By James Gilliland
Hang In There - Big Shifts

Use whatever clearing techniques you have to clean up the personal and collective energies. Get out in Nature, take a walk with your shoes off and recalibrate with the Earth. There are Angelic Guides, Ascended Masters, Spiritually and Technologically advanced Off Worlders here to help in this process. The prophecies are being fulfilled. The beast is dying, consuming itself. No rock is being left unturned and all the iniquities are being shouted from the rooftops. There is no more hiding. No more shoving everything under the rug, no more denial. Tyranny is coming to a close. The ignorant, self serving separation game is coming to an end. It is no longer frequency specific to the evolution of Earth.
▪ Where will you be in this process?
▪ Which side of the fence, the prophecy line are you on?
▪ Are you in service to humanity and the earth? Do you serve the beast?
These are questions that will have to be answered with brutal honesty and impeccable integrity.

Drop into the heart, clear yourself, get out of the mind and feel what is best for you. God is a feeling. The soul sits next to the heart, it is the connector to Source. Make your decisions from there. Get out of the monkey mind, the collective chaos.
Be well,
James Gilliland
James Gilliland & Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence

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