“the best is yet to come”.
Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

This special process is designed to transform all humans into sovereign and prosperous members of this new global arrangement. The new de jure US government and its many sister nations are to be restored as the legal and welcomed leader in a new reality. This reality is to pave the way for the release of a series of incredible devices that were formally under the thumb of the old regime as instruments of national security. These devices are earmarked to cure a vast legion of ailments that have plagued humanity since the fall of Atlantis. In addition, a whole host of now forgotten histories are to be revealed and discussed by our Ascended Masters. Humanity is to be able to access previously denied wisdom. Using this knowledge and previously hidden technologies, you are to experience miracles ~~ to be freed of the scourge of disease and discover how a wondrous youthing process can be applied to each of you. It is truly to be a miraculous time for everyone!

This present mission has created the need for our mentors, along with the Agarthans, to create living Crystal Light Chambers that are to transform you into Galactic Humans. We have found that this process requires a steady and calculated pace to ensure its success. Through our Liaisons, we have also discovered much about your varied cultures and beliefs. We find it interesting how the dark warped your reality to its needs. We are happy that those working to alter this realm have so completely accepted us. We understand how difficult it was, initially, to allow us into your varied mix. We are equally happy that your long struggle against the dark was greatly aided by our efforts. You are, in essence, quite close to a complete victory over the dark cabal and its many dastardly plans to permanently enslave you. We are ready, at the right time, to fully accept you as a new star nation into the Galactic Federation. This event is to follow your transformation into Galactic Humans and the terra-forming of all the water planets in your new star nation.

On this day we are filled with joy for the way our sacred secret societies are swiftly allowing the Light to achieve its greatest victory. This present set of wonders is due to the special trap that was laid to make the dark cabal believe that it was winning. In fact, the heinous governance became, for us, a continuing sting operation to expose their utter fiction about the survival of USA, Inc. This ongoing sting operation is to provide the evidence required to arrest and isolate the entirety of the cabal and its grand levels of minions. We remain grateful to you for maintaining your visions and permitting Heaven to properly finish this in right divine time. Despite the extra amount of necessary delay, you have graciously maintained your collective visions. This is now permitting Heaven to deliver a great gift of a new and prosperous realm. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
We are grateful for your visions and your marvelous support. We all started on this most difficult journey together. This wondrous collective that we jointly forged can be fully assured that its deepest wishes for peace, prosperity, freedom and sovereignty are about to be granted. This manifesting of NESARA, and all that goes with it, is yours. We look forward to watching each of you achieve your most passionate dreams. We note as well that this heavenly gift comes as a project successfully completed. Heaven understood just how difficult it has been to transform this global reality. Heaven also noted the way in which this magnificent task was to be achieved. We thank you for your joint focus and your ability to overcome the many frustrations. We simply ask you to use the resulting knowledge to help you have an even more joyous celebration! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we have again focused on what is taking place around this beautiful blue-green orb. Much is ready to unfold. Take this time to prepare yourselves for a most joyful and incredible ride. As the old saying goes “the best is yet to come”. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy)
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Abundance and Announcements: What's Ahead?
Webinar 83 Archive Preview: Growing in Consciousness
2016 was a roller coaster of a year, with Brexit, the U.S. election, escalating wars, terrorist attacks and false flag events. More and more, humanity is being subjected to global turmoil.
In this Webinar, Sheldan outlines up-to-the-minute strategies on how the Galactic Federation, with our Earth Allies, is working toward reversing this chaotic trend.

Topics include...
The Latest Word On
• Abundance: Overcoming Security and Legal Issues
• New Governance: The Revolutionary Team - Working through an
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• Announcements and Disclosure: Timing - Are we ready? How it will
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• Ascension: Update on Ascension Symptoms for both Gaia and humanity
• What's ahead in 2017
To order Webinar 83 Archive: Click Here
Price: $13.95 U.S.

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