Kosta Makreas.
for 2017 and beyond!
Join us!
You may read 3 sample GOOD NEWS Items and Subscribe:
Are you tired of the mass media's daily emphasis on war, hatred, destruction, greed, and all manner of negative news? Yes, negativities do exist...but WHERE IS the counterbalancing good news about people who are making a positive difference?
Couldn't we all use realistic happy news to uplift us?
4 times a year I will email you inspiring and optimistic stories about individuals and groups contributing to a transformed positive future for Gaia.
This is very convenient for you because I will take the time and spend the energy to discover and deliver the good news so that you don't have to do the work.
Why ETs Care About Human GOOD NEWS
Our ET Friends have requested that we co-create and partner with them to manifest the Golden Age of Gaia. They are doing their part to help us but they need us to take responsibility for helping ourselves.
"ETLetsTalk Good News" will show you the EVIDENCE that human beings are evolving and doing their part!
Humans Behaving Well! Imagine that! :-)
You will learn about such positive and uplifting news as:
Marvelous inventions to heal ourselves and our environmentYOUR Subscripton HELPS the ETLetsTalk MISSION
Mass movements of people dedicated to stopping wars
Global people-powered movements to save our Earth's environment
People and groups practicing goodwill and right human relations
Greater acceptance of the benevolent ET presence
Successful challenges to greedy and corrupt governments and unjust laws
Mind-Body-Spirit spiritual and technical advances that save and improve lives
Inspiring and healing works of art and music
Developments of alternative energy and FREE energy
...and much more
With your subscription to "ETLetsTalk Good News" you directly SUPPORT and SUSTAIN our ETLetsTalk mission - a mission which has spread worldwide every day, week and month since 2010. The mission is composed of "The Global CE-5 Initiative", the People's Disclosure Movement, free webinars with Danny Sheehan, "Contact WIth Kosta" webinars, CE-5 Member Maps, CE-5 ET Contact experiences, ET Contact retreats and more.
Please subscribe to "ETLetsTalk Good News" and help me to continue to faciliate and lead this ETLetsTalk Community. If you believe our mission together has accomplished great things, then subscribing is a powerful way to make sure I continue to grow the influence and size of the community.
You may read 3 sample GOOD NEWS items and Subscribe:
My heartfelt thanks.
ETLetsTalk.com & ETLetsTalk Community
The People's Disclosure Movement
"The Global CE-5 Initiative" (now in our 6th year!)
https://facebook.com/PeoplesDisclosureMovement/ P. Disclosure Movement
https://facebook.com/TheGlobalCE5Initiative/ Global CE-5 Initiative
https://facebook.com/groups/1593375944256413/ CE-5,UFO,SIRIUS group
Twitter: ETLetsTalk_km

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