Monday, September 16, 2024

5 Shocking UFO Sightings Caught on Camera | Undeniable Footage

5 Shocking UFO Sightings Caught on Camera |
Undeniable Footage

Prepare to be amazed by 5 shocking UFO sightings caught on camera! These unbelievable encounters will leave you questioning what's out there. These sightings are some of the most compelling evidence from mysterious lights in the sky to unexplained aerial phenomena. Watch now and decide for yourself if we're truly alone in the universe!

1) UFO Sightings in Texas
2) UFO Observations in South Asia
3) Fighter Pilot UFO Encounter Over East Coast
4) Mexican Air Force UFO Sightings
5) US Navy Spherical UFOs Off San Diego

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Devil’s Den UFO Encounter: What Was Found Inside Terry Lovelace?

Devil’s Den UFO Encounter:
What Was Found Inside Terry Lovelace?

Terry Lovelace, a former Air Force medic, kept a terrifying secret for 40 years. A routine x-ray in 2012 revealed a mysterious object in his leg, awakening memories of a camping trip gone wrong.

In 1977, Terry and his friend witnessed something extraordinary at Devil's Den State Park. Their encounter with a massive triangular craft led to missing time and unexplained injuries.

Years later, Terry faces a choice: reveal the truth about alien contact or stay silent. His decision puts him at odds with powerful forces and uncovers a conspiracy that reaches beyond our world.

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Rescuing Children from Deep Underground Military Bases

Rescuing Children from Deep
Underground Military Bases

Dr. Michael Salla:

Gene Decode became interested in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) in the 1990s while completing his service in the US Navy as a senior NCO with 20+ years of experience. He investigated claims by whistleblowers such as Phil Schneider and established a network of contacts in the intelligence community, covert operations, and US Special Forces. He learned of the locations and activities of DUMBs throughout the world, which he claims currently numbers as many as 5000.

Among Decode’s network of contacts was a British MI6 operative who shared information corroborating the disclosures of whistlelblowers such as James Casbolt concerning the capture and abuse of children in DUMBs for many purposes. DeCode learned that children were used for portal travel, space-time experiments, sex-industry, genetic experiments, and adrenochrome harvesting.

He claims that Special Forces from the US and other countries are working with extraterrestrials and Inner Earth civilizations to find and rescue the children. Many battles have occurred in DUMBs throughout the world to liberate children and other captives in DUMBs. Decode claims that seismic activities around the planet mark battles at various DUMBs where children are being rescued by the Earth Alliance and their Non-Human Intelligence allies.

Decode asserts that once rescued, most of the children cannot be repatriated to surface humanity due to the horrific abuses and genetic changes they have undergone. Instead, they are taken to off-planet locations to be cared for until surface humanity is ready to learn the full truth of what they have suffered in the DUMBs and can be repatriated without further harm or repercussions.

Rumble link:

Are Humanity’s Origins Extraterrestrial? | Project Alien Earth

Are Humanity’s Origins Extraterrestrial? |
Project Alien Earth

Are humanity’s origins extraterrestrial? Are our Gods of old our ancestors who created us? Will AI help us reconnect to our past and save us in our future?

YouTube link:

Sunday, September 15, 2024

David Wilcock Live: The Great Alien Deception!

David Wilcock Live:
The Great Alien Deception!

Are we about to see a worldwide UFO / UAP "First Contact" event within the next two months?

Top insider sources suggest "The Event" is actually going to happen. Will this be a positive, a negative, or an initially fearful event that ultimately has very a benevolent purpose?

If an event like this were staged, what does the Law of One series tell us about the 'authorization' that would be given to positive, benevolent ETs in the immediate aftermath?

David just had two prophetic dreams this morning suggesting this 'card' may actually be pulled. If this does happen, the world will obviously never be the same.

Regardless of its initial appearances and motives, this will undoubtedly be "Childhood's End" for everyone on planet Earth. It is very exciting, to say the least.

Join David from his retreat in the Canadian Rocky Mountains for this awe-inspiring theoretical discussion -- which may soon become a shocking new reality. Don't miss it!

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“Monster Saucer: The Spangler Encounter” | Paranormal Stories

"Monster Saucer: The Spangler Encounter" |
Paranormal Stories

In this video, I look at a case in which a pilot doing a red-eye flight from New York to Frankfurt, Germany encountered a strange object. It would turn his life upside down.

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Insane Clear UFO Footage Compilation - This Changes Everything

Insane Clear UFO Footage Compilation -
This Changes Everything

Get ready for another thrilling ride through jaw-dropping Clear UFO Footage Compilations! Today, we plunge into bizarre UFOs, eerie portals, and even strange alien creatures! Some of these otherworldly beings, like the mind-bending "hand creature," will totally leave you questioning reality! These UFOs are absolutely SHOCKING!

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UFOs, What Is The Truth?

What Is The Truth?

There is no denying a reality to this UFO presence, but its true reality remains obscured from view, we are left only with more questions in the pursuit of knowledge.

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UFO Caught On Camera Shuts Down Airport in Tianjin China

UFO Caught On Camera Shuts Down
Airport in Tianjin China

Patrick discusses NEW UFO sighting at China's Tianjin Airport.

YouTube link:

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Inside the U.S. Navy’s Secret Superfast Trans-medium Craft | David Wilcock

Inside the U.S. Navy’s Secret Superfast
Trans-medium Craft | David Wilcock

Military inventors filed plans for a unique flying machine using an inertial mass reduction device, capable of trans-medium travel—hovering, extreme speeds, space travel, and moving through air and water at high velocity.

Courtesy of New Living Expo – Backdated Catalogue Re-Release
Presented by David Wilcock

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All Your UFO / Aliens Questions Answered in 13 Minutes | Jim Mars

All Your UFO / Aliens Questions Answered
in 13 Minutes | Jim Mars

Explore the fascinating world of UFOs, UAPs, and aliens as Jim Mars dives deep into the mystery surrounding extraterrestrial life. Discover the truth behind this phenomenon and unravel the conspiracies that have kept us in the dark for years.

YouTube link:

UFOs and Disclosure - The Most Important Event!

UFOs and Disclosure -
The Most Important Event!

It has been almost 80 years since UFOs appeared on the front pages of newspapers across the country. Nothing happened beyond anecdotal sightings and rumors of downed crafts. In 2017 the NYTs published a front page article on UFOs and disclosure started. Here the story of the UFO event that led to the NYTs article

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Slave Labor, who goes to Prison & who’s joining the UAP Bandwagon

Slave Labor, who goes to Prison &
who’s joining the UAP Bandwagon

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Sept 14, 2024


Slave Labor on the Moon & Serving with the German Dark Fleet: Interview with Daryl James
US Army Insider Missions 3: Nordic ETs, Space Arks & Saturn has just been released
11:37 Who goes to prison if UFO disclosure happens?
22:46 Elena Danaan gives a very helpful analysis of the strange Starliner pulse sound detected by ISS astronauts
33:02 Did an interview on Conflict Radio to discuss SSPs and the latest book on JP’s missions to Space Arks, Inner Earth, etc.
35:54 Upcoming book by Jay Stratton a former senior Pentagon official about his participation in official UAP investigations.
44:40 New Banner for JP Book Series
45:50 Interview with Elena Danaan on Discerning Extraterrestrial Entities, Collectives & Agendas
53:00 President Trump’s former National Security Advisor, Lt Gen H.R. McMaster jumps onto the UAP bandwagon
57:09 Richard Doty’s recalling of events surrounding the Cash-Landrum UFO event is evidence of the existence of Alien Reproduction Vehicles


I Went Onboard an Extraterrestrial Craft: Six Scary True Cases

I Went Onboard an Extraterrestrial Craft:
Six Scary True Cases

Preston Dennett:

An onboard UFO encounter is the most extensive of all UFO cases, and there are a lot of them. According to the Roper Polling organization, as many as one in fifty people show the markers of being UFO contactees. An onboard experience is far more common than most people know, and the fact is, most people remain silent about their encounters. This video presents six incredible accounts from across the world of people who have been onboard an extraterrestrial craft. These cases are not only fascinating, they have a lot to teach us about the ET agenda.

CONTACT IN CALGARY. At 5:45 pm on November 16, 1967, fourteen-year-old David Seewaldt was walking to his home in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It should have been a three-minute walk. But suddenly a craft covered with colored lights appeared overhead and struck him with a beam of light. Running home, he realized he was missing forty minutes of time. Then, six months later, he had a dream where he remembered what happened during the missing time: he was taken onboard. Later, under hypnosis, he recalled all the details, including being pulled onboard and being examined by reptilian-like entities.

CONTACT IN LOXLEY. On October 17, 1973, Clarence Ray Patterson (a 31-year-old electrician) was driving his pickup truck eastbound on Highway 10 near Loxley, Alabama when a cigar-shaped craft appeared overhead. It sent down a beam of light and pulled Clarence and his truck onboard. Inside the craft, Clarence was confronted by six robotic-like entities who pulled him from the truck and proceeded to examine him. Twenty minutes later, Clarence and his truck were set down 29 miles away, now in Florida. Unknown to Clarence, scores of people across the southwest saw UFOs and humanoids on that same night.

CONTACT IN VENADO TUERTO. At 6:45 am on September 6, 1978, twelve-year-old Juan Oscar Perez exited his ranch-house in Venado Tuerto, Argentina to round up the family’s horses. Suddenly a UFO appeared overhead, spooking the horses. Juan fled home in fear, but his father made him return to the area to collect the horses. Going to the horse pasture, Juan came upon a landed craft. A door opened and out stepped a tall robotic figure who invited Juan onboard the craft. Juan accepted the invitation and saw strange instruments and panels and another short robotic figure. As Juan left, he asked for an artifact to prove his encounter. The ET gave him a glove, but as he fled, they took the glove back. Both before and after Juan’s encounter, others in the area also had encounters with UFOs and humanoids.

CONTACT IN SOMMERECOURT. On July 8, 1983, Stefan Gasparovic and his family went camping in the hills near their home in Sommerecourt, Haute-Marne, France. That night, a brilliant object appeared overhead, coming back three times. The next night it appeared again, frightening the family. But on July 10, Stefan returned alone for a closer look. To his shock, the UFO appeared and dropped down right over his head. He found himself being pulled onboard. The next thing he knew, he was being dropped out of the craft several kilometers away, with vague memories of being examined by short, ugly humanoids. He was so traumatized, he couldn’t recall his own name and had to be hospitalized. Later, landing traces were found in the field where he was taken.

CONTACT IN GOODLAND. On the evening of November 7, 1989, friends Susan and Jennifer were driving between Flagler, Colorado and Goodland, Kansas when a UFO began to pace their car down the highway. At one point, it came close to their car and shone down a beam of light. The women kept driving and arrived at a motel in Goodland. That’s when they realized that a 72-mile trip had somehow taken three hours. Realizing they had missing time, they went under hypnosis, and both independently recalled being pulled from their car and taken onboard the craft, where they were separated and physical examined by gray ETs. Both held conversations with the ETs and learned the reasons behind their encounter.

CONTACT IN DEBRECEN. Late one evening in December 1990, teacher and artist Gabor Molnar was driving along Highway 35 near Debrecen, Hungary when his engine mysteriously quit and his car stopped. Suddenly he saw a “little green being” facing him from the roadside. The next thing he knew, he found himself inside a craft being examined by these beings with large black eyes. He blacked out and woke up back on the road with his car facing the wrong direction. His life would never be the same.

These six cases show what it’s like to be taken onboard a craft and examined by ETs. They provide some answers as to what happens inside a UFO, and why people are being taken onboard. They show how profoundly an encounter can affect a person in many ways. And most importantly, they add to our knowledge of this subject and provide further evidence that we are not alone in this universe.

Preston Dennett Website:

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UFO Field Trip: Exploring Mysterious Lights in Norway (Part 1)

UFO Field Trip:
Exploring Mysterious Lights in Norway
(Part 1)

Chris Lehto:

In this episode, I take you to the heart of one of the world's most intriguing UFO hotspots - Hessdalen, Norway. I'm attending a field trip weekend with researchers and enthusiasts from 11 different countries, all gathered to study the famous Hessdalen lights. I share highlights from presentations on cutting-edge detection systems, including AI-powered cameras and multi-sensor arrays. You'll hear from experts like Marvin Baral and Magnus Holm about their work, and I introduce you to Carl Crusher, who bridges the gap between UFO sightings and personal paranormal experiences. Join me as we set up camp in the stunning Norwegian valley, hoping to witness these mysterious lights firsthand while discussing the broader implications of the phenomenon.

YouTube link:

Friday, September 13, 2024

Unexplained Alien & UFO Sightings by US Military in Vietnam

Unexplained Alien & UFO Sightings
by US Military in Vietnam

Are you ready to uncover the hidden truths of Vietnam UFO Encounters? 🌌 Dive into the mysterious world of alien sightings as Lab 360 takes you on a thrilling journey back to the Vietnam War, where US military forces came face to face with unidentified flying objects. Were these encounters hostile or simply a misunderstanding? Explore the eerie events of June 15th, 1968, and other riveting incidents that continue to baffle experts.

1) UFOs in Vietnam, sightings, military encounters
2) UFOs in the South China Sea, naval reports, unexplained phenomena
3) UFOs exploding in the sky, incidents, eyewitness accounts

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UFOs ARE REAL (1979) - full documentary

UFOs ARE REAL (1979) -
full documentary

This documentary supports the view that alien visitors regularly come to Earth and have perhaps done so for centuries. It features many still photos of alleged UFOs, including some UFO motion picture footage, as well as stock footage and images acquired from government and military sources.

Among the many people interviewed are UFO researchers Stanton Friedman and Ted Phillips, UFO abductees Betty Hill and Travis Walton, optical physicist Bruce Maccabee, and retired U.S. military officers Jesse Marcel and Wendelle Stevens.

YouTube link:

UFO spotted in China? Mysterious flying objects cause widespread chaos at Tianjin airport

UFO spotted in China?
Mysterious flying objects cause
widespread chaos at Tianjin airport

On the night of September 11, 2024, an unidentified flying object was spotted hovering over Tianjin for several hours, causing widespread disruption at Tianjin Binhai International Airport. Many flights were canceled, delayed, or diverted to other locations. While officials claimed the incident was due to drone activity, many people speculated it could have been a UFO.

YouTube link:

Eerie Sights in Exeter | UFO Documentary (2024)

Eerie Sights in Exeter |
UFO Documentary (2024)

UFO Documentary: hosted by Adam Malachuk and directed by Zack Snider. Filmed in Exeter, New Hampshire at the 2024 International UFO Festival, this new UFO Documentary is packed with stories of UFO sightings and abductions. Also hear from experts on the topic as they discuss the latest news on alien and extraterrestrial life form.

YouTube link:

The 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO Crash

The 1965 Kecksburg,
Pennsylvania UFO Crash

A deep dive into one of the United State's most famous UFO stories, the 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO crash retrieval. This event has inspired a small town in midwest America to build a monument and hold a yearly festival for the acorn-shaped craft that allegedly crashed one winter's afternoon in 1965.

Kecksburg offers one of the most complete, intriguing, and credible UFO crash retrieval stories of all time, featuring decades of rich investigation by Stan Gordon and Leanord Stringfield, a wealth of first-hand civilian witnesses, a mysterious and lacking blue book report, possible involvement from US President Lyndon B. Johnson, and a legal case won against NASA who supposedly lost files on the craft's recovery in 1975. Next to Roswell, Kecksburg is by far the US's most complete and rich crash retrieval story.

The craft allegedly recovered at Kecksburg features an incredibly unique description: 10-12 feet tall, 8-10 feet wide, metallic almost a dull brass color, no visible signs of propulsion/landing gear/windows, and strange, almost hieroglyphic writing around the base.

Does the Keckbusrg case feature a mix of a landed meteor and nothing as claimed by Blue Book, a soviet space capsule as claimed by numerous skeptics, or was the crash indeed a craft of non-human intelligence?

0:00 Intro
01:30 The Crash
13:24 The Witnesses
27:28 The Craft
38:49 Dr. Eric A. Walker
43:12 President Lyndon B. Johnson
51:44 After the Crash
1:00:51 Bodies?
1:06:32 Conclusion

YouTube link:

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Tall White Extraterrestrials

Tall White Extraterrestrials

These TALL WHITE E.Ts Living on Earth, and are Integrating into our Society - Don't miss this 45-minute special, where Charles Hall, author of the Millennium Hospitality series, answers top audience questions. Packed with fascinating insights, Hall shares detailed information about the Tall White extraterrestrials living on Earth – Who They Are, Why They Are Here on earth.

YouTube link:

Alien Chronicles - Antarctic Worlds Below | The Hidden Kingdom

Alien Chronicles -
Antarctic Worlds Below | The Hidden Kingdom

Secret military operations uncovered mind-blowing secrets of the mystifying continent of Antarctica, including a possible Kingdom beneath its surface.

YouTube link:

UFO - Secrets and Facts

Secrets and Facts

Explore the mysteries surrounding UFO sightings, government cover-ups, and the truth behind extraterrestrial encounters. Featuring interviews with experts, witnesses, and former government officials, this documentary uncovers compelling evidence and raises thought-provoking questions about the existence of alien life. From historical sightings to modern-day encounters, join us on a journey to uncover the secrets and facts behind the phenomenon that has captivated humanity for decades. Prepare to challenge your perceptions and expand your understanding of the universe.

YouTube link:

Why UFO Footage Is Hidden From The Public

Why UFO Footage Is Hidden
From The Public

A film inspired by author and UFOlogist John Keel who coined the term The Cosmic Joker in reference to the ‘trickster’ element to UFOs and alien encounters. Are they playing with us, is this a game?

YouTube link:

Ismael Perez Talks To Debbie Solaris an ET Contactee, Interdimensional Traveler, and Galactic Historian

Ismael Perez Talks To Debbie Solaris an ET Contactee,
Interdimensional Traveler, and Galactic Historian

Debbie Solaris is an ET contactee, interdimensional traveler, and Galactic historian. After a fateful extraterrestrial contact experience a few years ago, Debbie awakened to her true star lineage and higher calling. Through her ancestral connection with the Akashic Records, she has been receiving downloads of galactic historical information and universal spiritual knowledge ever since. She feels that it’s a big part of her mission while here on Earth to help awaken others to their own true Divine selves and cosmic origins.

Debbie was recently featured on the Beyond Belief Show with George Noory and on Open Minds with Regina Meredith on Gaia TV Conscious Media, which showcased her extraterrestrial contact experiences and remembrance of ancient Galactic history and how that led her to her higher mission of helping all of us to remember and reconnect with our cosmic star heritage.

Debbie was a radio host with the Galactic U Radio Network on from April 2017 - December 2017. Her show “Traveling Through the Stargate” featured newly revealed information on galactic history and the various star races, as well as insights from the Akashic Records and the higher dimensional realms. Podcasts from the radio show can still be found on, on SoundCloud, and on the Media page at

YouTube link:

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Luis Elizondo Reveals Truth About 1947 Roswell UFO Crash

Luis Elizondo Reveals Truth About
1947 Roswell UFO Crash

Patrick discusses Luis Elizondo's interview on Glenn Beck.

YouTube link:

Unbelievable GIANT Pyramid over Moscow - New UFO Sightings 2024!

Unbelievable GIANT Pyramid over Moscow -
New UFO Sightings 2024!

Have you ever looked up at the sky and seen something you just couldn't explain? You're not alone! Across the globe, people are reporting eerie events and strange sightings that seem like something out of a sci-fi movie. Today, we dive deep into the most jaw-dropping UFO sightings and bizarre phenomena that are stirring up conversations worldwide.

👽 What's Featured:

Mysterious Sky Lasers: Caught during a thunderstorm, these eerie red lasers slicing through the clouds have to be seen to be believed. Are these secretive government tests, or is there a more otherworldly explanation?

The Seven Suns Phenomenon: A rare optical illusion or signs of the apocalypse? Multiple suns appear in the sky over China, leaving onlookers and scholars debating.

Sudden Sky Darkness: A dark mass engulfs the sky in broad daylight. Is it a natural phenomenon or something far more mysterious?

Locust Swarms & Apocalyptic Sounds: From biblical-like swarms to unsettling noises echoing from the heavens, these clips will leave you astonished.

Mysterious Craft Worldwide: From Tehran to Chennai, unexplained aircrafts continue to perplex citizens and experts alike.

Giant Pyramid UFO Sightings: Moscow & Pentagon footage of a giant pyramid-shaped UFO hovering over significant locations in both Moscow, Russia, and near the Pentagon in the United States. These sightings have sparked a flurry of discussions and debates across the globe. Videos from Moscow show the enormous pyramid lingering ominously in the night sky, casting an eerie glow that has baffled onlookers. Similarly, in the United States, the mysterious object was seen near the Pentagon, with multiple angles captured by startled witnesses

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Military Generals Confirm Alien Corpses Were Found in Roswell Crash | Whitley Strieber

Military Generals Confirm Alien Corpses Were
Found in Roswell Crash | Whitley Strieber

Whitley Strieber - 3 biological entities were found at the crash site and one of them was like a big insect...

YouTube link:

Police Get UFO Handbook Due To UFO Footage

Police Get UFO Handbook
Due To UFO Footage

In this eye-opening video, we dive deep into the latest revelation that law enforcement across the United States is being issued a brand-new UFO handbook as mysterious flying objects continue to pose significant safety risks! What is the government hiding? We also unveil exclusive and never-before-seen 2024 footage of UFO sightings from around the world that will leave you speechless!

But that's not all! We'll expose the shocking NASA cover-up and explore how the agency has been keeping vital information about extraterrestrial encounters hidden from the public for years!

YouTube link:

Ismael Perez: White Hat update

Ismael Perez:
White Hat update

The world is on the brink of an extraordinary shift as we approach a dramatic transition of power. For decades, the secretive Cabal has controlled global systems from behind the scenes, but now, the forces of light—known as the White Hats—are rising to reclaim freedom and restore balance. In this video, we explore the ongoing battle between these hidden elites and the courageous White Hats, who are working tirelessly to dismantle the old structures of control. Prepare to witness the unfolding of a new era as humanity moves toward liberation and a brighter future.

YouTube link:

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

George Knapp says he was told if Disclosure happens, people are going to jail.

George Knapp says he was told if Disclosure
happens, people are going to jail

Legendary George Knapp was on the Last Stories On The Left Podcast with Jeremy Corbell as well. In the episode Knapp discussed being told that the program was indeed real and people would be going to prison should disclosure happen. Will this help the UAPDA? Kristian Harloff discusses.

YouTube link:

They Filmed Multiple UFOs From Portal What Happened Next Shocked Everyone

They Filmed Multiple UFOs From Portal
What Happened Next Shocked Everyone

The existence of portals, in reality, has remained part of the debate just as much as the UFOs without much proof. Find out multiple cases of portals that opened and shocked everyone with what happened next.

YouTube link:

THE LIGHT GATE – Kathleen Marden – Gov’t UFO coverup, UFOCases, UFO Studies-Results

Kathleen Marden – Gov’t UFO coverup,
UFOCases, UFO Studies-Results

The Light Gate welcomes guest: Kathleen Marden, author, researcher, experiencer
Date: September 9, 2024
Episode: 072
Discussion: Kathleen’s Marden’s most interesting UFO cases; the history and modus operandi of the UFO government coverup; results of UFO commonalities study

Tonight, The Light Gate welcomes author, researcher and experiencer Kathleen Marden to the show! Kathleen Marden’s insatiable interest in UFOs and ET contact began in 1961, when her aunt and uncle Betty and Barney Hill had a close encounter and UFO abduction in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. As a family member, Kathleen gained firsthand knowledge of Betty’s and Barney’s UFO encounter on the day they arrived home and two days later she, her parents, and siblings visited the Hill’s home. She has devoted years to painstaking investigation of the Hills' anomalous events and archival research on their UFO abduction case. As the trustee of Betty’s estate, she selected files from Betty’s personal archival collection for a permanent collection at the Milne Special Collections Library, UNH Library, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. You will find her case study of the evidence in her book with Stanton Friedman, “Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience” (Updated in 2021).

Since 1991 she has volunteered for the Mutual UFO Network in various positions such as Director of Field Investigator Training and Founder/Director of MUFON's Experiencer Resource Team. Over a ten-year period, Kathleen expanded her ERT team from three members to forty-five trained, seasoned specialists and attracted PhD and MD psychological and research consultants. Additionally, she sat on the Edgar Mitchell Free Advisory Board. In this period, she worked on three studies on nearly 5,000 experiencers (Marden-Stoner, Edgar Mitchell FREE, MUFON ERT). She is presently working on the “Marden-Barton Survey of Religious Belief and Extraterrestrial Life,” which is available on her website. She has appeared as an on-camera commentator on fifty-five television and video productions.

Additionally, she has spoken on innumerable radio shows and podcasts and has lectured across the United States and to audiences in foreign countries. She has authored and coauthored numerous books and articles in UFO magazines and journals. Two of her books are available in foreign languages. She is the recipient of two major awards (MUFON and the International UFO Congress), for her years of dedicated work. Her books also include, The Alien Abduction Files, Forbidden Knowledge, Extraterrestrial Contact, Science Was Wrong, Fact, Fiction and Flying Saucers, True Stories of Alien Abduction, Making Contact and more. Some of her co-writers include Denise Stoner and Stanton Friedman.

YouTube link:

Monday, September 09, 2024

Slave Labor on the Moon & Serving with the German Dark Fleet

Slave Labor on the Moon &
Serving with the German Dark Fleet

In 2004, during his seven years of service with the US Navy that began in 1999, Daryl James was stationed at the Royal Air Force Base at St Mawgan in Cornwall, England, where he was recruited into a “20 and back” program with the Solar Warden Space Program. James recalls how his IQ was measured to be 195 when he walked through a metal detector-looking apparatus. This got the attention of covert military leaders who were seeking exceptionally smart people for their classified programs.

James was first psychologically tested by coming face-to-face with a drone-like alien being that looked like the classic Gray extraterrestrial. He then remembers signing a thick stack of stack documents that permitted his consciousness to be transferred for use in the covert space programs.

James next remembers meeting a nine-foot-tall Draco Reptilian in an underground section of the St Mawgan RAF base. The Draco physically manhandled James and in retaliation, James poked the eye of the Reptilian and was severely punished with three months of slave labor at a secret Moon Base. He experienced horrific conditions and saw women and children being physically abused.

James described women being kept in brothels and used as sex-slaves as reward for base personnel and workers, and subsequently giving birth to many children. The children would grow up in feral-like underground conditions until they were ready to be harvested for their adrenochrome. The children would be rounded up and kept in steel cages until they were taken out for adrenachrone harvesting, some of which included Satanic Ritual Abuse ceremonies.

James eventually got to serve with the German Dark Fleet, aka Nachtwaffen, where he experienced the Germans’ hierarchical authority system with them occupying all the senior positions, while US and other non-German personnel filled subordinate positions. James described the two years he served with the German Dark Fleet, which included visits to their home planet where he received permission to marry a German woman. Before the marriage could be carried out, however, Nordic extraterrestrials working with the Navy Solar Warden program came and extracted him from his service with the Dark Fleet. Thus began the next 17 year phase in James SSP service, which will be covered in a future interview.


Sunday, September 08, 2024

David Wilcock Live: Unveiling the Masonic Black Sun Mystery

David Wilcock Live:
Unveiling the Masonic Black Sun Mystery

Masonic illustrations invariably show the Sun, the Moon and a "Black Sun." Insiders reveal this is from 'leaked' extraterrestrial knowledge about our binary solar system.

The First Degree Entered Apprentice Masonic Tracing Board "hides [the Black Sun] out in the open," but what is it? Why do we see a third, mystical 'star' next to the Sun and Moon?

Join David in this fascinating discussion of one of the most compelling secrets of all -- how ETs revealed that we live in a binary solar system, and how this secret unlocks the celestial mechanics of Ascension.

We will reveal that we are indeed in a binary solar system, and our orbit around the so-called "Black Sun" lasts 25,920 years -- thus unlocking the 35 different ancient prophecies of Ascension hidden in various cultures.

Don't miss this fascinating thrill ride of suppressed ancient knowledge!

YouTube link:

Bigfoot Theater: The Goatman

Bigfoot Theater:
The Goatman

Strange and very real monster sightings abound around the world. Everyday people are not just encountering real monsters; they are having life altering experiences with strange paranormal and supernatural forces via mysterious beings as well as ghosts and spirits of the dead. Enjoy this reel of very real Monsters and Paranormal Creatures

YouTube link:

Exo-politics & Inter-dimensional Forces: Earth's Cosmic Influence

Exo-politics & Inter-dimensional Forces:
Earth's Cosmic Influence

Ismael Perez:

Extraterrestrial Involvement in Earth's Civilizations: A Historical Journey. Explore the hidden layers of exo-politics and the profound inter-dimensional forces shaping Earth’s destiny. From alien civilizations to unseen realms, discover how cosmic influences impact our planet and humanity’s future. Delve into the mysteries of inter-dimensional control, the galactic agenda, and how it all connects to the Earth's place in the cosmos.

YouTube link:

IMPORTANT Galactic Operation Announcement

Galactic Operation Announcement

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Sunday, 8-Sep-2024 05:17:15

Nothing can stop what is coming the storm events are underway on planet earth part of operations freedom earth, masterpiece, pandora and storm and in accordance with the galactic codezv11 and the universal law of one, 17 earth time the councils of light issued a green light go directive to all planetary light forces to commence the largest dark energy cleanup operation ever deployed on the surface of the earth. Mission objective, to remove all harmful entities from positions of power and influence from the surface of planet earth.

Planetry mass arrests of all beings that harm the citizens of humanity are imminent, Delta forces have been deployed to every corner of the earth tonight in this massive global campaign of light and are in position to begin removing all false cabal archo race leaders from the face of the planet. this major earth freedom offensive will last over 144 earth hours, 7 days and it is very possible that all internet and phone communications all across the planet could be interrupted sometime during this period.

The mission is set to begin any moment now as starseeds all across the planet watch and hold their breath. This major galactic operation will clear the way for the final event and the coming grand solar flash which will propel the entire planet into the 5th dimension of new earth where humanity will take it's place as a shining cosmic civilisation, You are safe and your families are safe and we say trust the plan.

This operation has been in planning preparation phases for a good while now and finally everything is in place and humanity is in the safest place at home as all of this unfolds over the coming hours and days tha galactics are monitoring everything that moves on the surface during this sensitive time and the delta security forces are on high alert at this hour as this incredible mission is about to commence. When the final remnants of the dark ones are cleared from the surface and their secret underground bases over the coming days the planet will emerge into an era of light.

This world has never seen a new age of freedom and peace will emerge forevermore for the citizens of planet earth. Things are definitely biblical at the moment and nothing can stop what is coming. A blinding light has come into this world as the great awakening moves into high gear!, It is truly the greatest time in history to be alive on planet earth, as all of this unfolds right before our eyes, it is for this reason that all lightworkers came to earth to set this world free and to turn this world back into the paradise garden of eden.


Saturday, September 07, 2024

UAP Crash Retrievals, Bodies, & Secrecy | Richard Dolan Show w/Michael Schratt

UAP Crash Retrievals, Bodies, & Secrecy |
Richard Dolan Show w/Michael Schratt

Richard Dolan interviews UAP/UFO historian Michael Schratt, who discusses several intriguing cases of UFO encounters and crash retrievals. Michael begins with a detailed account of Danny Sheehan's experience at the Library of Congress in 1977, where Sheehan saw classified photos of a UFO crash retrieval.

Michael presents meticulously rendered illustrations of this incident as well as other cases, including a massive USO sighting off the coast of Corpus Christi in 1997, a 1991 USS Nimitz encounter with a giant black triangle, and a 1973 sighting at Great Lakes Naval Training Center.

Schratt also discusses the potential involvement of the Glomar Explorer in UFO retrievals and shares insights from aerospace illustrator Mark McCandlish about secret technologies at Air Force Plant 42. The episode concludes with mentions of cases from Ryan Wood's book "Magic Eyes Only," highlighting the extent of UFO crash retrievals.

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Exploring Dreamland UFOs: Unveiling the Hidden to the Public as a Matter of Principle

Exploring Dreamland UFOs:
Unveiling the Hidden to the Public as a Matter of Principle

On August 6th, 2024, I captured intriguing video footage using my Luna Optics night-vision monocular from the comfort of my backyard in the West Summerlin neighborhood of Las Vegas, Nevada. This experience has sparked a curiosity within me—what secrets lie hidden in the shadows of our everyday surroundings?

While I have not filmed extensively with this remarkable night vision device, I find the aesthetic it produces to be appealing. As I revisit and refine these videos, my aim is to present them primarily in their original format. Occasionally, I make minor adjustments to enhance visibility, ensuring that the remarkable details do not go unnoticed.

This particular video serves as yet another testament to the notion that these phenomena have been present for an extended period, engaging in consistent behaviors. It evokes the feeling of observing the comings and goings of a concealed society or civilization—one that has remained largely unnoticed until my first encounter in 2015. What might we uncover if we dare to look closer?

As you delve into this footage, I invite you to reflect on the mysteries that surround us. What stories do these hidden movements tell? Let’s embark on this exploration together, unraveling the enigma of the unseen.

YouTube link:

Mind-Blowing UFO Footage: Prepare to Be Amazed!

Mind-Blowing UFO Footage:
Prepare to Be Amazed!

This compilation of astonishing UAP sightings and UFO disclosure moments will leave you on the edge of your seat, questioning what lies beyond our planet. Explore the captivating history of UFOs and extraterrestrials as we delve into footage that has baffled even the most seasoned researchers. From ancient alien encounters to modern-day sightings, this video draws connections to popular history shows and the intriguing narratives presented in series like Ancient Aliens.

Witness some of the most shocking UFO video clips that have surfaced over the years, showcasing events that have captivated audiences on the History Channel. You’ll also discover the stories behind these phenomena, including insights from Ancient Aliens episodes and other fascinating discussions about alien contact events. Join us as we challenge the boundaries of what we know and encourage you to keep looking at the skies. Whether you are a long-time UFO enthusiast or a curious newcomer, this video is sure to ignite your imagination and inspire further exploration of the mysteries surrounding us.

YouTube link:

Cloud UFO In Same Spot After 9 Months SPOOKS Pilot

Cloud UFO In Same Spot After
9 Months SPOOKS Pilot

A professional Alaskan pilot with over 30 years of experience is spooked by a strange cloud that has stayed in the same position for 9 months.

YouTube link:

Insane New UFO Sightings & Strange Sky Phenomenon Worldwide!

Insane New UFO Sightings &
Strange Sky Phenomenon Worldwide!

Have you ever looked up at the sky and seen something you just couldn't explain? You're not alone! Across the globe, people are reporting eerie events and strange sightings that seem like something out of a sci-fi movie. Today, we dive deep into the most jaw-dropping UFO sightings and bizarre phenomena that are stirring up conversations worldwide.

👽 What's Featured:

Mysterious Sky Lasers: Caught during a thunderstorm, these eerie red lasers slicing through the clouds have to be seen to be believed. Are these secretive government tests, or is there a more otherworldly explanation? The Seven Suns Phenomenon: A rare optical illusion or signs of the apocalypse? Multiple suns appear in the sky over China, leaving onlookers and scholars debating.

Sudden Sky Darkness: A dark mass engulfs the sky in broad daylight. Is it a natural phenomenon or something far more mysterious? Locust Swarms & Apocalyptic Sounds: From biblical-like swarms to unsettling noises echoing from the heavens, these clips will leave you astonished. Mysterious Craft Worldwide: From Tehran to Chennai, unexplained aircrafts continue to perplex citizens and experts alike.

YouTube link:

UFO Breaks Reality and Glitches the Sky! Clear UFO Footage Compilation

UFO Breaks Reality and Glitches the Sky!
Clear UFO Footage Compilation

What is happening in the sky?! We're back with more clear UFO footage and recent captures of anomalies in the sky! Like one that seemingly broke reality and caused the sky to glitch!

Are we living in a simulation? Can UFOs prove it?!

YouTube link: