By One Who Knows
It seems that it is time, in the final hours of our transition to our new World and Golden Age, that I Disclose some information about who I am and why I am here. To be frank, I have only recently learned of my mission due to certain events taking place. I will reveal much more later in a story that I am writing with Sephora who has been a part of my mission for 900,000 years since the sinking of Atlantis.
My Friendship With Grandfather
It turns out that I have been friends with Grandfather since way before Atlantis. He has shared with me, and I have confirmed from many different sources, that I was Plato in the days of Greece. He said that back then we would discuss philosophy for not just hours, but for weeks at a time. It seems that Philosophy has always been "my thing." It is no surprise to me that I have written a book on it now, in this lifetime, and there are many more books to come.
Grandfather was instrumental in reuniting me with Sephora recently as we are a team together, who has special powers and abilities and are supposed to accomplish certain things at this time in history. We have accomplished some amazing things already, way more than you could possibly imagine. Super-natural powers are involved, and many more stories will be revealed. You might remember one that was told about the last 4 evil devices that we helped identify and remove from the planet.
"Sources, Power, Atlantis & Lemuria" - Sephora FyreByrd and One Who Knows - 4.4.17
There is so much more to my mission and hers, that cannot be revealed to me directly as I have to discover what I am to do, and ask questions. He has been there to guide me and Sephora as we follow through with our soul contract agreed to before the sinking of Atlantis.
My Early Years
It turns out that the evil Cabal knew of my special abilities and what I would be doing to bring them down. There were so many weird things that happened in my childhood and things I instinctively did, that at the time made no sense to me, but yet I felt compelled to do them anyway. Now, years later, I find out that the Cabal have been trying to kill me my entire life to keep me from reaching this point in history where I would be putting my special abilities and powers to work for the good of mankind. (More stories on that to come)
There were some arrests that happened in the past couple of months that stopped that threat against me and so I was given my own personal Disclosure. The bad guys had sent assassins to take me out over 60 times and each time they failed because of something that I did. The good guys have a folder with information of all the times they tried to kill me, and their notes of what I did that foiled them. I am supposed to be getting that file so that I can see all the things they tried against me.
I found out that even in my high school some of the "Students" were not students but were "plants" to watch over me. It turns out that may different encounters I have had over the years were actually people protecting me for this time in history. It also turned out that my son was a very important part of my mission and so the Cabal successfully murdered him the day before 9/11. I will speak more on that later.
My Protection
Needless to say, I have "Galactic" level protection at all times. There is a ship that hovers over my home at all times and is cloaked. There are many other "Levels" that I won't mention here, but needless to say, the bad guys no longer have a chance to stop me, my mission, or my work. So don’t worry about that.
Dinar Chronicles
Here on Dinar Chronicles, I wanted to make sure that there is at least one website in the World, where it is safe to post, and where the information is valid. If you notice I do not monitor other sites as they don’t matter to me. Based on my understanding on the law of attraction, if someone was seeking the truth, they would find it. I wanted to make sure there was a "Good" place on the web that could be found by those seeking.
However, while I am here, I feel compelled to share information and insight of how the Universe works as that is my greatest work, and my greatest joy as well. Thus all the non dinar type information I write.
PLEASE! Are you kidding me? They are impotent and powerless. With the connections I have at the levels I operate at, they could all be taken down in a heartbeat. However, it serves the community for the show of them being refuted, and rendered powerless, and identified as the trolls that they are. When I jump on someone, it is because behind the scenes it is already known who they are.
I talk about Cobra's, Zaps, Kent Dunn's, Frank26's, and other's bad sources that need to be "Outed" but in reality, there is no need. The good guys already know who their bad cabal sources are... EXACTLY. In a moment's notice they will be taken down. It reminds me of watching a Cat "Play" with a mouse. The mouse thinks it is really getting away with something, but to the observer, it is just being allowed to think so by the cat until, the cat has had his fill. My friends that time is at hand.
My Posts
My intel posts come from information that I am given at the time, which is accurate, but which also changes all the time as well. That is the nature of intel on a game that is always in flux. However, what I want to talk about here is my posts to the Cabal Minions, and the bad intel providers.
All my posts about the Cabal Amnesty Program were read over and authorized at the very top to be released to the public through me.
All my posts refuting and calling out intel providers such as Cobra, Frank26, Zap, Kent Dunn, to name a few, were initiated by sources at the top of this plan, and I was asked to do something about it through my posts. Again, every one of those posts, were not only validated by top sources, they were authorized for release by those same sources.
My friends, NOTHING I release to you is "Random." It is all meant to help you with intel, enlightenment (My specialty), and to root out the trolls and bad intel providers.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that there is way more going on than you have any idea about. However, EVERYTHING I do, is for the good of this website, the Human race, and the Planet as a whole. By the way, part of my mission involves helping the Universe as well, but I will share more on that later.
I appreciate all the support I get here on this site, but don’t worry about me as far as the Trolls go. Everything on the website is just play time with them. They have no teeth and I have taken down even the most viscous trolls backed by the CIA and the FBI. Child's play because of who I am and who I am connected to. I am told that dozens at the CIA and FBI turned themselves in when I wrote the Zim Fraud post. They realized that they would not be able to exchange their zim because of what they were doing. Notice you don’t hear many people saying bad things about zim lately?
I have revealed a few things here today, but Grandfather wants me to tell the whole story, which I will be doing with Sephora after the GCR goes live. As I mentioned, we will be posting that story over on Operations Disclosure and may do some interviews about it as well. We are moving into a new World full of amazing things and revelations. You don’t know what you don't know until you find out. That can be a shocking and amazing at the same time! It was for me!
May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans
Signed: One Who Knows
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