Secret Space Program Whistleblower Confirms
20 Different ET's, Alien Technology,
Dr Michael Salla

UFOs are being seen all over the world and high ranking Government, Air Force, Army, Navy officials are now coming forward as witnesses to the UFO, Extraterrestrial and free energy secrecy that has been withheld from the public for many years. The truth will be Disclosed. UFOs Disclosure, ET Disclosure, Free Energy Disclosure, New Healing Technology, Other Technologies, The Cabal, Q, The Truth.
now ill admit ive seen some odd things in the sky and have had some odd things happen to me as a child envolving with this subject but some of the rumors going around seem prety far fetched but it could happen or could develop in the near future for instance the large greys signing a treaty with the shadow government? 50/50. the fact that they care so much to make them selve's known that they will show up in major city's to display they are real and here? there more advance then us, and if thats realy the case why would we be so important to them? of any importance with them to us is at the highest priority.......us slave's for them. i can go on and on about the likely-hood of claims and use's of the fact's on the subject's but my word is just as true as rumor's go around of what im trying to create this blog about. look i've had too many events that took place in my childhood to shrug this off and say "you are wasting you're time". so ill just leave it with this, don't throw out this subject but don't have high hope's that the united state's will fully disclose this subject to the public. they hid info for so many years and threw a bone to the public that want's to know, and the info they threw out i truly believe has been modified so the full story is being told. all i have to say