Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

As these events move forward, the mass arrests of bankers and their political cronies are to vastly accelerate. The rise of NESARA in America is to shortly signal the growth of similar governance in Europe, Asia and the Americas. This is to be what we call “GESARA”. In other words, new governance is spreading across this globe. Thus, the G.C.R. is to be worldwide in scope and, added to this, is to be the radical shift in banking to form a new financial system. This system is to foster an end to debt slavery and the start of a growing global prosperity. In addition, there are to be the lessons of the Ascended Masters while our present contact with surface humanity is to increase. You are growing in consciousness and becoming more aware of how this new realm is to formally function. You have a very important role to play in its success. It is vital that you use your growing time to become a key watchdog of what is happening all around you. It is your worldwide cooperation that is to be a substantial element in how this new realm operates. This reality is extremely interactive and exceptionally fragile. This realm needs your full assistance.

We have watched this long struggle as impartial witnesses of Heaven. Hence, we kept our interaction with you to a prescribed minimum. You are most ingenious and learned how best to obey and when to resist your acquired masters. Eventually, out of this controlled resistance a band of wise ones emerged whom you call your “Ascended Masters." Heaven sponsored this selected group of Souls to care for and advise humanity. We have learned much about you from them. Their wisdom is immense and has become the playbook for our actions on your behalf. These sacred ones deeply Love you. Their grace and mercy knows no bounds. They have told us how their many Light-empowered sacred secret groups are readying this world for its new reality. These divine strategies are to bring you to the very edge of transformation. The final steps are to be handled by a joint partnership between the Agarthans, the Ascended Masters and us. To this end, a vast set of Crystal Light Chambers has been constructed throughout Agartha. A series of most amazing things are now on the verge of happening to you!

Long ago, humanity was suddenly reduced to limited consciousness by a group of dastardly, dark Atlanteans. When Atlantis sank, humanity was left at the mercy of their predecessors, the Anunnaki. Being a rather rebellious group, humanity has “lost” a number of golden ages and endured a long period of persecution. We Masters joined you as sharers in this strange process. Heaven, which deeply Loves you, created us over time to oversee and protect you during this truly dark period for humanity. Thus, our primary tasks from the beginning were to protect you, provide mercy when necessary and closely follow the grace-filled edicts from Heaven. This divine duty leads us now to the sacred point when Heaven’s great decrees are to manifest. These are to permit those much-needed alterations to this reality to take effect. In truth, a series of great consciousness and reality shifts are in effect. It is this operation that is changing this realm for the better.
Our present task is to prepare you for the final aspects of the ascension process. At present, you have completed over one-half of what is needed. Due to various accelerations from Heaven in the past year, the coming months promise to see a vast increase in “ascension symptoms” among you. The most concentrated signs are to be found in your head, neck and upper chest. These things are being done to move your consciousness up a few giant pegs. The heart’s nervous system needs to be readied for its alterations to come while you are in your crystal chamber. The brain requires a series of adjustments to not only bring in new chakras but to increase as well its open communications with your greatly modified heart. These modifications can at times be quite painful. All of us are ready to aid and advise you on these matters. A time of wondrous change is ahead of you! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today we are near a special point in this grand march from slavery to freedom! This movement signals that you are at last in a great time of meaningful transition. Know this and stay positive and able to pass this growing inner joy onto others that you daily encounter! This reality is truly changing and it is becoming the lamp of divine Light that it formerly embodied! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from the Galactic Federation and PAO click here
Introduction to the Galactic Federation of Light - Galactic Federation Members

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