Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

The ongoing manifesting of various funds is a continuing sign of the rising overcautious behavior of those entrusted with the safe movement of large sums across international boundaries. We again encourage these groups to permit us to have a much greater hand in this most essential set of very sensitive operations. We possess technologies that are quite capable of resolving much of the difficulty currently inherent in this complex procedure. In spite of these difficulties, the transferors are reaching a point where these funds can actually be safely distributed. As these moments arrive, it is our intent to see the final end to the power and prestige of these depraved oligarchs. It is time to revise this reality and permit each of you to bask in an end to both debt slavery and the immoral ways of the dark. These goals are also part of a larger program set forth many years ago by an agreement between the forces of Light and those in charge of bringing you your long-promised new reality. We expect this to finally happen very quickly. It is a deed whose time has come!

We are doing what we can to help extend the good works of the Ascended Masters and our Agarthan cousins. We realize how ingrained most of you are in the ways inculcated millennia ago by the Anunnaki. Hence, we are preparing our own set of mentors who are to land among you when we come to explain how that first happened in the last days of Atlantis. Heaven has issued a number of special dispensations, which are the true foundation for what is now happening to each of you. This heaven-sent growth in consciousness is waking you up and permitting greater and greater numbers of you to accept the wonder of a vastly new and more aware reality. Numerous events are swiftly loosening the grip of the dark oligarchs who ran this globe with the aid of the Anunnaki for millennia. This time is currently ending. Each of you is to end your time in the dark and learn of the great potential within you. This grand miracle is to set the magnificent stage for your return to again becoming galactic humans (physical Angels)!

Your world is entering a final period of transition. Those who have ruled your global societies are being forced to give up the power and prestige they once thought were undisputed. This loss of power is just the beginning for them. Numerous societies, like Iceland, which defied their rule, are currently being hailed as heroes. Many smaller nations are following this example and demonstrating to all just how far this fall from grace has come. Many other events are also showing that the old ways of the dark are quickly fading. We Masters are proud of these states and their defiance of the power of these numerous oligarchs. This process grows as the dark begins to fully realize that its demise is upon it. This is only the first part of a global revolution in consciousness. A new time for each of you is dawning. This new reality promises an end to the needless following of arcane rules and the vast liberation of how each of you views this time.
You are entering a revolution of consciousness and a joint coalition of freedom and the achievement of your dreams. These possibilities were long imagined for you and yet somehow this possibility kept slipping from grasp. Heaven used its vast influence to ensure that this most needed reality was to be your true future. Therefore, a continual squeeze was exerted on the dark oligarchy to assure your success in these matters. The Agarthans aided us by further amplifying these actions. Thus, your time to shine is at hand. The dark can no longer keep postponing the inevitable. The monies are in place and the new banking system is in operation. The old ways are now fully exposed. They are shortly to become useless items, which are to fill the great dustbin of history to overflowing. You can be assured that your time is here and a slew of governments are ready to manifest before you.

Today, we spent a great deal of time making you aware of what is happening across this globe. Many wondrous events are now to occur to thrust you into this new reality. Therefore, be ready to accept it and realize how complex your journey was to this most magnificent point in your history. A great many amazing moments are now ready to appear before you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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