UFO ET Disclosure
The Congressional Hearing Initiative (CHI) is on schedule for the March 31 launch. PRG will conduct the most comprehensive effort ever to get congressional hearings this year for scores of military/agency/political witnesses ready to testify under oath to events and evidence confirming an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. Between $25K and $50K is needed to maximize this effort. PRG hopes that one or two persons with the understanding of how important hearings would be and the means to make it happen will step forward publicly or privately to get the job done this time. Hearings will very likely lead to the end of the truth embargo this year.
Developments of Interest

At the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles Coast to Coast AM and Beyond Belief host George Noory presented a lifetime achievement award to PRG executive director Stephen Bassett for his Disclosure advocacy work.Many thanks to Robert Quicksilver and the CLE staff for this award and a wonderful evening.

Watchers 7, a film by L. A. Marzulli and Richard Shaw won the Best Documentary and People's Choice Awards at the IUFOC Film Festival on February 8 in Fountain Hills, AZ. The entire Watchers series is excellent and Watchers 7 includes footage about the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and PRG's advocacy work. Congratulations.

Congressional Hearing Initiative Advanced Preparation
Over the next five weeks leading up to the Congressional Hearing Initiative there are a number of actions those interested in seeing the end of the truth embargo can take to broaden the support base for PRG's Disclosure advocacy work. These websites offer a number of options. Obviously any and all link sharing is helpful.
World Disclosure Day
At this site you and/or your organization can endorse July 8 as World Disclosure Day.
Exopolitics World Network
PRG is seeking volunteer webmasters to acquire, create and maintain a portal exopolitics website for as many countries as possible - one per country. Site names and URLs include the country name. Anyone interested with website skills and knowledge of the ET issues, please contact PRG.
Exopolitics United States Network
In like fashion PRG is seeking volunteer webmasters to acquire, create and maintain a portal exopolitics website for as many states as possible - one per state. Site names and URLs include the state name. Anyone interested with website skills and knowledge of the ET issues, please contact PRG.
Fax On Washington
Drop in and visit the website that will help coordinate emails, faxes and tweets to members of Congress when the Congressional Hearing Initiative begins on March 31.
Disclosure Petition
Drop in and visit the website where "Disclosure Petition VI - Congressional Hearings" will be posted on March 31 prior to being submitted to the White House website on April 10.

If you're on Facebook, consider liking or joining the following
FB pages:
Citizen Hearing Foundation and the UN Initiative

Conferences Upcoming
Ft. Lauderdale, FL - Apr 7-12 | Erie, PA - April 26 | Elmhurst, IL - May 2-4 | Tampa, FL - May 16-17 | Philadelphia, PA - July 18-20 | Joshua Tree, CA - Aug 8-10 | Pittsburgh, PA - Nov 8 - All Links Here
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