Our liaisons are dedicated to bringing about a successful conclusion to this very complicated situation. We expect a number of unique procedures to be cleared. Your world is transforming swiftly and it is important that the flow of funds quickly manifest. Many are ready to put a resounding end to the old 'divide and conquer' agenda and begin a steady march toward a new global resolution. We observe that your growing consciousness is being exercised in innovative and wondrous ways. Old beliefs are being expunged and a new reality is starting to manifest. It is in this consciousness exchange that we find hope for your unique and ever-growing realities.

In recent messages we mentioned that your throat chakra integrating both with the new well of dreams chakra located in your head, and your new upper heart, or thymus, chakra. The thymus is to handle your expanded immune system and work with the new diaphragm chakra to eliminate the destructive effects of fear on your body. This process has caused some degree of discomfort. Keep in mind that it is a temporary upset. In the end, it is to limit the pain that your head alterations can create. All the pains you are experiencing now are to pay immense dividends later. Remember one essential rule − Heaven has mandated a complete redoing of the way your physical self functions. Once these series of adjustments reach the prescribed threshold, you are to be ready to enter your Crystal Light Chamber. Hallelujah!

We arrive today to continue our discussion on the power of grace that continues to grow. The new energies cascading through Gaia's new grids are empowering each of you to use Heaven's Law of divine grace to enhance your life, and your connections with one another. It is a sign of the strength of your newly emerging collectives. This new age mannerism explains the rise of equality and non- judgment that will become the norm in your new, ever-growing reality. The old limitations of separatism are being replaced by groups who come together to express this new broader meaning of grace. This growing egalitarianism is teaching us just how broad-based these new and friendlier ways can be. It is important at all times to work with each other within the sanction of divine grace, as the purpose is to align your desires with the flow of the Divine.
As your hearts open, you will come to discern how necessary divine grace is to your everyday interactions with each other. Lightworkers will be called upon to calm the masses as more Truths unfold. People will be shaken to their core. Their world will be turned upside down. It is imperative that you learn new and more non-traditional ways to extend grace to your friends, family and acquaintances. You will learn to honor and acknowledge each person with whom you interact by greeting them with authentic acceptance of who they are. Throughout the ages, you have forgotten how the wonders of mutual greetings of the heart can affect budding relationships.

Today, we have continued to give you reports to explain what is unfolding around this globe. All of these events have been made possible by your positive visions. The time for such felicitous changes is now! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from PAO ~ Click Here

If you were unable to register for PAO’s Live Galactic Activation Webinar, hosted by Colleen and Miles, on Sunday, April 22, it is now available for downloading.
During this Webinar, you will view some video clips with answers from Sheldan.
NOTE: By listening to the video you will receive the Galactic Activations.
Hi Colleen and Miles, I just wanted to say that I have taken many webinars and read the books. This Q&A Webinar seemed like the last one…….. yet for me, the download of energy was very different. The info was all very familiar yet by the middle of the webinar a gentle energy came through that just about knocked me out. I had to sleep deeply for 2 hrs. afterwards... so I know some incredible download happened. I woke up knowing everything was going to be alright and have been very happy all week noticing an unusual beauty about the Spring air. NOT listening to the news also helps connect to the Galactics and the Ascension energy. The ability to create strong intentions seems better as well. Thanks for the reminder. Love and Light, Vickie

Question Topics Covered:
• The Galactic Federation
• N.E.S.A.R.A.
• Inner Earth
• Tapping Into Heart Logic
• Our Ascended Masters
To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-2 Archive: Click Here
Price: $13.95 U.S.

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