Do aliens have a sense of humor? It’s a question many people have asked. And the answer appears to be, yes! In fact, there are many cases where ETs show a sense of humor. There are accounts of ETs smiling, laughing and showing in many ways that they, like humans, do find some things funny. These cases reach back decades and are still occurring today.
Many contactees have seen this firsthand. This video presents more than a dozen cases in which aliens exhibit a sense of humor very much like our own. One example comes from contactee, Bill Foster. After being abducted many times, he wondered how big the craft was. Sometimes it seemed small, and other times large. Finally, he decided to ask how big the craft was. Bill says that the gray seemed to laugh and told him, “It’s as big as we need it to be.” It wasn’t the only time his questions amused the ETs.
In his book, “Secret Life,” researcher David Jacobs Ph.D. presents a case involving a young girl who was taken onboard a craft. During a physical exam, the ETs cut off a lock of her hair and then, in an act of apparent humor, held it up to his bald head and showed it to the other grays!
In 1910, two witnesses in St. Merryn, Cornwall, England saw a red object hovering in the clouds. Through the portholes of the craft they saw a group of little humanoids chattering and pointing down at the witnesses, laughing.
On Oct 15, 1954, an anonymous gentleman from Shamsabad, Iran saw a “short young man” looking down at him from inside a UFO. The witness was frightened by the sight, but then noticed that the UFO pilot was laughing at him, apparently at the witness’s frightened expression.
A similar case occurred in 1959 in Aubagne, France. Miss Moulet had just gone outside to hang her laundry when an egg-shaped object hovered overhead. Looking down at her through a porthole were about twenty human-looking ETs, smiling and laughing.
A strange case of UFO contact was revealed by John Keel. On Nov 17, 1966, two policemen from Gaffney, South Carolina came upon a landed saucer. Out stepped a short humanoid who began asking them all kinds of question. He seemed puzzled that the two officers were dressed in identical uniforms. After answering the ET’s questions, the officers asked the ET where he was from. The ET seemed to think the question was funny and began laughing, and then returned into the craft, which promptly took off.
Whitley and Ann Strieber present a case from a woman who, in the summer of 1968, was driving with her daughter outside of Flagstaff, Arizona when they were both taken onboard a craft. Although initially quite frightened, the woman was amazed when the human-looking ETs communicated telepathically, smiling and laughing during the entire time she was onboard. Interestingly, the ETs were teaching her how to pilot the craft.
On Feb 7, 1969, Thiago Machado of Pirassununga, Brazil encountered a landed UFO and occupants. Thiago was smoking a cigarette, and the ETs appeared to find this behavior quite amusing.
In Jul of 1972, a woman was woken by a sound outside her home in Lower Hutt, New Zealand. Looking out the window, she saw a UFO hovering over the building next door. Inside were two male human-looking figures. As she watched, one of them said something to the other, which was apparently funny, as the ET began to laugh.
On Oct 19, 1975, a couple was driving with their dog near Llangothlin in New South Wales, Australia when a UFO began pacing their car. The dog became scared and jumped into the front seat and began acting up. Looking up into the craft, they saw several human-looking figures staring down at them. One of them was pointing at them, apparently laughing at the fact that their pet dog was jumping all over inside the car.
A bizarre case comes from researcher, Salvador Frexiedo. In the summer of 1976, a busload of passengers in Santander, Colombia were shocked when twenty short humanoids emerged from the forest and stopped the bus, then began rocking back and forth, eventually tipping it over on its side. The humanoids began laughing hysterically and then, on cue, ran off back into the forest.
In Aug of 1977, Viktor Alexandreovich was boating on the Dnieper River in Ukraine when he was taken onboard a craft piloted by human-looking ETs. He says that the ETs were very kind, smiled often and had a strong sense of humor.
An amazing case of ET contact occurred in an unknown location to teacher, Mark Andrews. On Sep 3, 1995, he was invited onboard a craft to help ETs become oriented to Earth life. While onboard the craft, he was assigned to a young boy who pointed at him and began laughing with amusement. He told Mark, “I am assigned to be your baby sitter!”
These are just some of the many accounts of ET humor. Cases involving ET humor are more common than many people realize. They show that ETs are more like us than different, and that they share the same emotions we do.
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