Saturday, September 21, 2024

UFO Sighting Over the Canary Islands is Next Level Strange

UFO Sighting Over the Canary Islands
is Next Level Strange

In June 1976, over a million people in the Canary Islands witnessed a massive explosion of light in the sky, sparking rumors of UFO activity. Eyewitnesses, including a Spanish Navy captain, described a strange luminous phenomenon that left the region in awe. Declassified military documents later hinted at a more earthly explanation, with theories ranging from a secret U.S. missile launch to a rare atmospheric event. Despite ongoing investigations, the mystery remains unsolved. Was it a UFO, a military test, or something else entirely? Dive into this fascinating case and explore the possibilities.


00:48 The captains sighting
03:20 Media reports
04:34 The witnesses reports
06:45 The doctors story
14:08 Another explanation?

YouTube link:

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