Many elements are coming together to help permit all to forge a new time of progress and resolution.
Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

All of this is slowly working its way to a most successful conclusion. The problems being encountered are a direct result of the many transitions that this special orb is going through. We have also seen the tremendous cautiousness of those in power. Once this difficult situation is resolved, we can then return to an easier and swifter mode of operation. Until then, you can expect uneven progress. Many elements are coming together to help permit all to forge a new time of progress and resolution. This is being monitored as those in power made deals that need to be shortly corrected. When this occurs, expect a great deal of arrests and special procedures to isolate the cabal from these new realities. Until then, the cabal may feel that it has somehow weathered the storm. In fact, its time of dread is now on the immediate horizon. It is necessary to forge a new realm, free of the hindrances created by the skullduggery of the cabal and its many henchmen. Change is imminent.

Thus began a struggle that seemed to be heading toward a resolution favoring those of the Light. It was based upon using Love and Light to end the long tyranny of the dark and its minions. It created a fundamental restructuring that signaled a growing weakness of the dark Ancharan. This process had rearranged the power structure and wonderfully permitted the Light and its forces to achieve its long sought triumph. In this growing void, the Light seemed to possess a strategy that hinted at success. It was time to secretly dream of success and to plow forward with a means to achieve it. We entered this new realm and used our wisdom and knowledge to aid the Light and bring the Inner Earth society into this fight. What has been happening now is the use of heavenly support to allow all of the Light's goals to manifest. It is a most auspicious time for carving out a new and wondrous realm!

This time is noted for its gentle shift from a world based upon an ever-present tyranny to one whose foundation is Love and Light. This subtle alteration seems as though it is yet to happen. The power structure was shifted slowly. Here is where Heaven understood why this immense shift required what at first seemed so outwardly odd and misdirected. Those who control this realm had an agenda to create a series of general catastrophes. Heaven needs to change this so that an alternate pathway can become a new norm. This usually takes time. However, these are changes according to a strategy being carried out blessedly by Heaven's prime directors. We acknowledge and thank the immense grace and profound Love that this sacred decree requires.
This divine process is occurring in such a way that all is completed on heavenly time. Those who are achieving these grand alterations are fully aware of the complex subtleties required. A number of very long and inclusive decrees were employed to enable all to be done as the divine plan so demanded. We are very proud of those of you who helped us to fulfill our numerous parts in this section of physical reality. What remains is being completed as Heaven so miraculously envisioned. This grand project is wondrously joining many parts of this conscious realm together. Once again, we need to thank and bless you. It has been a most difficult yet joyous journey. This next part can easily be most satisfying. We Masters realize the complexity and subtlety of this plan. We can only ask you to enjoy the wonder of it. Many amazing parts are swiftly to appear.

Today, we continued our reports about what is occurring around this globe. We are proud of you. Despite what appeared to many as overwhelming odds, your great faith and vision enabled you to triumph! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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