These documents are seen by our associates as a form of surrender and are to be carried out accordingly.
Disclosure is actually a major watershed.
"Ummac Dan"

We are here, as you know, to carry out Heaven’s divine dispensation, which is to return you to your former state of full consciousness. This process includes our mass landings and the introduction to you of a mentor. Mentors are meant to carry on a divine dialogue. This dialogue begins with trust and ends with you able to enter your crystal Light Chamber. This three-day journey is to reverse the epigenetic issues that prevented you from quickly returning to full consciousness and kept you mired in the horror of misplaced fears and illusions, which are the essence of limited consciousness. Hence, you first need to undo those horrors, which added to what the dark Atlanteans first gave you. Then you are ready to accept the grace-filled transformations of the Light Chamber. Your mentor and your various angelic hosts are to watch over you during this process. When you emerge, you are ready for a special training in the life tools we call our special etiquette. This in hand, you can begin your new life with us.

The dark cabal is the last living remnant of those minions that have controlled your realm for millennia. Unlike the Anunnaki, they formally refused to give up and undertake programs, which were to lead to your prosperity and to governance that was able to free you from a most heinous debt slavery. To this dark cabal, we were interlopers, with allies on this globe that needed to be defeated. The usual misplaced wars and terrors were to be the means to do so. These tactics have failed. The dark has reached a point where the surrender it feared is to become a reality. Expect your prosperity, and also the rise of governance that really wishes your input and your support. In this new realm, we can appear and aid your Ascended Masters in their duties to free you and inform you about the uncluttered truths given you long ago by Heaven. You are at last to bask in these truths and rediscover the extent of your magnificence!

We arrive with good news and blessings. Our sacred associates continue to make excellent progress! The arrival of the prosperity packages is quite close. These packages are tied to the advent of NESARA, and therefore, the rise of new governance. The present dark cabal is desperately using its old methods of war and fear to somehow save themselves from destruction. This is not going to work! The consciousness of this world has risen too much to give way to such nonsense. A schedule for the transfer of new governance and the rise of a new economic system was recently reached. These documents are seen by our associates as a form of surrender and are to be carried out accordingly. This is why the prosperity deliveries are so close. Once all of this becomes fully manifest, then government can free you from millennia of enforced debt slavery. After a brief time, a schedule can be given for our lessons.
We are excited about the very near events. Prosperity and freedom are indeed heady items. You need to take the time to review your inner plan for success. Confer with your loved ones on these matters, and above all, take into account each other in this vast world that many still call “the global village.” All of this wealth and well-being is to raise you up from a most serious daily toil for survival. You need to take on a new countenance. You need to learn to love each other, and especially, Gaia. Think of what she provides you daily. Think of how her special friends have gifted you with the time to be meditative and knowledgeable about this world. We bless you all and rejoice in the fact that this global society is to be freed from the dire wishes of the dark!

We now come to a place where we thank you for all, and state that you are on the verge of a great change. Look around and really see what is happening. Look within, and there you can discover magnificent things. We leave you now with our great blessing. Rejoice and be ready for the Creator’s wonders! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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