Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

The whole process of altering this planetary society has been much more complicated than first imagined. This realm was initially conceived of by the Anunnaki as a land that possessed a primary belief that those in power were invincible. Thus, the present group of minions saw themselves as Beings capable of overcoming anything that might reduce or end their power. A most arrogant set of beliefs was deeply etched into everyone’s psyche. One of the many reasons for our difficulty in aiding our partners in the Light was these insane core conceptions. This belief is now receding as, day by day, Heaven aims a burst of positive and consciousness-raising energies at humanity. We have watched as our earthly partners succeeded in altering this negative belief and initiated a series of major arrests among this global group of minions. The aim of this operation is to ensure that prosperity leads directly into a GESARA for this long-suffering world. Step by step, this is indeed becoming the case!

Heaven first created this entire project long ago when they solemnly addressed the Ascended Masters. They decreed that the new reality that was to free surface humanity was to be noted for its never-ending prosperity, accompanied by the return of your long-awaited freedom. Humanity was to regain the individual sovereignty lost by the illegal proclamations of the Anunnaki, thereby divinely righting this grievous wrong. It was to be the prime mission of the Ascended Masters to oversee and aid humanity as provided for by several rules designated to this task by Heaven. These rules were followed, as well as the edict to provide the necessary monies to set up such an immense prosperity. In addition, a special team was to be established to legally overthrow the Anunnaki’s minions when required. Now that this task is complete, you are ready to feast on the fruits of this mighty effort. These projects were further supported by our arrival as commanded by Heaven. The next steps are to enable the completion of the events that constitute this special operation and prepare us for first contact.

This next period in your spiritual development precludes a return by the dark to any semblance of power. The blessed Administrations of Heaven preordained their defeat. This is a divine process you can truly celebrate. Be truly aware of what is happening and apply your exceptional visionary skills to this vital topic. Heaven has orchestrated a process that is quite divine. Look upon this current reality as a clever way to check who is on board for the extraordinary changes that are to follow. Thirteen millennia ago, the dark took charge of this reality and created a world that was horrific for all of its surface humanity. It is vital that all who are opposed to these changes show their true colors and be added to the already-long list of those who are to be divinely isolated from you. Therefore, this blessed scenario is in readiness to reveal who supports, or does not support, the new Republic! (NESARA/GESARA)
We ask simply that you bear with this and prepare yourselves for a coming grand announcement. Heaven does not wish anyone to continue to suffer. Once this process has finished, we fully intend to introduce the true American governance and end the dark farce that commenced nearly 150 years ago. When the original Constitution was first proclaimed, it lacked the Bill of Rights. Once added, this system of governance was legally proclaimed. The same is true now. Only the blessed documents of NESARA are to become legal. Have patience and know in your heart what is to happen shortly. Come together and be aware of what is occurring and use your energies to enable us to triumph! Those who now so arrogantly parade around are to be isolated by our sacred associates! This operation has already begun! Be patient and allow it to manifest and transform this reality.

Today, we carried on with our weekly report. We have reviewed what is developing across this beautiful blue-green orb and see how the forces of the Light are bringing together their great victory. Much is unfolding that is about to transform this world for the better. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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