Friday, September 13, 2024

The 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO Crash

The 1965 Kecksburg,
Pennsylvania UFO Crash

A deep dive into one of the United State's most famous UFO stories, the 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO crash retrieval. This event has inspired a small town in midwest America to build a monument and hold a yearly festival for the acorn-shaped craft that allegedly crashed one winter's afternoon in 1965.

Kecksburg offers one of the most complete, intriguing, and credible UFO crash retrieval stories of all time, featuring decades of rich investigation by Stan Gordon and Leanord Stringfield, a wealth of first-hand civilian witnesses, a mysterious and lacking blue book report, possible involvement from US President Lyndon B. Johnson, and a legal case won against NASA who supposedly lost files on the craft's recovery in 1975. Next to Roswell, Kecksburg is by far the US's most complete and rich crash retrieval story.

The craft allegedly recovered at Kecksburg features an incredibly unique description: 10-12 feet tall, 8-10 feet wide, metallic almost a dull brass color, no visible signs of propulsion/landing gear/windows, and strange, almost hieroglyphic writing around the base.

Does the Keckbusrg case feature a mix of a landed meteor and nothing as claimed by Blue Book, a soviet space capsule as claimed by numerous skeptics, or was the crash indeed a craft of non-human intelligence?

0:00 Intro
01:30 The Crash
13:24 The Witnesses
27:28 The Craft
38:49 Dr. Eric A. Walker
43:12 President Lyndon B. Johnson
51:44 After the Crash
1:00:51 Bodies?
1:06:32 Conclusion

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