Yes, an actual presidential candidate revealing a cover up of Extraterrestrials visiting earth and much more - how much more proof do we need?.
By Dr. Michael Salla
Andrew Basiago has released 100 proposals on highly alternative issues for his 2016 Write-In Presidential campaign. In putting forth a policy platform based on his alleged experiences, he is offering a template for a future post-disclosure Presidential campaign to include public policy debates over the uses of highly advanced technologies and the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Basiago’s proposals contain many positive and progressive insights regarding classified programs that deserve widespread public support. His proposals concerning the disclosure of extraterrestrial life, classified technologies, secret space programs and the truth about Bush administration foreknowledge of the 911 attacks, make for refreshing reading given the more mundane public policy proposals of mainstream political candidates.
It is therefore worthwhile to examine a few of his key proposals in light of what other independent whistleblower sources and documents have revealed about classified space programs and exotic travel technologies.
First, it is important to point out that there are many who are still not convinced that Basiago is a genuine whistleblower and/or is part of a sophisticated psychological operation by the CIA and other agencies. In a series of articles (see here, here and here) investigating documentary and other whistleblower testimonies, I found impressive evidence to support his key claims of being a participant in two CIA/DARPA run classified programs.
My main reservation was that Basiagio, by his own admission, is part of a CIA sanctioned disclosure initiative to reveal classified time travel, teleportation and space program activities. His “grooming” as a predicted future President by CIA ‘White Hats’, who included his deceased father, Raymond Basiago, raises specific concerns about his 2016, and future, Presidential campaigns.
In particular, does Basiago’s perspective about the CIA’s historic role in classified advanced technology programs reflect an agenda to skew public perception in order to preserve the CIA’s existence in a post-disclosure world? By focusing on our volatile world’s intrinsic need for the CIA’s intelligence gathering using classified technology programs, he believes this makes it indispensable and worth reforming as a “super-university,” despite its nefarious history in covert operations and the abuses that occurred, as his following proposal advocates.
I have to disagree with Basiago. A more suitable policy would be to abolish the covert operations branch of the CIA (National Clandestine Service) and have its functions taken over by the U.S. military. Military officers, who swear allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, are more likely to maintain constitutional principles in covert operations than CIA operatives. The latter have participated in illicit activities including the drug trade, as documented by Garry Webb in his book, Dark Alliance.
Basiago’s major contention is that the CIA used time travel technologies for intelligence gathering purposes in a variety of scenarios, including predicting and influencing future Presidents. In this regard Basiago proposes:
For the rest of this important article Click Here
Alex Jones discusses a new scandal surrounding Republican frontrunner Donald Trump that will severely damage the establishment.

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