Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

A wondrous scenario is readying a new global financial system. It is something that is truly worth its present and surreptitious nature. Continuing the current operation in such a peculiar way assures its overall success. At present, we are awaiting a number of key steps that still need to be announced. Once these tasks are finished, we are to finally terminate the Federal Reserve Bank. This one major step legitimizes the new gold-backed global monetary system! With this behind us, a series of bold moves can support the distribution of the new Treasury-supported currencies. The new currency alone is to end the present power of fiat monies. We are looking forward to the steps that are to lead to this most welcome and required process. It can then most easily create the conditions for delivery. This in turn permits us to spread a worldwide prosperity. It also permits us to carry out a number of important clauses in last year's Paris treaty.

We now have the beginnings of a new power structure, one that is to create a de jure Republic and out of this new arrangement, NESARA. Be proud so you can bring all of this out. The dark is destined for the dustbin of history. The old realm is actually finished and a new and wondrous understanding of this reality is occurring. It is not easy to let go of the uneasy and fearful past, but inside you is the way to a new world. Let it BE and come together in the ever-spreading brightness of this new Light and Love. The old dark ways are gone. Take this power by the hand and allow it to be. You have dispatched the old tyranny. Be smart about it all. Follow the wise edicts of the Masters. Rise up and be free! You are the ones who have suffered in silence and were afraid to acknowledge your power. Set this aside and act like you won. Be true to this and do those deeds that prove the wondrous extent of your power. It is the time for mass arrests and the formal proclaiming of the NESARA Republic! Rise up and be sovereign, prosperous and free!

This time is especially relevant for setting up the various blessed elements for the global RV to happen. It is a sacred task for all to come together and use our various visions to ensure that the most fabulous set of beliefs happen. We deeply require events to manifest, to prove the sanctity of our joint efforts. Long ago, we came together and promised each other that our mutual beliefs were indeed real. We now need to prove this to each other. This realm has already shown the power that we jointly possess. Next, we need to continue so the global RV can happen. In this process of hope and joy, we can engender the collective boldness that is to swiftly bring in this divine era. This is thus the correct right time to end all our suppositions and manifest this new sacred reality.
Thus, it is vitally important that we use our positive visions to forge a reality that finally permits many global events to happen. Take time to bring forth joy and thereby allow us all to experience prosperity, sovereignty and other things. Let us together transform this reality. This is a time meant for miracles and visions. The dark has been targeted. It now needs to be eliminated. This world can no longer continue in its current state. Rather, it is the moment for your true liberation. This globe is bracing for a revolt of unprecedented proportions. It cannot be asked by the lame to secure the rewards of the blind. Come together my Children! Demand that those who are defeated act as such. Give out the promises of Heaven. Realize in your heart what you really are and come together to receive this holy blessing.

Today, we have carried on with our weekly global report. You are on the verge of a new time for humanity, to forge an opportunity to experience what you have long dreamed of and at last be free of the debt that you have inherited. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from PAO & GF

Sheldan's Live Webinar for Thursday February 23
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Someone once said that energy is the key to life.
Beginning this year and especially for the past month, I have been experiencing extreme energy fluctuations and my poor body is being dragged along for the ride. Although otherwise enjoying good health, I alternate emotionally between waves of hopelessness, and happiness approaching euphoria. Some mornings I wake up tired. Other days, I notice random unexpected periods of weakness at odd hours. Sometimes nights are better, while other times, I am a zombie from supper on. Go figure. It is just not predictable.
So why am I telling you all this?
Because every month during Sheldan's Live Webinars, the Galactics join us. Working alongside our medical teams, they help to balance us and restore our vital energy flow.
February's Webinar theme, how Love Can Conquer Fear, promises to be extra special.
As a collective, we can boost the Galactic Federation’s mightily powerful energies that will help them expedite a magnificent shift in our world.
We welcome you to join us at PAO and get into the energy flow!
Peace and Love,
Webmaster, PAO
Click Here
Someone once said that energy is the key to life.
Beginning this year and especially for the past month, I have been experiencing extreme energy fluctuations and my poor body is being dragged along for the ride. Although otherwise enjoying good health, I alternate emotionally between waves of hopelessness, and happiness approaching euphoria. Some mornings I wake up tired. Other days, I notice random unexpected periods of weakness at odd hours. Sometimes nights are better, while other times, I am a zombie from supper on. Go figure. It is just not predictable.
So why am I telling you all this?
Because every month during Sheldan's Live Webinars, the Galactics join us. Working alongside our medical teams, they help to balance us and restore our vital energy flow.
February's Webinar theme, how Love Can Conquer Fear, promises to be extra special.
As a collective, we can boost the Galactic Federation’s mightily powerful energies that will help them expedite a magnificent shift in our world.
We welcome you to join us at PAO and get into the energy flow!
Peace and Love,
Webmaster, PAO

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