Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

This last century has seen the rise of situations that were completing the stage for their fortunate exit from this scene. Their actions were designed to relegate each of you to a permanent state of slavery to these unthinking monsters of the dark. Instead, each move was a brief prelude to a sonata whose unknown purpose was to give you your freedom and a destined mastery over the dark ones. While on the surface, it seemed that a certain degree of necessary progress toward their grand scheme was being made; it was in fact slowly loosening their grip upon you. These dark shenanigans were introducing devices essential to the rise of the age of digital electronics and the new era of global social media. This present time contained openings that permitted Heaven to begin to accelerate a march toward higher and higher levels of consciousness. This phenomenon was the key to their present undoing. It has led to data, which has permitted our earthly allies to gather a true history.

In this new time, you are to become uniquely aware of your origins and to completely rediscover the sacred mission, which led you to this wondrous orb approximately 900,000 years ago! It is this restored vision that is to drive you toward quickly returning to full consciousness. You are in fact a great people, which were chosen by the Heavenly hierarchies to come here and aid Gaia and her sister worlds. You are to reformulate a star nation. It is this manifesting star nation, which is to secure galactic peace and insure that the wonders of the Light be fully displayed in this broad galaxy. Thus, you have a sacred mission that was temporarily waylaid by the dark. We are here now to restore Heaven’s divine mandate and permit you to rediscover who and what you truly are. As physical angels, you have been given a sacred role to play as the Light’s power quickly unfolds in this special galaxy. You are a symbol of how those captured by the dark can be fully restored to the sacred energies of the Light!

We are quite proud of those who are in our various secret societies. The dark has long thought it impossible to bring them down. In the great financial fall of the late first decade of this century, not one of the dark’s leading banking executives was touched, despite the degree of criminal fraud involved. Their arrogance is now a thing of the past. The Light has reached a point where any large incident is to be treated with arrests, seizure of funds and a general degree of moral contempt. It is as well the moment when a number of key fund transfers can at last happen. This is why we ask you to remain positively focused and ready when appropriate to go forth and fulfill your dreams. The time for our great triumph is at last at hand! Consequently, be confident of the simple fact that your time has come. Heaven is with us and the dark distant allies are no longer a threat to this sacred endeavor. Hosanna! Hosanna!
As this most glorious time approaches, it is vital that you remain positive in your outlook and in your daily actions. Prepare to be a beacon for the amazing events that are to wash across this land. It has taken longer to root out the numerous insidious elements that make up the oligarch's vast network of minions. This task is nearly complete and this fact has allowed those who shepherd the immense global trusts to finally permit these enormous funds to begin to be released. This process is currently picking up speed and we are at the very edge of a new reality. We Masters are carefully monitoring this vast and complex operation. The time of the dark cabal is over. Its last plans are coming to nought and making it possible for this new world of banking, finance and prosperity to emerge from its long cloak of secrecy.

Today we continued our mission to provide you with a message that explains what is now happening across this globe. Over the next brief time period you are going to see the rise of some truly amazing operations that are to alter this realm forever! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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