By Steve Beckow

They’ve been saying that extraterrestrials – or galactics, as we call them – are here and that they have been visiting us for some time.
We lightworkers have been making “remarkable statements” like that for some time now. But I realized that if we want to have our remarkable statements heard, it isn’t enough to make them at one time and be done with it. They have to be made over and over again.
Yes, extraterrestrial life exists. Yes, it’s here and has been for some time.
We don’t call them “extraterrestrials” here. We call them our star brothers and sisters.
They’re here around the Earth in millions of cloaked ships. They exist, not only on other planets in other star systems such as the Pleiades, Sirius, and Andromeda, but on different and higher dimensions than us (which is how they become invisible).
They follow the universal laws like the Law of Freewill so they don’t interfere with us much. One of the reasons they came here was to ask us not to interfere with them. When we set off nuclear weapons in space, we cause death and destruction in their worlds on other dimensions.
They put a stop to the explosion of all nuclear weapons in space and any nuclear weapons exploded on Earth with hostile intentions. Have you noticed there haven’t been any lately, despite all the threats (and some attempts to launch them)?
At least not since suitcase-sized nuclear bombs (as well as thermite) were used to bring down the World Trade Center. I wonder who had access to that Earthly technology?
They’ve mitigated manmade pandemics, manmade tsunamis, manmade hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and wildfires (think HAARP). Just go on Youtube and look at the spaceships passing through the Icelandic eruption cloud. Or ask yourself how a meteorite about to hit Russia could have fragmented at the last moment and notice the spaceship passing through it.
But they can only go so far in interfering with our freewill. If we want to kill ourselves, to rape and pillage ourselves, they’re obliged by the law of the universe to stand back, more or less, and allow us to do it.
Much of our technology came from them. How do you think the computer sprang up in such a short time? The silicon chip at the heart of it was back-engineered from the downed Roswell spacecraft – by Hughes Aircraft, a company I worked for. All kinds of things have extraterrestrial origins: teflon, kevlar, velcro, fibreoptics, anti-gravity technology, you name it.
They worship the same God as we – how could it be otherwise since there is only One? But they actually worship, and serve, and know that God, whereas most of us simply mouth the words.
They’re human like us. The human template, it turns out, is actually common throughout the universe. This universe, that is. There are other universes.
If you really want to know the whole story, they peopled the Earth. We’re their great, great, great, great grandchildren. They’re our ancestors.
They’ve sent us world religious leaders like Krishna. Where do you think a blue-hued person comes from if not from Sirius? And, yes, I’m serious.
It isn’t them we should be afraid of. It’s us. They’ve come, in a manner of speaking, to save us from ourselves.
If they hadn’t, a fact which most people don’t know about, we’d have been dead from a nuclear World War III. Forces on this planet were planning it and it’s only through galactic intervention that you and I are eating our Wheaties today and watching football on TV.
Have you not heard of the destruction of the deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs) in 2011?
That’s where the planners of World War III were to go to to last out the nuclear winter they would have caused. Now they have to stay on the planet’s surface, like the rest of us “useless eaters” (their words), and enjoy their handiwork.
Yes, there have been abductions. The U.S. Government since Eisenhower has been working with one galactic race that we know of, a lower-dimensional set who did not honor the Law of Freewill.
They were allowed to abduct people and extract genetic material for their dying and sterile race and return them. In return, they supplied the U.S. Government with technology to be distributed to the people.
It was never distriubuted and those species are gone. The benevolent species, our benefactors, sent them packing. Have you heard of an abduction recently?
The white hats who remain are our protectors and they’re bringing about a shift in our consciousness which anyone can feel if they take stock of their spiritual and emotional state right now.
We have a glorious future ahead of us, in concert with our star family. And I think that’s about the most remarkable statement I can make in the course of this remarkable statement.
For more on this subject, see this area of the Golden Age of Gaia website: “Disclosure” at
(1) Arjun Walla, “NASA Brings Scientists & Theologians Together To Prepare World For Extraterrestrial Contact,” Collective Evolution, Sept. 25, 2014, at

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