Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

It is important for you to truly realize that the present situations to which you are witness are only a ruse. The NESARA Republic is shortly to be declared, and prodigious sums have been set aside for all the exchanges and for the promised prosperity funds. Use this sacred time to divinely ready your mind for what is about to happen. You are destined to receive funds that are only meant temporarily to let you get used to the power and terror that money symbolized in this realm. The rising consciousness in you is to look beyond these beliefs, and in a short time, various devices such as our trans-matter processor are designed to make money obsolete. Nevertheless, people need to go through a period when they can clear their minds of the vast and ridiculous beliefs about money and wealth. Money was invented by the Anunnaki long ago to emphasize the difference between you and their minions. This exercise is to release you of the lies and misperceptions that you have long held about wealth. Do what you truly wish, and you will learn some basic truths about this particular subject.

It is at this point that your freedom, prosperity and new governance join together and allow us to gently intervene. Our mentors are then to see how well you each have performed. This next level is to use your new self-knowledge to begin to develop a new inner dossier for yourselves. Your experiences need to be evaluated from your own perspectives, and in the light of your now-known past histories from Atlantis to the present. Together, you and your mentor are to decide how this collection of data fits together. This process is to create a profile that enables you, finally, to get the “big picture” of how you fit in. That is, to understand how your inner perceptions dovetail succinctly into this newly reformed realm. This is a process that needs deep exploration and frank evaluation, which is why you are so carefully examined every night by our medical teams. This is the physical data that needs to be recombined with the spiritual data you and your mentor piece together. This process requires some joint inner work, followed by a basic overview of how it fits into the collective. Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!

The world that surrounds you is changing quickly. Heaven is moving vast amounts of sacred fire into the Gaia plane. This energy is transforming the life fields that encompass you. These energies, in turn, are affecting how your inner aura fields operate. These divine flashes of energy are preparing you to consciously alter your perceptions about how this global society works. This process is to allow you before long to see the validity in transmuting the old de facto government into the new de jure NESARA one. This change is planned to occur shortly and can permit this new government to formally announce the reality of the Inner Earth realm of Agartha, as well as the formal disclosure of your galactic family. These series of actions are also to launch the formal establishment of the new global banking system and the new treasury bank monies. These blessed actions are a result of the great visions that you have held. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
What your dreams and visions have accomplished is being positively reflected back to you in a series of heavenly acts. Those who have worked diligently to manifest this began with the vast sums of monies created by our fellow Masters. This is to be swiftly followed by the glorious fruits promised you by NESARA. Heaven wishes to free you from the evil ones who arrogantly run this presently illegal American government and its many Allies. This excessive corruption is to be capped by the formal rise of the NESARA Republic and a new, and fairer, banking system. Blessedly, our sacred associates have procured a means to permit such a momentous change to materialize. Use this freedom and prosperity to make possible your dreams and your pursuit of inner happiness. Throw off all the fears and worries that somehow still encircle you. Let this new time define who you truly are!
Daniel B Holeman

Today we continued with our weekly reports. Some of you believe that what we say is hypothetical. Instead, our words depict a land that is now being born in selected places across this vast globe. It is to this promise that we joyfully dedicate these reports. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from The Galactic Federation

In recent days, our world has been witness to many surprising events.
The U.S. election, in particular, has profoundly polarized and disturbed many people. During this Webinar, Sheldan will take us behind the scenes for a glimpse of the election's aftermath, discuss humanity's direction and explain where Gaia is headed next.

Topics include...
• U.S. election: What's next?
• Brexit
• BRICS: An update
• Distribution of Funds: Where do we stand now?
• Mass arrests: An update
• Announcement team: Who will they be?
• Right Divine Time: Are we and Gaia vibrationally ready yet?
Sunday, December 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Thursday, December 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Seats are Limited...
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Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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