
By Dr. Michael Salla
of Temporal War Revealed in Cosmic Secret
I just finished watching the final season of Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle and was stunned to see how it increasingly focused on the idea of a temporal war, which has been the subject of two of my recent articles on the QAnon movement and the Deep State. The fourth season’s release on November 15 was followed four days later by the release of The Cosmic Secret where interviewees discuss the temporal war idea, and further reveal the long history of extraterrestrial colonization of Earth, and the secret space programs currently underway.
In the Amazon series, an adaptation of Philip K Dick’s 1962 short story of the same name, we witness a dystopian parallel reality where Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan won World War II and occupied the United States dividing it into three zones. The largest is a Nazi-occupied zone on the East Coast, the next largest is a Japanese occupied West coast, and the smallest zone is a buffer area between them called the neutral zone which is dominated by members of a resistance movement.
In the first three seasons, the plot revolves around a mysterious set of film reels showing our time-line (reality) where Nazi Germany and Japan are defeated. The contraband films give Americans in the dystopian parallel reality hope as they witness their oppressors losing the war and being tried for their crimes.
The American resistance movement spends much time duplicating and distributing the films in the first three seasons, and are predictably hunted down and killed for their efforts. At the end of season three, the plot evolves to where the Nazis have now developed a portal travel (aka time travel) machine which they plan to use to send temporal agents into our timeline to first spy and then change it.
Foe the rest of Dr. Salla's article with videos and links Click Here
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