It is essential to all concerned that the various travesties, which now engulf Africa, be brought to a safe conclusion. It is equally necessary that those in charge of these calamities be arrested. Once these scalawags are properly isolated, then a new political and economic system can be successfully executed. We have had long talks with our various allies on not only the problems happening in Africa, but also those occurring throughout the newly developing nations. The humanitarian projects are designed to alleviate the present difficulties and allow the best-qualified leaders to pursue projects that can begin to solve and creatively permit success in all fields. Water, sanitation, employment issues, and a whole host of interrelated problems, need to be alleviated. Technologies exist to aid these nations in building a complex and modern infrastructure. Prosperity is more than money. Rather, it represents the ability to finish what colonialism barely began.

Our mission here is thus divided into three parts; the first is nearly complete. That is to provide a realm that has expelled its darkness and is ready to prepare for full consciousness. The second part is to watch over new governance and growing prosperity. At the right moment, we are to land and introduce you to your many mentors. Then, you are to look deep within yourselves and prepare for what the Crystal Light Chamber is to give you, full consciousness. The last stage is the actual transporting of you to your assigned spot in a great number of Crystal Cities. Once there, you are to go with your mentor, and when appropriate, to enter your chamber and initiate a transformational three-day journey. When you emerge, you are to undergo a seven to ten day training, to jumpstart your return to full consciousness. Then you are, in essence, a fully conscious Being. You need to collectively apply your talents and forge both a new galactic society and a new star nation.

We arrive today with some very blessed news! The dark cabal, which has long been in charge, is finally on the way out. Those associates, who represent the many sacred societies and the ancient families, have reached a point where the dark can no longer sustain its opposition to the Light. These blessed individuals are presently using a number of key legal decisions and proper financial pressures to force the dark to open those financial conduits that they had long blocked. These blessed developments mean that a number of our humanitarian trust monies can now be distributed globally. We intend to instruct our various associates to move forward with those fundings needed to start a number of key prosperity projects. These projects are only the start of what is to follow. We fully intend to use these funds to jumpstart a new financial system for this planet.
This new financial system is now forming. Our associates have assisted a number of nations in creating the financial means to forge new economies, and a system that discourages the fraud and other immoralities all too common across this most sacred orb. This new system aligns with the prosperity which blessed Count Saint Germain is now ready to spread worldwide. This abundance is to end the poverty, starvation, pestilence and wars that characterize the millennia run so wantonly by the dark. You are now to enter a time of rising consciousness and growing awareness of the need to care for this living planet that you so graciously live upon. You need to fully return to your guardianship of Gaia and a daily blessing to Heaven for your life in physicality. You are, my children, to return in grace to full consciousness! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we carried on with our message! The time comes for many changes to appear. You are to experience events which were thought impossible by most. Governance is to change. Prosperity is to be common. Disclosure is to occur. You are to be transformed into fully conscious beings of Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
We are evolving back to oneness!
Each member of the Galactic Federation brings a specific skill to their role in the first contact process. In this Webinar, Sheldan presents the various GF first contact team members and describes how they will assist us in our shift to full consciousness.
Topics include...
• Who was King Atlas? Where did he go wrong?
• Are we repeating the last days of Atlantis?
• Decoding Current Events ~ political and economic realities
• Galactic Federation Members ~ their key roles and how they are helping us
• Agarthans are walking among us ~ what is their role?
• Returning to Unity Consciousness (Returning to Oneness)
Sunday, October 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, October 30, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)
For your convenience: Time Converter
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Seats are Limited...Register Now!
*To make payment and register: Click Here*
Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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