By Steve Beckow
Part 1 of 2

“The end to the UFO cover-up is at hand.”
SaLuSa of Sirius commented last summer:
“We are so close to you now and are openly visiting your Earth – so much that most people accept our presence in your skies.”
So for the new reader, what is this Disclosure we’re talking about and what’s its significance?
Disclosure means disclosing the truth that extraterrestrials are present around our planet. The neighbors have come visiting.
It means ending the cover-up that the alphabet agencies and military contractors have been enforcing through corruption, coercion and assassination since World War II.
It means the start of open cooperation between terrestrials or Gaians and the advanced civilizations who have in fact saved the planet many times from destruction through pollution, radiation, world wars, etc.
Many of us lightworkers read channeled messages from such galactics as Sanat Kumara, Ashtar, SaLuSa and others. A lightworker is someone who serves the Divine Plan for the Earth and the Golden Age which we’ve entered. We’ve been listening to their plans for years and following their successful efforts to block the secret government from starting a Third World War.
The secret-state folks, who refer to themselves as “the Illuminati” and whom we commonly call “the cabal,” have concentrated wealth in themselves through market and currency manipulations, corruption, unfair taxation, diversion of government funds, unacknowledged projects and black budgets, operation of the international drug trade, sex slavery, and many other illegal and inhumane activities. As Jack Kennedy said before they assassinated him, these people kill their opponents.
They sought to reduce the Earth’s population through chemtrails, weather warfare, military warfare, pandemics, toxic vaccines, etc. They’ve sequestered the natural resources of many “developing” countries.
They kept the planet in an almost-continuous state of conflict in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. They planned events like the Cold War, rogue states, and global terrorism back in the 1970s and then played these scenarios out to an unsuspecting public.
Very few people believe that other people, let alone governments, would go to these lengths of depravity. And the cabal depends on matters staying that way.
One member of the secret government confessed to Dr. Steven Greer that peace would be a catastrophe for them because it would put many people like himself out of business.
We think of our lives as all there is. But there’s so much more than what we see around us. It may come as a surprise to learn that there are other dimensions to life. A higher dimension vibrates at a higher frequency than ours.
The galactics around our planet come from higher dimensions, which is why they can cloak and uncloak their ships. They simply raise their frequency and switch dimensions. A galactic could be standing next to us but unless they lowered their vibration, we wouldn’t see them.
In their dimensions, there are no such things as anger, greed, jealousy, hatred, vengefulness, etc. The Hollywood representations of galactics as out to eat us is part of the secret government’s now-ending cover-up. All the abductions we’ve heard about are, according to Dr. Greer, staged by the secret government itself using actors and bioenegineered robots.
What’s the significance of Disclosure beyond ending all this foolishness and mayhem?
Well, it opens the door to a new era, one in which Gaians are welcomed into such space confederations as the Galactic Federation of Light or the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies. We were prepared for our role by such movies and TV programs as Star Trek, Star Wars, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, etc. We’ll have much to tell other planets when they want to hear how Earth pulled out of a near-fatal decline.
To anyone who seriously believes that all those UFOs whizzing through the atmosphere are hostile, please consider that they could have taken this planet over with no trouble centuries ago. There’s no weapon we have that threatens them. One galactic called our space weapons tin toys and party favors. Adamu of the Pleiades said:
They’re here for our total reconstruction and rehabilitation as a world community. They’re our mentors in that. And they insist that we carry out that reconstruction, making the important decisions at each step, totally in charge of our own destiny. Ever built a new society, cleansed the world of pollution, and ended all the major disease groups on Earth? Me neither.
For part 2 click HERE

That's all we ever hear disclosure is at hand blah blah blah get your space alien friends to reveal themselves publicly asap !!!!