You require some heavenly and galactic wisdom about your reality and your distant origins as a people. In this regard, we, and your Ascended Masters, are to offer some sound advice and truths about the nature of this realm and limited consciousness. The dark, prior to the end of Atlantis, carefully watched colonies throughout the Atlantean empire. These colonies were eventually meant to serve as the source of slaves. These slaves were to be the basis for the Atlanteans and their allies to drastically change this empire’s societies. This concept was fought by those who understood the special “deal” Heaven had given Atlantis at the time of the destruction of Mu (ancient Lemuria). This conflict was to lead to the destruction of Atlantis some 13,000 years ago. At that time, the Anunnaki emerged as the dark successors to this lost empire. Initially, the Anunnaki filled your ancestors with a great stream of mistruths. The purpose was to forge a mythology to control the survivors of this catastrophe.

Since that time, we have used our offices to ensure their success. The Agarthans committed even more of their personnel to live in your world and advise these special allies on the best strategies to favor. In addition, we obtained data vital for their several strategies. This data, along with our added personnel, greatly aided these brave and courageous souls in their endeavors. Our purpose was to help them in order to see NESARA proclaimed. The new governance was to recognize us and finally end a most malicious cover-up that has prevented us from engaging in a more overt policy of support. We have instead monitored your world and done what was available to us. Our liaisons have been ferrying between these friendly groups for decades. We intend to take a more active role since new heavenly decrees now infer this. Heaven implored us to interfere in a most positive way and ensure that the forces of the Light succeed. Thus, this is the time when the dark is to fade ungraciously from the scene.

We come today with more good news! The various allies from our secret sacred societies, as well as the various Ancient Families, are in the process of transferring monies to a number of distribution trust accounts. Those special groups are to pay out your global prosperity programs and foreign exchange accounts. The dark cabal has long used its positions of authority to prevent these payouts from happening. Agreements and the threat of force by the Ancient Families, as well as by us, finally liberated these accounts from their heinous grasp. Blessed be the ways of Heaven and the power of the Light! These funds are to be ready once a number of final steps are completed. Expect shortly to hear announcements on this very subject. We rejoice and prepare for a number of wondrous blessings for humanity. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
In other news, those in charge of bringing down the old reality are ready to start a series of legal moves, to lead to the rise of the new GESARA governance. We bless these actions, as they are the final steps that are to lead to your freedom and to the true declaration of your individual sovereignty. As the old powers fade, the Light is to emerge triumphant. Be prepared, dear hearts, for some amazing events. Remember this time of your year is to celebrate the end of tyranny and the return of those abilities that were lost during the time of Atlantis. The coming great white month in ancient times was when Atlantis reached its conclusion by overstepping its power. The Light showed that agreements made with Heaven are to be obeyed in joy and in the Light of divine service. The days of darkness are over! The time of the divine Light is indeed here!

Today, we continued our messages. Be in joy and prepare yourselves for the final steps of this part of your journey. Magnificent events are happening. We are close to the landings. Let these final steps be indeed true and swift. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
From PAO ~ Planetary Activation Organization

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