisons assure us that vital actions are now underway. It is the hope of the Ascended Masters, and of Heaven, that these dark rapscallions acknowledge defeat and become isolated from you. Plans are approved by which these dark minions can be arrested, tried and moved into places where they can no longer influence events happening throughout this globe. Only then can we truthfully state that a new reality can completely manifest around you. We have conferred with many on your world who fully comprehend what needs to be done. In this light, we can state that actions are underway that are designed to break this present deadlock and move your realm forward to a new reality. This can also swiftly lead to disclosure and the arrival of our mentors in your realm. It is at this time that you are to draw very close to the final steps, which lead to full consciousness!

We come here to explain a number of events that are affecting the receiving of your blessings. The most important of these is how to disable the current power of the dark cabal, which wants to prevent the disbursement of the new financial system. There are a series of agreements which we signed with the policing units of your realm, and these units are currently pushing aside illegal barriers to the introduction of a new security system for international bank transfers. In addition, our space friends are using their abilities to assure that a number of our programs get introduced and rapidly fulfilled. We bless all those who are permitting us to set aside the vile and abhorrent ways by which the dark controls the processing of your blessings. We deeply wish to be able to give you a special gift during this holiday season. We also intend to use this prosperity to introduce to you a new system of government.
Our associates are hence preparing these heavenly blessings! For decades you have had to wait patiently for events that can immensely alter this realm. We are working closely with many to ensure that the scalawags who have either stolen or blocked the delivery of certain funds receive the justice they truly deserve. Arrests and various charges are being readied to isolate them so they are no longer able to delay what we have long promised you. The dark is now busily orchestrating various sequences of events which can lead to another global war. Our space family is canceling this process. We ask you as well, blessed Ones, to use your meditations and rituals to aid this most noble cause. We daily pray and focus upon peace, change and prosperity for this realm. A new period of great consciousness is settling in around this globe. Use this new energy to manifest a new epoch for all humanity!

Today, we continued to inform you of what is happening here. Many wonderful miracles are to occur during this holiday season. Be ready to accept these, and to rejoice at what Heaven is to give you. The coming year is to be filled with even greater miracles and the final steps by which you are to start your ultimate alteration into full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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