Wednesday, September 25, 2024

UFO Transparency In The Corridors Of Power

UFO Transparency In The
Corridors Of Power

When Jeremy and George began recording this episode of WEAPONIZED, the proposed UAP Disclosure amendments to the Defense Authorization Act were still alive. By the time the recording session ended, Disclosure was dead for 2024. Nonetheless, the fight goes on. Last week, Jeremy Corbell met with several elected members of the House and key staff members to map out plans for upcoming UFO hearings.

At the same time, an experienced lobbyist Lester Nare was also on Capitol Hill urging members to keep pushing for UFO transparency. Will such efforts keep the issue alive in Washington, in spite of significant pushback from powerful interests who prefer that UFO secrets stay buried? In this episode, Jeremy and George provide an update on what members of Congress are thinking, and Lester Nare shares his thoughts on how the fight may unfold in the coming months.

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