DECLAS, Disclosure and David's New
Ascension Film Incoming!
New 6500-Word Mega-Article!

Quantum Leaps Toward Disclosure: AG and Free Energy!
On September 16th, 2019, the US Military formally acknowledged that UFOs exist. On one level, this is THE moment we've been working towards since I began posting disclosure articles online in 1996.
It has been very surprising to see how little our society has changed since we got the "Formal Acknowledgement" we've all been waiting for in the UFO community.
Disclosure is only one of a constellation of very exciting events showing us we are heading into civilization-defining changes in our very near future.
These are the very changes we have been working to produce for over twenty years now: anti-gravity, free energy and a world free from genocidal cults wishing to destroy almost all life on earth.
Salvatore Cesar Pais generated exciting controversy on June 28th, when the media discovered he had filed a patent for an antigravity flying triangle craft--on behalf of the Navy.
The pictures in the patent look exactly like witness descriptions of the TR-3B "flying black triangle" that we all know and love.
On August 2nd, we discovered that that this anti-gravity Hybrid Air-Underwater Craft (HAUC) is already an 'operable', fully-functioning device...
According to U.S. Naval Aviation Enterprise's Chief Technology Officer Dr. James Sheehy... and others.
So then, where is it, guys?
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