The DIVINE WILL of Heaven is about to emerge. Hence, this is to be a most joyous year for everyone!
Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

The inner workings of a definitive solution are owing, in part, to a long overdue meeting of minds. We now feel deeply that this new general agreement is the essential next step to move your world beyond the old system produced by the Anunnaki, which was for the sole benefit of their minions. We are creating a global society that is in tune with the increasing new global consciousness. This future realm is to be prosperous, free and, most importantly, sovereign. Its mindset is to be capable of understanding the new goals of this still-forming society. It possesses a multitude of variations that are to be supported by regional governance. This process is to allow new levels of mutual tolerance to grow and prosper. Every day, it is also moving you toward an atmosphere of disclosure. This one fact shows us how rapidly your “pursuit of happiness” is altering your realm. It is in this world that we are gladly to appear. Our introduction, and that of the Agarthans, is to be the glorious final stage of this ever-continuing change. You are evolving quickly into the stages that anticipate the rise of a truly remarkable galactic society!

This process is deeply tied to your upward shift in consciousness. Heaven is committed to raising your perceptions of this realm and to make you aware of how interconnected a process it truly is. You have already learned about this sacred connection in the course of the global ecology movement. Now, you need to go further and discover a number of divine rules by which Heaven spreads and maintains life, not only on Gaia, but throughout this galaxy. As we moved through this galaxy, we became privy to the many different ways that Spirit maintains life. This series of sacred operations still amazes us. It is this wisdom that you are to encounter as you become a galactic human. We have had the privilege of discovering seemingly infinite varieties of life. Each was connected to a specific order of environment, showing the abiding wonder of life and its truly endless diversity. We look forward to watching you, as you journey through this magnificent realty.

Over the past few decades, we have seen a kind of roller coaster scenario in effect. Our intent is for the primary goals of this quiet spiritual revolution to forge ahead. Heaven, in its infinite mercy, has allowed our associates to proceed in a most irregular manner. Thus, the various projects have moved forward in the oddest ways. We commend each one of you for maintaining your positive energies, even though the results have yet to manifest. It is important for you to know that Heaven is working with us to see that this new Gregorian year of 2017 begins with a degree of overt manifestation that can quickly become evident to all. At times, this process can become quite disconcerting. Our associates have been able to let go of all the past difficulties. Hence, they have finally agreed to terms that will make possible the release of the many instruments that are the sources for funding. This is to signal that many critical events are nearing completion.
Heaven released a great many energies at the end of the past year to cleanse this solar system and commence a rapid change in separate realities. Over the past millennia, this solar system has been held in a kind of suspension. Planetary hosts and accompanying Angels have been blocked by the constant intervention of the dark. This condition ceased with the near-solar nova event in the early 1970s. Venus, Mars and Pax are now being readied for your occupation in the near future. This heavenly operation is another sign that the delay that has been the overriding condition of this reality is approaching a well-deserved conclusion. At present, the major planets of the life belt in this solar system are, in fact, quite active. This is yet another sign of positive progress. The DIVINE WILL of Heaven is about to emerge. Hence, this is to be a most joyous year for everyone!

Today, we have had yet another chance to see what is truly happening on the surface of this most beautiful orb. Remain patient! It has taken a LONG time to reach our current state. A number of events are preparing to manifest and transform all the frustration that up until now has continuously surrounded you. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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