Friday, October 14, 2022

Races From The Stars

Images from videos

Races From The Stars

A collection of videos introducing various races from other planets

Races From The Stars - Part 1 - Alpha Centaurians
On this episode we dive into the galactical races focusing first on the ones who have impacted our planet and the surrounding solar system. This episode is based on the entities that reside in Alpha Centauri.

Races From The Stars - Part 2 - The Sirians
On this episode we will be diving into the races that reside in the Sirius Constellations Specific to Sirius A and Sirius B and the races that reside on these planets. We will dive into a little of the history of these entities as well and how them came to be on these planets and how they interacted with Earth.

Races From The Stars - Part 3 - The Zetas Or Greys
On this episode we will be discussing the Zeta Reticulan system and the entities that reside in them. Also how these beings have interacted with our planet in the ways of military and culturally. This is probably the most common type of extraterrestrial known on this planet.

Races From The Stars - Part 4 - The Lyrans
On this episode we will be diving into the history of the Lyrans and some of the various races that live in this system. We will be going into how these parts of our universe have effected the Earth as we know it today. Lets Dive in

Races From The Stars - Part 5 - The Pleiadians
On this episode we discuss all about the Pleiadians and how this civilizations is and was. Also how they have impacted the galactical situation and there effect on the universe as a whole. Lets Get Into It...

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