YOU ARE INVITED to Join Dr. Steven Greer for a Contact Expedition under the stars in Florida * this winter!
We will gather at a beautiful oceanfront Villa and have private access to a beach park directly on the ocean each evening to practice the CE-5 Contact protocols.
During the day, Dr. Greer will provide information that will become the foundation of his next book: Disclosure 2.0. From the history of ET contact, to the future civilization that will soon emerge using free energy and anti-gravity technologies, to how these new sciences will revolutionize medicine, the economy and our destiny together- all of this and more will be discussed during this exciting week with Dr. Greer.
Dr. Greer will provide In-depth training meditation and Remote Viewing and explain how the Science of Consciousness and ET communication, travel and even manufacturing are connected. The interface between Consciousness, matter, electromagnetism and trans-dimensional physics will be explored so that each participant understands and experiences this new reality, and is prepared to make Contact.
*The closest airport to where we will be meeting is Melbourne FL or you could easily fly into the Palm Beach Airport. The exact location will be given out once you have registered. If we give out the exact location in advance we find that sometimes people "invite themselves" to the meetings and field work which is not fair to those who have registered.
The CSETI groups have had the most amazing experiences when near the sea from several years at the Outer Banks NC and several years on Marco Island FL. Besides enjoying warm Florida weather in winter the experiences should be amazing.
Outer Banks, NC - 2009 - "The craft that had dematerialized in the ocean emerged as an energetic field and manifested as a bright light signaling intermittently ninety feet from us on the beach! We filmed it and everyone on the beach saw it. It was an extraterrestrial vehicle, manifesting as points of light about five feet above the beach and flashing at least 100 times over the course of an hour. " from "Contact: Countdown to Transformation." and footage available on the DVD of the same title. Click here for ordering information.

If the evolution of the human race is such an important factor to Stephen Greer, why does he charge $2500?
ReplyDeleteIf it really was important to him, wouldn't he do this for free or allot less than $2500?
I'm a believer of science and truth.
Everything costs money in the world we live in. Why does this surprise you. Do you honestly think anyone would book a Villa for a week and Fly to Florida, then donate their expertise for a few days for free? LOL If you can't afford it, it's either not that important to you or UFOS shouldn't be what's on your mind.