Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

We have recommended that these important steps commence immediately with a set of formal proclamations about this most sensitive subject. NESARA and its special history requires a formal set of official announcements. Once this is accomplished, the goals for the next 120 days need to be set forth. Over the last two decades, a number of clandestine events occurred, and these need to be divulged. They are to be used to make public a new worldwide financial system. This needs. as well, a general overview of what lies in store for America and the world. This outline requires as full a set of details as possible. At present, this realm is at a critical juncture. The need to set up a new global stability is paramount. The role of the US Constitution in this process needs to be fully explained. A new global agenda is taking shape. Most Americans do not understand what is to be done. A formal and exciting history needs to be outlined in detail for them. In this Light, a prosperous and peaceful reality can proceed successfully!

This series of key operations is nearing its successful conclusion. Our task remains one of clandestine observation and closely following the divine edicts of Heaven. This has been ongoing since our arrival in the late 20th Century. Our objective was to complete these various goals shortly after the commencement of your 21st Century. At present, we are in the midst of an administrative alteration that is to bring in a number of modifications to permit us to announce our presence on your beautiful shores. Formal broadcasts can allow us to begin a number of announcements that are to ready you for our mass landings and first contact. We also intend to integrate a number of our mentors with you. These interactions are to help you understand the divine beauty of full consciousness. Heaven has spent the last few decades raising your body's basic operational vibration. Again, this is a sign of Heaven's sacred preparations to ready you for your return to full consciousness.

This blessed time is one in which you are to finally receive the fruits of a new monetary and banking system. Newly acquired wealth is a symbol of what is ultimately to be yours, full consciousness! Ever since you were first limited by the evil ways of the Atlanteans and the Anunnaki, this realm has been the tool of those who stole your powers and then forced you into millennia of brutal forced labor and servitude. The length of time in the shadows robbed you of the inner confidence that was your inheritance. Now, these horrible times are to end and a newer, more blessed one is to start. Inside you is a dormant belief that you have great potential. These inner perceptions are in fact visions of your former selves. We Masters are here to divinely impress upon you how great you truly are. Our mission is to show you how these grand visions are to come to be. This present time is when such miracles become possible!
Your wondrous visions paved the way for the time when great oppression ends and is replaced by a new age. An age where you become prosperous, perform humanitarian projects to enable you to create endless wealth and produce vehicles for a new era of peace and Love. These grand energies are divinely to permit you to transform this time and produce permanent health, wealth and sovereignty. New organizations are to be modeled on celestial ones to be given to you by Heaven. As they grow in your hearts, they are to forge new models for governance. In short, you are to see a vast new set of guides that are to alter this reality and eventually allow our space families to visit and further guide us. These wondrous times are just a prelude of what is to come. A new divine era whose foundations Heaven set long ago!

Today, we carried on with our weekly report about what is occurring around this world. Everything is in waiting for something truly special to at last take place. Let's begin this time with a global set of prayers and the growing of a grand event that is to change everything! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from GF and PAO

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