Paranormal, Unexplained Caught on Video!
There are many strange legends of scary and mysterious creatures that roam our oceans and lakes such as Loch Ness monster, the ogopogo, megalodon and the list goes on. But what If these creatures weren't just legends ? What if its caught on camera ? From creepy videos of unknown creatures living on our oceans and lakes, mysterious and strange encounters with humanoid creatures such as "skin walkers", unexplained randonautica experiences and more mind blowing videos, in this episode I will be analysing "NO WAY" videos you won't believe were caught on tape. Welcome to the Impossible channel where James LaFleur analyses the creepiest and the most mind blowing videos for your entertainment.
Mysterious creatures : Folklore or maybe not ?
If there's one place that we haven't explored much it's our oceans and rivers. The amount of creatures that we still haven't categorised is astonishing. Add this to the fact that the myths and legends of monster-like creatures like the lochness monsters remain a complete mystery to this day, it may just be reason to start exploring a bit deeper. But Toni Braungardt did not need to go deeper on one sunny day while fishing with his family, it seems that a mysterious and unknown creature decided to come to the surface and Toni caught it all on camera.
Chilling Phenomena Caught On Camera :
Most of the times it's really difficult to guess when or where a hail storm will happen, in moments like this the best is to be lucky enough to find yourself inside a building or house. j0ibis is a YouTuber who had a close encounter with one of these storms and he caught it all on tape.
Scary encounter with the rake :
In the realm of urban-legends there are many we could go on about, but there's one that's really creepy and that would be the Rake , or skinwalkers. Even though there is no concrete evidence of the existence of such creatures there are quite a few mind blowing videos that are baffling the entire internet. And it's the case with a video released by "caught on camera tv" YouTube channel. In this video a family is enjoying a camping trip in the woods , when all of a sudden strange things start occurring and it doesn't take long before things take a turn for the dark and creepy.
Mind Blowing Phenomena in the mountains : Unexplained Sightings
There's something really mystical and magical about mountains, It's not just the fact that there are countless sightings of strange objects in the sky near mountains in general, it's as if they are the doorway to another world. That being said a couple of months ago a mysterious video started going around the internet of what appears to be a strange and reoccurring phenomena in the mountain. For our luck it was all recorded on video. Let's take a closer look at this unexplained phenomena.
Scary Paranormal phenomena :
Paranormal encounters are usually explainable, but what Jessakkuma , a tiktoker captured on camera will chill you to the bone. Her dog experienced something that is completely unexplained and when she shows her video things take a turn to the creepier side.
These and many more other unexplained phenomena caught on camera for you to watch.
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